Showing posts with label Children Class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children Class. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

SoulKids was a huge success in May!!


We had an amazing time with 23 children at SoulKids on 14/15th May at the Hollandse Club.

Children gave us some wonderful feedback about what they learnt in SoulKids …

•  I learnt to work in a team. 
•  I learnt to be patient.
•  I learnt how to be confident and open-minded.
•  I learnt to never give up on my dream.
•  I learnt that my value does not change even if someone makes fun of me.
•  I learn lots of new things - it's great fun.
•  I learnt to be happy with who I am.
•  I learnt that I should be positive because what comes around goes around.
•  It's fantastic and such fun and I learnt so much.
•  It's so lovely and I became creative and happy.
•  I felt so happy, amazing and so special.
•  I feel happy, great, positive, strong and awesome.
•  It was such a new experience. I am so happy and I made so many new friends.
•  I learnt to be positive and not negative.
•  It's SUPER fun and I left feeling amazed and cheerful.
•  I have learnt to be a leader.
•  I learnt to inspire others.
•  I want to come back every day.

Children love SoulKids and the lessons we share stay with the children as they mature in life.

"I LOVE SoulKids - it teaches things in such a FUN manner and it teaches me how to LIVE my life and how to ACT in life."

More information about SoulKids programs on

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Power of Positive Thoughts

"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely"

- Roald Dahl 

What is the best gift we can give to a child?

It is simply to be the best example that we can be.

We can only give to a child what we have inside, so if we feel loved then we can give love, if we feel happy and content, then we can give happiness.

So reflect for a moment, How happy are you? How positive are your thoughts?

Children learn by watching as well as listening, and what they see on a day to day basis becomes their reality.

So exercise your happy muscles today.

Have positive thoughts. 

In ANY situation we can always look to see a positive aspect….

It's as simple as remembering we have enough food to eat, clean water to drink, that our bodies are healthy, that we live in a safe environment….

The list is endless….

So on a daily basis - look for the things that make you smile, develop your positive thoughts and radiate like a sunbeam.

Your children will love you for being a happy you - and change will result.

Try it and see.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


SoulKids® inspires children to be their best and to bring out their strengths. It provides children with essential life-skills for happiness and success in all aspects of their life.

We do not focus on what children want to be when they grow up - we focus on what do children want to be NOW !
What can children contribute to the world TODAY !

For example Dillan says My mission is to be happy every day and my I want to make the world a happy, fun, peaceful and relaxed place.”

SoulKids® provides children with so many exciting opportunities to say “Yes” to life and to try new things.

Children do art work for our best-selling SoulKids® books and they write blogs about their experiences in life.

We are now delighted and excited to announce that SoulKids® is moving one step further!
We have chosen children who will become “SoulKids® Ambassadors” and who will go on to inspire children the world over.

Already they have been professionally interviewed by a TV crew and each and every one of them passed with glowing success.

Let me introduce you to our first Ambassadors:

Dillan Patrick Bowe
Age: 9

Amelie Russell
Age: 9

Ikabella Heaps
Age: 11

Ece Tanisman
Age: 11

Sashwika Venkatraman
Age: 11

Their newly recorded videos will soon feature on YouTube as well as on our SoulKids® Website.

We are so excited to be working with them and to take SoulKids® to greater heights.

For more information connect with us at:

Monday, February 29, 2016


It was so exciting to meet some of the artists and their parents at the SoulKids Book 5 Launch Party. Sally explained the journey from the initial book idea to completion and demonstrated to the children that success is always about teamwork.

Together we all achieve more by working as a team.

The children were able to see how their original artwork eventually became part of the book design and their faces lit up with a feeling of pride and achievement.

SoulKids now has 5 best-selling books in its Self-Confidence Series and each book contains 10 inspiring stories with life lessons that remain with the children forever.

In celebration we are offering a special 20% discount if you order all 5 books. They make such a memorable and meaningful gift.

For more information connect with us at:


visit us at

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

SoulKids® Rockstar - Ella

Sally our roving reporter has been out and about doing her interviews again. She met up with ELLA and had a wonderful discussion.

Q (Sally): Ella how old are you?
Ella: I am 8 years old

Q: You are fairly new to SoulKids®, when did you attend?
E: About 2 weeks ago

Q: What did you like about SoulKids®?
E: I liked the stories because they taught me new things. I also like the great teachers.

