Showing posts with label Weekend Fun Classes for Children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekend Fun Classes for Children. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2016

Self-Belief - How to develop it in Children

SoulKids teaches parents and children a unique and powerful methodology to build strong self-belief in children.

We highly recommend all parents to attend our annual ‘SoulKids Mentor Training’ and learn SoulKids methods and secrets from Vikas Malkani himself.

However in the meantime, here are some tips to help parents strengthen self-belief in their children.

Tips to create positive Self-Belief in a Child:

  1. Use positive self-talk to the child and around the child. Be careful of the nature of the conversation you have around your children, because they imbibe and imitate what they hear.
  2. Support their efforts and not just their results. If your child is putting sincere effort into something, acknowledge the work done, regardless of what the result turns out to be.
  3. Notice them doing things right, don’t just catch them doing things wrong. Acknowledge and reinforce their good behaviour and work.
  4. Avoid comparisons, both within and outside the family. This devalues the child’s self-esteem.
  5. Let your child know that they have your unconditional love, but not unconditional acceptance of incorrect behaviour. The love is always there, but their behaviours must be deserving of approval.
  6. Motivate, don’t dictate. If you are dominating and dictatorial, it’s not good for your child’s self-esteem. Inspire and motivate them instead, it’s a much more effective strategy.
  7. Value their dreams whatever they may be. Never ridicule, or criticize what your child dreams to be. With time, it will probably change anyway.
  8. Encourage your children, don’t discourage them. If they wish to do something, encourage them to take actions in that direction, along with your support.
  9. Avoid labeling your child in any way. Labels such as ‘you’re slow’, ‘you’re so dumb’ etc. are toxic to their self-belief.
  10. Never ridicule or laugh at your children in front of others.
  11. Support your child’s strengths and desires, and if they are naturally good at something, encourage them to do more of it.

Positive self-esteem in children helps them to become happy and successful.

SoulKids is an award-winning life skills program for children. Send your children to SoulKids and we will help them develop a strong and stable self-belief.
 SoulKids creates Self Esteem

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

SoulKids was a huge success in May!!


We had an amazing time with 23 children at SoulKids on 14/15th May at the Hollandse Club.

Children gave us some wonderful feedback about what they learnt in SoulKids …

•  I learnt to work in a team. 
•  I learnt to be patient.
•  I learnt how to be confident and open-minded.
•  I learnt to never give up on my dream.
•  I learnt that my value does not change even if someone makes fun of me.
•  I learn lots of new things - it's great fun.
•  I learnt to be happy with who I am.
•  I learnt that I should be positive because what comes around goes around.
•  It's fantastic and such fun and I learnt so much.
•  It's so lovely and I became creative and happy.
•  I felt so happy, amazing and so special.
•  I feel happy, great, positive, strong and awesome.
•  It was such a new experience. I am so happy and I made so many new friends.
•  I learnt to be positive and not negative.
•  It's SUPER fun and I left feeling amazed and cheerful.
•  I have learnt to be a leader.
•  I learnt to inspire others.
•  I want to come back every day.

Children love SoulKids and the lessons we share stay with the children as they mature in life.

"I LOVE SoulKids - it teaches things in such a FUN manner and it teaches me how to LIVE my life and how to ACT in life."

More information about SoulKids programs on

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fabulous Feedback

October has been a super busy time for SoulKids.
Lots of lovely children have attended and we decided to catch up with some of their feedback...

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
  • SoulKids is awesome
  • I feel excited, great and confident
  • It's fun and cool - I learnt to treat others the way I want to be treated
  • It's the best place to learn stories!
  • Really fun activities I recommend it to all children 
  • I feel awesome and creative
  • Feed your positive voice always
  • It's fun and excellent
  • I think SoulKids is the best place I have ever been to - It's awesome beyond words!

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children

When is the next program?

DATE:    Saturday, 7 November, 2015
TIME:     2 pm - 5 pm (with Zoe and Siok)
VENUE: SoulCentre/SoulKids Academy
               91 Bencoolen Street
               #12-04Sunshine Plaza
               Singapore 189652

For children from 6 - 10 years of age.

Only 99 SGD 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What exactly are Life-Skills?

As we go through school and college education, we are taught skills which help us "make a living."
English, Maths, Computing, Accounting, Law, Medicine ….

