Tuesday, July 28, 2015

SoulKids sets children ablaze with joy

SoulKids® believes that every child comes with the promise of potential. That children are furnaces to be lit, not buckets to be filled. As a certified SoulKids® Mentor and Coach, I was lucky enough to facilitate a blazing inferno of child furnaces, as I hosted my first SoulKids® Self Confidence Weekend.

Along with my team I welcomed 12 eager yet somewhat apprehensive children aged 8 to 11 into the program. They soon learned that this was their ‘safe space’, a place for them to shine and realize their limitless potential. What followed were 2 days of what children love most… having fun. They heard engaging stories and played endless games – each loaded with concepts and lessons of life skills that were easily digested and absorbed, because when a child is having fun they are engaged and their mind is wide open.

We covered important issues such as bullying, losing, friendships, fear and opened them up to a world of possibility and empowerment. They danced, they screamed with joy during the games and were focused and reflective during the stories. For many these concepts were new. They relished the notion that there were techniques they could use to be happier; that they could improve their self-esteem and were in control of their emotions.

We were able to facilitate the transformation of some who were quite anxious about entering the program – worried they would have to do something in front of other people - only to watch them stand confidently on a chair and present to the group, positively beaming.

On the second morning we had a bunch of children waiting at the door an hour before the program was meant to begin, as they were so eager to return for more!

The parents’ session I held at the conclusion of the weekend armed parents with tools to carry the momentum into the household in order to keep their child’s furnace alight and glowing. The feedback from them and the children has been incredible.

I feel blessed to have conducted this program together with my amazing team, and eagerly look forward to my next SoulKids® program in August.
Let the fires rage on…

If you want your child to benefit from SoulKids®, get in touch with me on nicischueler@bigpond.com or write to SoulKids® on info@soulcentre.org

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