Wow thanks Ella – the teachers will be happy to hear that!

Q: What was your favourite story?
E: I liked the Bruce Lee story because it taught us never to give up and to always say YES to life.
Also once you start something, be determined and finish it.

Wow – great lesson Ella!

Q: Anything else you learnt?
E: I learnt to stop looking at others and what they have got, and to start looking at yourself and what you have. Do not be jealous of others- be happy with who you are and what you have got.

Amazing learning Ella – thanks for sharing.

Q: What would you like to see in the world?
E: I would like there to be no wars and have peace.
I would also like to see flying cars.

Q: And what about your dream? What do you want to be when you grow up?
E: I want to be a famous gymnastic teacher.

Wow Ella – that is exciting – what qualities do you have to achieve this?
E: I am gifted in being strong and a risk-taker.
I get lots of support and I practice a lot.
I also am happy when I help others.

Q: Anything else you learnt at SoulKids® you want to share?
E: Do not be afraid to put your hand up and tell what you know, even if it’s wrong.
Make friends and be kind and happy to others.
Do not feel sad when someone says something bad to you because you are special.
Be STRONG and have CONFIDENCE to always be YOU.

Q: Wow Ella- you are amazing and I think you will be an awesome teacher when you get older.
E: Can I tell one final story?
I had auditions a couple of days ago and they told us our roles. I did not get a main role and I was really sad, but then I thought life is full of opportunities and just because I did not get a main role that does not mean I should stop loving acting and and stop doing it. Just because one audition did not work out – it should not stop you from loving what you do.

Thanks Ella- great advice for us all.

We really look forward to having you back in SoulKids® soon.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

SoulKids® Creative Mindset - 27th September 2015

What is the main lesson that you learnt?
  • To be creative and to think outside the box
  • It taught me to be open minded
  • It taught me to be passionate and creative in life
  • It taught me to be positive
  • It taught me to think differently – not like anyone else
  • It taught me never to give up
  • It taught me that there is more in me than I think
  • Always to try new things
  • To be confident
  • Always to be happy
  • To believe in myself and to be creative
  • I learnt that when you work together more can be done
  • I learnt to believe in myself

What words would you use to describe SoulKids®?
  • Fun and caring
  • Creative
  • A great self boost
  • Interactive
  • Awesome
  • Amazing
  • Mind Blowing
  • The Happy Land
  • This girl is on Fire!
  • Positive
  • Confident
  • Helpful
  • Kind and so nice
  • Creative
  • Open Minded
  • GRATEFUL to be on SoulKids®
  • It’s the best
  • Great and the best
  • Kind – exciting – cool – so worth it
  • Caring and fun ..I am so happy
  • Super great and amazing
  • Makes me excited
  • Life lessons that are awesome – great and cool
  • Incredibly magnificent

What would you tell your friends about SoulKids®?
  • It can change your life and it is a great experience. It teaches you to be unique and strong and to believe in yourself. SoulKids® is a fun way to learn secrets in life. You better go !
  • It’s awesome. My second FAMILY.
  • You should go to SoulKids® because it can change your life
  • It’s FUN… FUN… FUN…
  • You should go to the best place in the world - SOULKIDS® !
  • SoulKids® is EXTRA ORDINARY
  • It’s so FUN – you must go at least once
  • It is awesome
  • It’s AMAZING
  • You should definitely go to SoulKids® because its amazing
  • Its really good fun and you learn a lot of things for life 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

SoulKids® weekend a huge success...

31 children and 9 graduating Mentors attended the SoulKids® weekend at the Hollandse Club this month. It was truly a fun and memorable event. Here are a few of the children's comments. 

