Showing posts with label Creative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creative. Show all posts

Monday, August 29, 2016

Stay connected to wisdom with the SoulKids® Books

Children who attend SoulKids® programs have great fun learning life lessons, gaining wisdom and techniques to deal with life issues and listening to the many stories we share.

Each child leaves with a favorite story and many parents have commented that the child continues to tell the story over and over again.
Parents asked us to put the stories into books and we are delighted to share the wisdom in 8 separate books and inspirational flash cards;
  • 5 Books in the SoulKids® Book of Self Confidence series (Book 1 to Book 5).
  • A limited edition “Box Set” containing all 5 books for your child to treasure.
  • The 2 Dogs.
  • Ben's Story.
  • SoulKids® for Teenagers.
  • SoulKids® Inspirational Cards.
We always encourage parent’s to keep their children connected to the wisdom and to encourage reading. There are so many benefits!

Allow us to remind you of 8 important ones:
  1. Reading expands a child’s vocabulary and allows them to master language skills.
  2. Reading encourages conversation and enhances communication skills.
  3. Reading together improves relationships and allows time for parent-child bonding and quality time together.
  4. The stories expose the children to life lessons they may encounter as they grow.
  5. Shared memories result as both parent and child will benefit from the story and life lessons contained within it, and soon, SoulKids® wisdom will be part of the family vocabulary.
  6. Regular reading encourages concentration, focus and discipline.
  7. Reading together provides an excellent opportunity for parents to discuss the life lessons contained within the stories. The lessons of the stories are designed to support with real life issues and the parent can use them to support the child during stages of transition (moving school, exams etc.)
  8. If reading is fun, children are more likely to pick up a book rather than all the other gadgets on offer.
Our complete range of books can be bought on line, or at our head office in Bencoolen Street.

Please connect with us ( and we will guide you on which books are most suitable for your child.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Why are life-skills needed?

‘SoulKids teaches children how to create and enjoy a good life, not just earn a good living.’ – Vikas

The imperative things to learn in life, are how to manage ourselves, work with others and maximize our inner potential for the benefit of others.

Sadly, these essential skills are often overlooked as a child grows into an adult.

While academic learning and external skills sets may be enough to get us a good job, they do not ensure that we will have happy relationships, actualize our inner potential, work efficiently with others in teams, or even enjoy a lasting sense of happiness and purpose in life.

And this is where SoulKids really shines! SoulKids works with children to equip them with the complete set of life skills that a child will need to create a happy and successful life as they become adults.

Skills that teach us about the power of our thoughts, the strength of our emotions and the effects of our actions.

Inner skills such as resilience, teamwork, positive thinking, creative problem solving and discipline, which are needed to create both success and happiness in one’s life.

Children enhance their level of self-confidence, think positively, develop determination, focus, vision, persistence, passion and creative problem solving, and have greater emotional intelligence and resilience after attending SoulKids. They can apply what they learn at SoulKids in their personal, family and social life.

Life-skills create strong self-esteem and empower us to overcome day-to- day challenges, stress and tension.

Life-skills are necessary in today’s world, because academic education is simply not enough for us to create and enjoy a good life!

SoulKids is an award winning training program that provides the complete menu of life-skills that your child will require to create a life of happiness and success.

So if your child has not benefited from the magic of SoulKids yet, now is the time for you to connect with us.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Low Self Esteem – How to support your child?

SoulKids teaches parents many skills and techniques to support their children if they ever face low self-esteem.

Here are some ways parents can help to raise self-esteem in their children.