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
Yet who actually teaches us "how to live a life?"

Who teaches us simple skills like :
  • How to make friends with others 
  • How to nurture lasting relationships
  • How to work with others not like you
  • How to speak with confidence and express our opinion 
  • How to have the courage to speak our view 
  • How to deal with negative situations (bullying, divorce, death) 
  • How to deal with negative emotions (jealousy, anger, worry) 
  • How to get up when life knocks us down 
  • How to see that our inner thoughts can affect our actions
  • How to focus on the positives in life and not get carried away with the negatives
SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
SoulKids teaches essential life-skills of happiness and success to children from 6 years upwards.

SoulKids is an award winning brand - voted 'Best Life-Skills Program' recently by Harpers Bazaar Magazine. Children learn through fun, games and stories. Children love it and they really get the lessons. The lessons stay with them for life.

We urge you to send your child to SoulKids, if you have not done so already.
The next program is on:

DATE:    Saturday, 7 November, 2015
TIME:     2 pm - 5 pm (with Zoe and Siok)
VENUE: SoulCentre/SoulKids Academy
               91 Bencoolen Street
               #12-04Sunshine Plaza
               Singapore 189652

For children from 6 - 10 years of age.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

SoulKids® Mentors - Beautiful Inside and Out...

We managed to sneak in a short interview with the beautiful SoulKids® Mentors while they were teaching life-skills to 13 beautiful children.

Left to Right: SoulKids® Mentors - Siok, Zoe, Kheam and Amanda
The SoulKids® program is fun and teaches the children important life-skills that will help them in all sorts of situations, through teamwork activities. They learn how to be a good friend, to never give up and believe in themselves, among other things. Just the fact that they leave being positive and learn one or more lessons, in itself, is a fulfilling experience.

Being a SoulKids® Mentor is an amazing and thought provoking experience. The ability to invoke story-telling techniques into learning about various aspects of self-confidence is inspiring. They learn to be passionate and creative. It also teaches children to think differently – not like anyone else. It’s wonderful to see the transformation from who they are when they enter to who they become when they leave.

Being positive is a key lesson taught at SoulKids®, as is seeing the good in yourself, focusing on your actions, being a team leader and a team follower at various times and growing your self-esteem through various engaging activities. It gives children the tools to create, a bigger, better and brighter life for themselves as well as those around them.

The SoulKids® program gives me a chance to teach essential life-skills through story and play, to a group of wonderful, children. The experience is at times full of light bulb moments!  It teaches you to expect the unexpected and that each child is special and unique.

What lessons do children learn from SoulKids®?

They learn:

To be creative
To think out of the box
To be caring
To be loving and warm
To be positive
To be confident and overcome their fears
That each child is different and unique
To deal with the unexpected
How to be patient
Not to fear new things

It’s a fun and engaging workshop and it is wonderful to see the transformation in only one hour!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Interview with SoulKids® Mentor - Jackie Ashby

Sally has been out and about interviewing the newly graduated SoulKids® Mentors. She met up with Jackie Ashby, who last year, relocated from Anchorage (Alaska) to Singapore.

Q: So Jackie what bought you to SoulKids®?
Jackie: I was seeking the knowledge of transformation for myself and I also had the curiosity of learning new ways of working with children. 

Q: So how did you hear about SoulKids®?
J: From Santa Fe Relocation Company. I received an invite from Santa Fe to attend a seminar at SoulCentre®.

Q: What was your experiences of the SoulKids® Mentor training and the SoulKids® Weekend Program?
J:  It was amazing and thought provoking. 
  • The ability to gain self-awareness about one's authentic self was astonishing. 
  • The ability to invoke story-telling techniques into learning about various aspects of self-confidence was also inspiring.
Q: How has SoulKids® changed you as an individual?
J: I am more open-minded, I engage in self-reflection and am learning to apply an attitude of gratitude into my daily life. 

Q: What was your favorite lesson from SoulKids®?
J: My favorite lesson was Vikas’s "Human Trinity Concept". How our mindset, attitude and behavior are all connected and how this affects one's view of everyday life.

Also I love the Sunflower and Rose story. Do not compare yourself to others and what they have or may not have; rather focus on what your assets are and improve them. By doing this imagine how great we all could be, nothing would be impossible!!

