Showing posts with label Tips on Happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips on Happiness. Show all posts

Monday, August 1, 2016


Do you ever wish you could simply find the answer to a question in life or do you ever feel a bit lost and would just love for some words of wisdom?

Well we have the solution, or as we love to say, the SOUL-ution.

SoulKids Inspirational Words of Wisdom – Our SOUL Card series.
  • Children can play a game and pick out a card and think of an occasion when they acted like this or think of an occasion when they saw this quality in others.
  • They can send cards as gift notes.
  • They can put them on their walls.
  • Leave these cards in your home and see the difference in your child’s self confidence. 

Available through SoulKids – Order on line or simply just drop us an E-mail and order your set today.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Sally met up with Nuthiya, a beautiful lady, originally from Thailand and now one of our SoulKids®  Mentors.

Sally: Nuthiya what bought you to SoulKids®?
Nuthiya: I used to own a tuition school franchise.

I feel that nowadays children are very busy and they receive a lot of "input". After their school hours, they have to go for academic tuitions, sports, arts, music etc. I started to question why this is happening?

It's definitely because the parents want their children to be smart, to be the best and to be ready as much as possible. Everyone is doing it, so parents feel they must too.

But are the children happy?
Are the parents happy?
Are they confident of the outcome?

I used to discuss this with a lot of parents and children and always the answer was that they were not sure. So I was always searching for something else that can make people stronger without "just following the trend".

I think what is lacking is "life-skills training for children". It would be great for children to know that their life is in their hands, and that they have to take responsibility for that.

Life-skills, that guide children to have the right mindset, a good attitude and proper behavior.

In 2015 my husband Iskandar and I discussed this topic with my mother in law, Dato Prof. Dr. Nor and she introduced SoulKids® to us. She said the program really transforms children.

That made me think - WOW, really?

The next day we checked the SoulKids® Mentor Training schedule and signed up for the next class. Iskandar and I drove down from Thailand to attend the class in Singapore.

S: Oh my, that was so dedicated of you both to drive all the way from Thailand. So what are your experiences of the Mentor Training?
N: The mentor training program is a positive and simple way to understand your own life. It shows you what leads people to success and happiness.

S: How has SoulKids® changed you as an individual?
N: It has helped me have a better understanding about the basic concepts of life.

It taught me that children and adults all are the same; we all like things that are fun, simple, short and powerful.

It made me understand others and myself better.

S: What are your visions and dreams going forward?
N: I want to do my part to make the society better. We have to start with young children and certainly the parents must also be involved.

I would like to encourage the children to participate in SoulKids® programs and encourage the parents to participate in the SoulKids® Mentor training for adults.

I'll keep learning, be open-minded, be positive and focus on my passion ...  I'll say YES to life and I'll NEVER give up on chasing my dream. I will continue to improve myself constantly.

S: Anything else you want to share with our readers?
N: SoulKids® teaches that all children are special and unique. I hope everyone realizes this and lets them shine in their own way. All they need is guidance and support.

How beautiful the world will be when these children grow up to be successful and happy and know how to share with others.

Be positive, open-minded and come to join us @SoulKids®!!!

Thank you so much Nuthiya – you really are a shining example – attending and learning the program in a different country and in a second language as well. I know you will go on and inspire children the world over- we are blessed to have you on the team!
We wish you every success with your SoulKids in Malaysia.

For more information connect with us at:

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What exactly are Life-Skills?

As we go through school and college education, we are taught skills which help us "make a living."
English, Maths, Computing, Accounting, Law, Medicine ….

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
Yet who actually teaches us "how to live a life?"

Who teaches us simple skills like :
  • How to make friends with others 
  • How to nurture lasting relationships
  • How to work with others not like you
  • How to speak with confidence and express our opinion 
  • How to have the courage to speak our view 
  • How to deal with negative situations (bullying, divorce, death) 
  • How to deal with negative emotions (jealousy, anger, worry) 
  • How to get up when life knocks us down 
  • How to see that our inner thoughts can affect our actions
  • How to focus on the positives in life and not get carried away with the negatives
SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
SoulKids teaches essential life-skills of happiness and success to children from 6 years upwards.

SoulKids is an award winning brand - voted 'Best Life-Skills Program' recently by Harpers Bazaar Magazine. Children learn through fun, games and stories. Children love it and they really get the lessons. The lessons stay with them for life.

We urge you to send your child to SoulKids, if you have not done so already.
The next program is on:

DATE:    Saturday, 7 November, 2015
TIME:     2 pm - 5 pm (with Zoe and Siok)
VENUE: SoulCentre/SoulKids Academy
               91 Bencoolen Street
               #12-04Sunshine Plaza
               Singapore 189652

For children from 6 - 10 years of age.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Beauty is all around you ...

Hey SoulKids, 
I am writing this on a wet and windy day, and I am full of happiness.
Why do you think that is?
It is because I can see beauty all around me - even in the rain!

I am grateful for the simple things in life and for what I have received.

We should always look for the good in life and to see the beautiful things.
You can do this anywhere and at any time if only you stop for a moment and look.

So take a moment now to look around you and spot at least 3 things that make you feel great about life.

Here are a few suggestions:
  • You are able to see as you have 2 healthy eyes – that will make you feel great
  • You have nice clothes to wear and have good food to eat
  • Your mummy and daddy take good care of you and provide a safe home for you
  • You are able to go to school and learn exciting things
  • Nature is found everywhere – look and see what trees / animals and birds you can see
  • You have lovely friends who care for you and play with you
  • Now continue:-)

Do this everyday and especially when you are feeling a bit low or grumpy – as soon you realise that you have so much to look forward to in life!!

We teach this at SoulCentre® and its called "Counting your blessings of life".

One of my biggest blessings in life is being able to teach SoulKids® and spend time with some amazing SoulKids® children.

You rock!! And we love you and count you as a blessing:-).

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Coffee & Wisdom for the Soul………

'Tips on happiness and how to deal with change'
with Vikas Malkani & Sally Forrest 
Tuesday 3 March, 10am

Meet new people, enjoy a free coffee and listen to wisdom. 
What a wonderful way to spend your morning! 
For people NEW to SoulCentre®!

To register please contact:

Sally Forrest

Mobile: (65) 9875 2372