5 Simple Tips to raise self-esteem in your children:
  1. Keep your speech positive around your child. Be aware of what they hear from you and others in the family, because they imbibe and imitate what they hear.
  2. Encourage your child to make small efforts, rather than take big leaps. Support their efforts when they make them and encourage them to do some more. Remember, small victories lead to greater ones.
  3. Never compare your child. This habit is toxic to your child’s inner beliefs, and devalues the child’s self-esteem.
  4. Do not dominate your child. If you are dominating and dictatorial, it weakens your child’s self-esteem. Either they will withdraw and become introverted, or they may rebel and swing the opposite way by becoming confrontational.
  5. Avoid labelling your child in any way. Labels such as ‘you’re slow’, ‘you’re so dumb’ etc. are toxic to their self-belief.
Positive self-esteem in children helps them to become happy and successful, while low self-esteem will make them unhappy, sad or depressed.

High self-esteem leads to action, while low self-esteem will make them avoid taking actions. Since actions produce results, success is inevitably a result of high self-esteem.

SoulKids is an award-winning life skills program for children. Send your children to SoulKids and we will help them develop a positive and strong self-esteem.

We recommend all parents to attend our annual ‘SoulKids Mentor Training’ and learn SoulKids methods and secrets from Vikas Malkani himself.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Self-Belief - How to develop it in Children

SoulKids teaches parents and children a unique and powerful methodology to build strong self-belief in children.

We highly recommend all parents to attend our annual ‘SoulKids Mentor Training’ and learn SoulKids methods and secrets from Vikas Malkani himself.

However in the meantime, here are some tips to help parents strengthen self-belief in their children.

Tips to create positive Self-Belief in a Child:

  1. Use positive self-talk to the child and around the child. Be careful of the nature of the conversation you have around your children, because they imbibe and imitate what they hear.
  2. Support their efforts and not just their results. If your child is putting sincere effort into something, acknowledge the work done, regardless of what the result turns out to be.
  3. Notice them doing things right, don’t just catch them doing things wrong. Acknowledge and reinforce their good behaviour and work.
  4. Avoid comparisons, both within and outside the family. This devalues the child’s self-esteem.
  5. Let your child know that they have your unconditional love, but not unconditional acceptance of incorrect behaviour. The love is always there, but their behaviours must be deserving of approval.
  6. Motivate, don’t dictate. If you are dominating and dictatorial, it’s not good for your child’s self-esteem. Inspire and motivate them instead, it’s a much more effective strategy.
  7. Value their dreams whatever they may be. Never ridicule, or criticize what your child dreams to be. With time, it will probably change anyway.
  8. Encourage your children, don’t discourage them. If they wish to do something, encourage them to take actions in that direction, along with your support.
  9. Avoid labeling your child in any way. Labels such as ‘you’re slow’, ‘you’re so dumb’ etc. are toxic to their self-belief.
  10. Never ridicule or laugh at your children in front of others.
  11. Support your child’s strengths and desires, and if they are naturally good at something, encourage them to do more of it.

Positive self-esteem in children helps them to become happy and successful.

SoulKids is an award-winning life skills program for children. Send your children to SoulKids and we will help them develop a strong and stable self-belief.
 SoulKids creates Self Esteem

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

SoulKids was a huge success in May!!


We had an amazing time with 23 children at SoulKids on 14/15th May at the Hollandse Club.

Children gave us some wonderful feedback about what they learnt in SoulKids …

•  I learnt to work in a team. 
•  I learnt to be patient.
•  I learnt how to be confident and open-minded.
•  I learnt to never give up on my dream.
•  I learnt that my value does not change even if someone makes fun of me.
•  I learn lots of new things - it's great fun.
•  I learnt to be happy with who I am.
•  I learnt that I should be positive because what comes around goes around.
•  It's fantastic and such fun and I learnt so much.
•  It's so lovely and I became creative and happy.
•  I felt so happy, amazing and so special.
•  I feel happy, great, positive, strong and awesome.
•  It was such a new experience. I am so happy and I made so many new friends.
•  I learnt to be positive and not negative.
•  It's SUPER fun and I left feeling amazed and cheerful.
•  I have learnt to be a leader.
•  I learnt to inspire others.
•  I want to come back every day.

Children love SoulKids and the lessons we share stay with the children as they mature in life.