Q: What are your visions and dreams going forward?
J: My vision moving forward is to always keep my eyes open and my brain fed with lots of nutrients that provides positive energy. Keeping an attitude of gratitude will take me far. 

Q: Wow that sounds amazing Jackie – a lovely Vision for sure. Anything else you want to share with our readers?
J: I just want to share that experiencing my first SoulKids® Mentor Training was unforgettable and rejuvenating  

Sally: Thanks Jackie – we really look forward to working more with you and taking SoulKids® global in the months to come. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

SoulKids® Rockstar - Ella

Sally our roving reporter has been out and about doing her interviews again. She met up with ELLA and had a wonderful discussion.

Q (Sally): Ella how old are you?
Ella: I am 8 years old

Q: You are fairly new to SoulKids®, when did you attend?
E: About 2 weeks ago

Q: What did you like about SoulKids®?
E: I liked the stories because they taught me new things. I also like the great teachers.

Wow thanks Ella – the teachers will be happy to hear that!

Q: What was your favourite story?
E: I liked the Bruce Lee story because it taught us never to give up and to always say YES to life.
Also once you start something, be determined and finish it.

Wow – great lesson Ella!

Q: Anything else you learnt?
E: I learnt to stop looking at others and what they have got, and to start looking at yourself and what you have. Do not be jealous of others- be happy with who you are and what you have got.

Amazing learning Ella – thanks for sharing.

Q: What would you like to see in the world?
E: I would like there to be no wars and have peace.
I would also like to see flying cars.

Q: And what about your dream? What do you want to be when you grow up?
E: I want to be a famous gymnastic teacher.

Wow Ella – that is exciting – what qualities do you have to achieve this?
E: I am gifted in being strong and a risk-taker.
I get lots of support and I practice a lot.
I also am happy when I help others.

Q: Anything else you learnt at SoulKids® you want to share?
E: Do not be afraid to put your hand up and tell what you know, even if it’s wrong.
Make friends and be kind and happy to others.
Do not feel sad when someone says something bad to you because you are special.
Be STRONG and have CONFIDENCE to always be YOU.

Q: Wow Ella- you are amazing and I think you will be an awesome teacher when you get older.
E: Can I tell one final story?
I had auditions a couple of days ago and they told us our roles. I did not get a main role and I was really sad, but then I thought life is full of opportunities and just because I did not get a main role that does not mean I should stop loving acting and and stop doing it. Just because one audition did not work out – it should not stop you from loving what you do.

Thanks Ella- great advice for us all.

We really look forward to having you back in SoulKids® soon.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Creative Mindset

Looking for a fun weekend for your child.

One where they have fun, learn and be inspired?

Creative MindSet module for SoulKids®

Just some of the fun things children learn:
  • New, inspiring and fun stories
  • How to think creatively
  • Not to limit yourself
  • How to be open minded
  • Never to give up at the first hurdle
  • How to create a vision
  • How your thoughts create beliefs
  • Have the courage to be original

What children say about SoulKids® Creative Mindset

  • The stories of SoulKids® have changed my life
  • It's simply awesome
  • It is out of this world
  • I love everything about SoulKids®
  • It encourages me to be brave
  • I learnt many life secrets
  • A great way to learn
  • Awesome +++++++
  • Enlightening and beautiful

Zoe is conducting the next module at SoulCentre® Academy on:
Date: 26/27 September
Time: (10 am – 4pm)

Spaces are limited to 15 children – so please do BOOK EARLY.

For more details, contact :
Sally Forrest
BSc. MRPharmS, MBA
Managing Director

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Wonderful JUNE SoulKids

SoulKids really is a lot of fun and children learn Life Skills whilst listening to stories and playing team games.

Here are a few of the comments from the younger children who attended the June Class:

“SoulKids makes me feel confident and awesome" - Tommaso, 8

“I learnt a lot, I liked it, it was fun" – Sanjay, 6 

“SoulKids is super and awesome ! Walk towards your fear" - George, 7 

“Walk towards your fears! Team work! 
Keep focussed on one goal" - Caitlin, 7

“BE happy with yourself and do not compare yourself to others" – Amelie, 5

“I like it and will not be negative - I am excited" - Sophie, 5 

“Do not listen to all the negatives things in life – SoulKids is great and awesome" - Adriana, 7 

“I feel strong and so good" - Alessandro, 7