Showing posts with label Singapore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Singapore. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2016

Schooling for Success

SoulKids joins a whole nation in congratulating the success of Joseph Schooling!

We are proud and humbled by his extraordinary achievement at a young age of 21.

It is important to remember that it was the combined efforts of the parents and Joseph together, which have changed the history of Singapore forever!

What can we learn from this unforgettable moment?
Here are some lessons to learn from his parents –

  1. They saw his strengths early, and built on them.
  2. They believed in his dreams and intentions.
  3. They took the non-conventional path for raising their child, and bringing out his uniqueness rather than trying to fit him into the conditioned lifestyle of society.
  4. They invested in bringing out the potential inside their son. They supported his talents and passion with time, energy effort and finances.
  5. They did not seek approval from society or individuals, instead they followed the voice of their heart. They did what was best for their son.
  6. They believed in his dreams and visions, and didn’t just seek safety and security for his future.
  7. They went through personal hardships to support him, and often put their needs at second place.
  8. They understood the importance of superior coaching and training, and connected him to the best coaches they could access.
  9. Whenever he didn’t achieve the victory he wanted, they stayed positive and encouraged him to persevere and improve.
  10. Even in great victory, they stayed humble and gentle. The parents are true champions too!

Some lessons to learn from Joseph Schooling –
  1. Joseph was dedicated to his dream! He developed a strong focus on the goal he wanted to achieve.
  2. He adopted positive role models and mentors.
  3. Joseph learnt from the best coaches he could find!
  4. He cultivated discipline to wake up at 5.30am every morning to start his training day.
  5. He continued to stay focused through the years, and continued to peck at one tree like a wise       woodpecker. He did not get distracted from his goals.
  6. Joseph continued to think positive and kept his mind space protected from all the negativity of the world. He always fed the positive voice in his mind. He ignored the negative people and the nay-sayers.
  7. He strove to be the best he could be, and put daily actions towards making his vision a reality.
  8. He was willing to do what it takes and kept a long tern vision in mind. His amazing new world record was clocked at 50.39 seconds, but it was the result of 15 years of hard work and training.
  9. His focus was on being the best, fighting for what he deserved and never quitting without trying his best.
  10. He surrounded himself with people who encouraged and supported him, and moved away from those who didn’t.
Joseph is a true CHAMPION, and by his life, he defines his message to the world:

C = Commitment to his vision.
H = Happy to do the hard work and pay the price for the prize.
A = Attitude makes a big difference.
M = Mindset must be positive.
P = Persevere and persist through the hard times.
I = Integrity is important.
O = Optimize your efforts.
N = Never give up!

Champions are not born, they are built!

Everyone wants to be victorious like Joseph; let us also be willing to work hard like him and put in the 15 years of persistence it took to create the 50.39 second victory!

Majulah Singapura !
Majulah Joseph!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Lessons from a Peacock ...

Sally had a wonderful experience recently in Singapore. She was staying at The Capella hotel in Singapore and decided to take a walk in the rain. All the other guests were indoors and she felt excited and brave and wanted to walk in the rain and look at the gardens.

Look who she spotted...

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children

What a beautiful bird the peacock is..
Just look at the shape of the bird and its amazing colours.

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
Sally said it reminded her of 'The Dancing Peacock' story in The SoulKids Book of Self-Confidence - Book 2. Peacocks dance in the rain - we can all learn something from this. 

Storms will come in life - things will not go the way you want them to. However do not run and hide, be like the peacock, simply give it your best and go out and dance in the rain.

Show your best - your true colours and simply dance

We like the outfit Sally is wearing - it is really the same colours as the Peacock ... Amazing ... The Universe was telling Sally that she is also like the peacock we think ;)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What exactly are Life-Skills?

As we go through school and college education, we are taught skills which help us "make a living."
English, Maths, Computing, Accounting, Law, Medicine ….

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
Yet who actually teaches us "how to live a life?"

Who teaches us simple skills like :
  • How to make friends with others 
  • How to nurture lasting relationships
  • How to work with others not like you
  • How to speak with confidence and express our opinion 
  • How to have the courage to speak our view 
  • How to deal with negative situations (bullying, divorce, death) 
  • How to deal with negative emotions (jealousy, anger, worry) 
  • How to get up when life knocks us down 
  • How to see that our inner thoughts can affect our actions
  • How to focus on the positives in life and not get carried away with the negatives
SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
SoulKids teaches essential life-skills of happiness and success to children from 6 years upwards.

SoulKids is an award winning brand - voted 'Best Life-Skills Program' recently by Harpers Bazaar Magazine. Children learn through fun, games and stories. Children love it and they really get the lessons. The lessons stay with them for life.

We urge you to send your child to SoulKids, if you have not done so already.
The next program is on:

DATE:    Saturday, 7 November, 2015
TIME:     2 pm - 5 pm (with Zoe and Siok)
VENUE: SoulCentre/SoulKids Academy
               91 Bencoolen Street
               #12-04Sunshine Plaza
               Singapore 189652

For children from 6 - 10 years of age.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Singapore is 50 on 9th August ! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!

Hey SoulKids – what an exciting time to be living in Singapore
How are you planning to celebrate the 50th Birthday?

The first suggestion we have is to give GRATITUDE to Singapore – it’s truly an amazing place to live in.

50 years ago Singapore was very different to today and it’s all down to the hard work and dedication of the founders of Singapore.

So here is a challenge to you all – do something nice to 50 random elderly Singaporeans (ideally those aged 65 and over). It’s a nice surprise and a way of saying thank-you and that we all appreciate all the work they did to make Singapore great. Talk it over with mum and dad and get the whole family involved.

Do you think you can do this? We think it will be fun.

Here are a few suggestions:
  • Give them a smile and say "thank you for making Singapore great"
  • Shake their hand or ask if you can give them a free HUG ;) Just like the ones you get on SoulKids®.
  • Write 50 creative thank you notes and give them out.
  • Offer to help them in some way – carry their shopping /clean their windows/ walk the dog etc.
  • If you have a full piggy bank – maybe you want to buy a local coffee/tea to some of the elders you meet. Or maybe give a flower or a chocolate to make them smile.
  • Tell your friends about this idea and get them to do the same! Your friends should also come on SoulKids® for their free hugs from Sally & Vikas ;)
  • Write to us and tell us what you did – take photos and feature on our upcoming blogs.

Do let us know if you are going to do this – once you shout out to the Universe that you intend to do it – then amazing things happen – so get ready!

Remember the Grand Canyon Story – what you give out comes back to you …so make it AWESOME!!!

Sally, Vikas and the whole of SoulCentre® and SoulKids® team are also going to do this – so lets together make everyone happy!