"I LOVE SoulKids - it teaches things in such a FUN manner and it teaches me how to LIVE my life and how to ACT in life."

More information about SoulKids programs on

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Power of Positive Thoughts

"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely"

- Roald Dahl 

What is the best gift we can give to a child?

It is simply to be the best example that we can be.

We can only give to a child what we have inside, so if we feel loved then we can give love, if we feel happy and content, then we can give happiness.

So reflect for a moment, How happy are you? How positive are your thoughts?

Children learn by watching as well as listening, and what they see on a day to day basis becomes their reality.

So exercise your happy muscles today.

Have positive thoughts. 

In ANY situation we can always look to see a positive aspect….

It's as simple as remembering we have enough food to eat, clean water to drink, that our bodies are healthy, that we live in a safe environment….

The list is endless….

So on a daily basis - look for the things that make you smile, develop your positive thoughts and radiate like a sunbeam.

Your children will love you for being a happy you - and change will result.

Try it and see.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Sally met up with Nuthiya, a beautiful lady, originally from Thailand and now one of our SoulKids®  Mentors.

Sally: Nuthiya what bought you to SoulKids®?
Nuthiya: I used to own a tuition school franchise.

I feel that nowadays children are very busy and they receive a lot of "input". After their school hours, they have to go for academic tuitions, sports, arts, music etc. I started to question why this is happening?

It's definitely because the parents want their children to be smart, to be the best and to be ready as much as possible. Everyone is doing it, so parents feel they must too.

But are the children happy?
Are the parents happy?
Are they confident of the outcome?

I used to discuss this with a lot of parents and children and always the answer was that they were not sure. So I was always searching for something else that can make people stronger without "just following the trend".

I think what is lacking is "life-skills training for children". It would be great for children to know that their life is in their hands, and that they have to take responsibility for that.

Life-skills, that guide children to have the right mindset, a good attitude and proper behavior.

In 2015 my husband Iskandar and I discussed this topic with my mother in law, Dato Prof. Dr. Nor and she introduced SoulKids® to us. She said the program really transforms children.

That made me think - WOW, really?

The next day we checked the SoulKids® Mentor Training schedule and signed up for the next class. Iskandar and I drove down from Thailand to attend the class in Singapore.

S: Oh my, that was so dedicated of you both to drive all the way from Thailand. So what are your experiences of the Mentor Training?
N: The mentor training program is a positive and simple way to understand your own life. It shows you what leads people to success and happiness.

S: How has SoulKids® changed you as an individual?
N: It has helped me have a better understanding about the basic concepts of life.

It taught me that children and adults all are the same; we all like things that are fun, simple, short and powerful.

It made me understand others and myself better.

S: What are your visions and dreams going forward?
N: I want to do my part to make the society better. We have to start with young children and certainly the parents must also be involved.

I would like to encourage the children to participate in SoulKids® programs and encourage the parents to participate in the SoulKids® Mentor training for adults.

I'll keep learning, be open-minded, be positive and focus on my passion ...  I'll say YES to life and I'll NEVER give up on chasing my dream. I will continue to improve myself constantly.

S: Anything else you want to share with our readers?
N: SoulKids® teaches that all children are special and unique. I hope everyone realizes this and lets them shine in their own way. All they need is guidance and support.

How beautiful the world will be when these children grow up to be successful and happy and know how to share with others.

Be positive, open-minded and come to join us @SoulKids®!!!

Thank you so much Nuthiya – you really are a shining example – attending and learning the program in a different country and in a second language as well. I know you will go on and inspire children the world over- we are blessed to have you on the team!
We wish you every success with your SoulKids in Malaysia.

For more information connect with us at:

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Sally has been out and about interviewing Mentors. She met up with Iskandar from Malaysia and asked him a few questions.

Sally: Iskandar, what bought you to SoulKids®?
Iskandar: I was introduced to SoulKids® by my mum.

