Showing posts with label meditation in action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meditation in action. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Sally has been out and about interviewing Mentors. She met up with Iskandar from Malaysia and asked him a few questions.

Sally: Iskandar, what bought you to SoulKids®?
Iskandar: I was introduced to SoulKids® by my mum.

S: Oh wow, that's a lovely family connection. So how did this happen?
I: My wife and I were having dinner with mum and discussing about our students. We have taken a Japanese Maths franchise and started it in Thailand - however we noticed that many things are lacking in today’s education – things like life-skills and self-esteem.

My mum started talking about SoulKids® and how it meets the criteria we are looking for “Essential Life-Skills for Children”. So we were both excited and wanted to learn to be Mentors.

S: What are your experiences of the Mentor Training and the SoulKids® Weekend Program?
I: It was truly priceless. Over the weekend I was able to see drastic and impressive changes in the children who attended the program. It was really effective to educate children through stories and games.

The children really got involved and participated and I know they will remember these life lessons forever.

S: Thanks – that's great feedback and insights. So how has SoulKids® changed you as an individual?
I: SoulKids® has helped me understand myself, children and also how I view others. I have a better control of my emotions and I don’t judge people at face value.

I am able to see beauty in any form, even in challenges and I am able to stay motivated despite the circumstances. With SoulKids® I am blessed to meet with like-minded people who participated in the program and I am very blessed to meet with Vikas and you (Sally) in person.

S: So what was your favourite lesson from SoulKids®?
I: I loved all the stories. My favourite was woody the woodpecker. I have always had problems in focusing on one thing at a time; I always enjoyed multitasking and can’t stop doing it. With this story I learned a valuable lesson in focusing on one task at a time and being able to complete the task. Also that hard work without focus will not guarantee completion or success.

S: So what are your visions and dreams going forward Iskandar?
I: My dream is to get as many children & adults to participate in SoulKids® Programs & SoulKids® Mentor Programs. They will certainly then have a very positive outlook on life and will be successful in life.

I believe that after SoulKids® they will be able to shape a better, positive and happy world.

S: Anything else you want to share with our readers?
I: For anyone reading this I would like to encourage you to join any programs offered by SoulCentre®. 

You won’t regret it and it will be a life changing decision for the better.

As of now I’m proud to say that I have already completed my SoulKids® Mentor Training, Meditation Made Simple (MMS) and Meditation In Action (MIA) and I plan on joining more programs offered by SoulCentre®.

And who knows I might be seeing you on one of this classes…if you do see me please come and say hello.

Many thanks Iskandar and we wish you, your wife and your mum every success with taking SoulKids® into Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this year.