What do you think of SoulKids® ?
  • SoulKids® is awesome 
  • It is fun 
  • It is cool
  • It is very fun and we get to learn new things 
  • I like the stories !
  • Its fun and joyful 
  • Its extra ordinary 
  • It teaches us a lot of stuff - its fun and the teachers are amazing !
  • The awesomest experience ever !!
  • Awesome and fun
  • I could understand everything and I had a good time 
  • I like how the teachers teach us 
  • I had fun and learnt loads
  • It is amazing
  • Stories are good 
  • I love SoulKids® so much !
  • I had so much fun 
  • Thank you for teaching us - I want to come back - will miss you 
  • It is Super 
  • Cool - awesome - fun - nice - teachers are nice 
  • Thank you for treating me nicely and fairly- I appreciate it - SoulKids® is very fun - I will come back next weekend !!!
  • It was awesome and they teach lessons about life
  • It is real fun and it is so cool and you get to meet new people 
  • It was excellent and FUN 

What are some of the lessons they learnt ?
  • How to face my fears
  • Do not look at others and what they have got- look at yourself and what you have
  • I learnt to TRUST!!
  • Face your fear - move forward and it becomes smaller
  • Be confident and be positive
  • I learnt about my dreams
  • I learnt that we are special
  • Always say yes to life
  • Face your fears
  • Be patient... Pursue your passion
  • Never give up - be confident and stay positive!
  • Do not not listen to negative words or let them affect you
  • Focus on your goals and be consistent
  • Now I have entered SoulKids® - if someone tells me negative words I will not listen - they will not pull me down
  • I learnt to work as a team
  • I learnt that in leadership, trust and confidence are important
  • I learnt team work - never to give up - trust others and patience
  • I learnt to be happy 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Creative Mindset

Looking for a fun weekend for your child.

One where they have fun, learn and be inspired?

Creative MindSet module for SoulKids®

Just some of the fun things children learn:
  • New, inspiring and fun stories
  • How to think creatively
  • Not to limit yourself
  • How to be open minded
  • Never to give up at the first hurdle
  • How to create a vision
  • How your thoughts create beliefs
  • Have the courage to be original

What children say about SoulKids® Creative Mindset

  • The stories of SoulKids® have changed my life
  • It's simply awesome
  • It is out of this world
  • I love everything about SoulKids®
  • It encourages me to be brave
  • I learnt many life secrets
  • A great way to learn
  • Awesome +++++++
  • Enlightening and beautiful

Zoe is conducting the next module at SoulCentre® Academy on:
Date: 26/27 September
Time: (10 am – 4pm)

Spaces are limited to 15 children – so please do BOOK EARLY.

For more details, contact :
Sally Forrest
BSc. MRPharmS, MBA
Managing Director

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

SoulKids sets children ablaze with joy

SoulKids® believes that every child comes with the promise of potential. That children are furnaces to be lit, not buckets to be filled. As a certified SoulKids® Mentor and Coach, I was lucky enough to facilitate a blazing inferno of child furnaces, as I hosted my first SoulKids® Self Confidence Weekend.

Along with my team I welcomed 12 eager yet somewhat apprehensive children aged 8 to 11 into the program. They soon learned that this was their ‘safe space’, a place for them to shine and realize their limitless potential. What followed were 2 days of what children love most… having fun. They heard engaging stories and played endless games – each loaded with concepts and lessons of life skills that were easily digested and absorbed, because when a child is having fun they are engaged and their mind is wide open.

We covered important issues such as bullying, losing, friendships, fear and opened them up to a world of possibility and empowerment. They danced, they screamed with joy during the games and were focused and reflective during the stories. For many these concepts were new. They relished the notion that there were techniques they could use to be happier; that they could improve their self-esteem and were in control of their emotions.

We were able to facilitate the transformation of some who were quite anxious about entering the program – worried they would have to do something in front of other people - only to watch them stand confidently on a chair and present to the group, positively beaming.

On the second morning we had a bunch of children waiting at the door an hour before the program was meant to begin, as they were so eager to return for more!

The parents’ session I held at the conclusion of the weekend armed parents with tools to carry the momentum into the household in order to keep their child’s furnace alight and glowing. The feedback from them and the children has been incredible.

I feel blessed to have conducted this program together with my amazing team, and eagerly look forward to my next SoulKids® program in August.
Let the fires rage on…

If you want your child to benefit from SoulKids®, get in touch with me on or write to SoulKids® on

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

You are the author of your own life story…it starts with you!

Coffee and Wisdom for the Soul…….

Sit back relax, meet new people, and listen to wisdom.
What a wonderful way to spend your morning!

To find out more about one of our SoulKids® programs, becoming a SoulKids® Mentor or to attend one of Vikas’s inspirational talks, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372