S: Oh wow, that's a lovely family connection. So how did this happen?
I: My wife and I were having dinner with mum and discussing about our students. We have taken a Japanese Maths franchise and started it in Thailand - however we noticed that many things are lacking in today’s education – things like life-skills and self-esteem.

My mum started talking about SoulKids® and how it meets the criteria we are looking for “Essential Life-Skills for Children”. So we were both excited and wanted to learn to be Mentors.

S: What are your experiences of the Mentor Training and the SoulKids® Weekend Program?
I: It was truly priceless. Over the weekend I was able to see drastic and impressive changes in the children who attended the program. It was really effective to educate children through stories and games.

The children really got involved and participated and I know they will remember these life lessons forever.

S: Thanks – that's great feedback and insights. So how has SoulKids® changed you as an individual?
I: SoulKids® has helped me understand myself, children and also how I view others. I have a better control of my emotions and I don’t judge people at face value.

I am able to see beauty in any form, even in challenges and I am able to stay motivated despite the circumstances. With SoulKids® I am blessed to meet with like-minded people who participated in the program and I am very blessed to meet with Vikas and you (Sally) in person.

S: So what was your favourite lesson from SoulKids®?
I: I loved all the stories. My favourite was woody the woodpecker. I have always had problems in focusing on one thing at a time; I always enjoyed multitasking and can’t stop doing it. With this story I learned a valuable lesson in focusing on one task at a time and being able to complete the task. Also that hard work without focus will not guarantee completion or success.

S: So what are your visions and dreams going forward Iskandar?
I: My dream is to get as many children & adults to participate in SoulKids® Programs & SoulKids® Mentor Programs. They will certainly then have a very positive outlook on life and will be successful in life.

I believe that after SoulKids® they will be able to shape a better, positive and happy world.

S: Anything else you want to share with our readers?
I: For anyone reading this I would like to encourage you to join any programs offered by SoulCentre®. 

You won’t regret it and it will be a life changing decision for the better.

As of now I’m proud to say that I have already completed my SoulKids® Mentor Training, Meditation Made Simple (MMS) and Meditation In Action (MIA) and I plan on joining more programs offered by SoulCentre®.

And who knows I might be seeing you on one of this classes…if you do see me please come and say hello.

Many thanks Iskandar and we wish you, your wife and your mum every success with taking SoulKids® into Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this year.

Monday, February 29, 2016


It was so exciting to meet some of the artists and their parents at the SoulKids Book 5 Launch Party. Sally explained the journey from the initial book idea to completion and demonstrated to the children that success is always about teamwork.

Together we all achieve more by working as a team.

The children were able to see how their original artwork eventually became part of the book design and their faces lit up with a feeling of pride and achievement.

SoulKids now has 5 best-selling books in its Self-Confidence Series and each book contains 10 inspiring stories with life lessons that remain with the children forever.

In celebration we are offering a special 20% discount if you order all 5 books. They make such a memorable and meaningful gift.

For more information connect with us at:


visit us at

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Interview with SoulKids® Mentor - Simon

Hi everyone! My name is Simon (although I have been known as sausage and snail on the SoulKids® Programs!). Originally from the UK, I moved to Singapore with my wife and two sons in July 2014 after 11 years living and working in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I love to travel and enjoy outdoor activities. 

In 2014, I completed a charity 7-day, 250km trek across the arctic circle with a team of Husky Dogs...awesome fun and one of the best experiences of my life. 
My SoulKids® journey started in November 2014 after attending a SoulKids® Mentor Training talk with Vikas. I immediately knew that the SK program fitted in with my values, contained inspirational life changing stories for young minds and.....sounded like lots of fun! Sign me up!

I was not disappointed! The SK Mentor training program was amazing...a real mix of activities, stories and games all focused on helping children cultivate a confident, positive, happy and open mind. As part of the training, the other Mentors and I got to be involved in a full weekend program where we all told stories, led activities and most importantly got to see how the children grew in confidence over the weekend. A special moment for me was sharing the experience with my son, who really enjoyed the whole SK experience and still loves reminding me of the lessons!

Since graduating as a Mentor, I have been involved in delivering both the full SK weekend and SoulKids® Quickstart Programs. It is so rewarding to observe how the children grow in confidence as they listen to the stories, take part in the activities and are able to share the lessons they have learnt. Very wise kids indeed!

SoulKids® is a transformational program and I am certainly looking forward to more stories, games and confident kids! 

Hope to see you soon for some SK fun!

- Simon


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Lessons from a Peacock ...

Sally had a wonderful experience recently in Singapore. She was staying at The Capella hotel in Singapore and decided to take a walk in the rain. All the other guests were indoors and she felt excited and brave and wanted to walk in the rain and look at the gardens.

Look who she spotted...

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children

What a beautiful bird the peacock is..
Just look at the shape of the bird and its amazing colours.

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
Sally said it reminded her of 'The Dancing Peacock' story in The SoulKids Book of Self-Confidence - Book 2. Peacocks dance in the rain - we can all learn something from this. 

Storms will come in life - things will not go the way you want them to. However do not run and hide, be like the peacock, simply give it your best and go out and dance in the rain.

Show your best - your true colours and simply dance

We like the outfit Sally is wearing - it is really the same colours as the Peacock ... Amazing ... The Universe was telling Sally that she is also like the peacock we think ;)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fabulous Feedback

October has been a super busy time for SoulKids.
Lots of lovely children have attended and we decided to catch up with some of their feedback...

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
  • SoulKids is awesome
  • I feel excited, great and confident
  • It's fun and cool - I learnt to treat others the way I want to be treated
  • It's the best place to learn stories!
  • Really fun activities I recommend it to all children 
  • I feel awesome and creative
  • Feed your positive voice always
  • It's fun and excellent
  • I think SoulKids is the best place I have ever been to - It's awesome beyond words!

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children

When is the next program?

DATE:    Saturday, 7 November, 2015
TIME:     2 pm - 5 pm (with Zoe and Siok)
VENUE: SoulCentre/SoulKids Academy
               91 Bencoolen Street
               #12-04Sunshine Plaza
               Singapore 189652

For children from 6 - 10 years of age.

Only 99 SGD 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

SoulKids® Mentors - Beautiful Inside and Out...

We managed to sneak in a short interview with the beautiful SoulKids® Mentors while they were teaching life-skills to 13 beautiful children.

Left to Right: SoulKids® Mentors - Siok, Zoe, Kheam and Amanda
The SoulKids® program is fun and teaches the children important life-skills that will help them in all sorts of situations, through teamwork activities. They learn how to be a good friend, to never give up and believe in themselves, among other things. Just the fact that they leave being positive and learn one or more lessons, in itself, is a fulfilling experience.

Being a SoulKids® Mentor is an amazing and thought provoking experience. The ability to invoke story-telling techniques into learning about various aspects of self-confidence is inspiring. They learn to be passionate and creative. It also teaches children to think differently – not like anyone else. It’s wonderful to see the transformation from who they are when they enter to who they become when they leave.

Being positive is a key lesson taught at SoulKids®, as is seeing the good in yourself, focusing on your actions, being a team leader and a team follower at various times and growing your self-esteem through various engaging activities. It gives children the tools to create, a bigger, better and brighter life for themselves as well as those around them.

The SoulKids® program gives me a chance to teach essential life-skills through story and play, to a group of wonderful, children. The experience is at times full of light bulb moments!  It teaches you to expect the unexpected and that each child is special and unique.

What lessons do children learn from SoulKids®?

They learn:

To be creative
To think out of the box
To be caring
To be loving and warm
To be positive
To be confident and overcome their fears
That each child is different and unique
To deal with the unexpected
How to be patient
Not to fear new things

It’s a fun and engaging workshop and it is wonderful to see the transformation in only one hour!!