Showing posts with label SoulKids Mentor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SoulKids Mentor. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Resilience - A much needed skill for children

Resilience – A much needed skill for Children
By Sally Forrest
BSc, MRPharmS, MBA.
11th September 2018
Resilience is the ability to pick yourself up when things do not go your way.
The ability to recover from setbacks and difficulties, the ability to have mental toughness.
Resilience is a skill that can be taught in children (and adults) and the earlier it is taught; the better life will become.
Life will not always go the way we expect it to, and this statement alone will change the way your child reacts to life.
Life often throws us a curve ball; Death of a loved one, Divorce, Redundancy, Moving Country, Loss of a Pet …the list is endless. The question we have to answer is “How do we deal with this new situation and how do we get our life back on track?"

Children are tough!
Do not treat them otherwise. Expose them to the Ups and Downs that life throws their way.
How can you develop Resilience in your child? Here are 4 easy steps:
1)    Talk OpenlyTalk about how you have dealt with issues in your own past, how did you feel, what actions did you take to get back on track and how you managed to turn life around once more.
2)    Expose them to other people’s experiences.If a friend has an issue then do not be the only one who offers support. Discuss the situation openly in the family and expose your children to life’s challenges at an early age.
3)    Accept that Change is normal.If we expect that life will always be the same, then we will sadly be disappointed. Explain to your child the concept of life cycles, show them this in nature. At an early age get them to understand that everything will one day pass away. Demonstrate this with the seasons in nature - the leaves fall, the grass grows and is harvested, butterflies are here for a short time and then move on.
The sooner we all accept that each day that passes is one less day we have to live on this wonderful planet, then the sooner we start to appreciate all the good things we have in life.
4)    Nurture positivity.Self-confidence and a positive outlook in life will see you through any crisis. Develop the attitude that “no matter what happens in life, I can deal with it”.
Whenever your child has an issue, do not jump in and solve it for them. Ask them questions to get them to suggest answers and ways forward.
At SoulKids we offer one on one coaching for your child in addition to group programs.
Please do connect and register your child for one of our upcoming workshops:

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

How to manage stress in children

How to manage stress in children
By Vikas Malkani
Founder of SoulKids®
, www.soulkids.org13th August 2018
The task of raising children and making them future ready, brings many challenges. From academic stress, to teenage issues; from low self-esteem to intense peer pressure, children face it all in their years of learning and growing.
And parents feel the stress too. Parenting is one the most challenging jobs there is. It tests our patience, positivity and persistence. It can bring out our inner potential, or it can kill it completely.
The word 'stress' originates from the French word 'estrece' meaning 'narrowness' and depicts a limiting or constriction of our power and abilities.
We have the feeling of being stressed out when we think we have too much to handle either on a mental, emotional or physical level. Stress also occurs when we view change and pressure as burdens rather than as challenges.

Interestingly, what makes a person stress-full may be quite an ordinary event for another person. The secret to releasing stress is to realize that stress is created not by the event or circumstance itself, but by the way we respond to what happens to us.
Decide today to live a life that’s free of stress. The first step to this is learning how to manage stress when it crops up. It's never too late to make your children and the job of parenting, stress-free and joyful. Remember - Life is too short to postpone happiness until the conditions are just perfect.
Here are 3 stress management tips that lead to greater happiness for you and your children.
All of us have a lot to be grateful for, but most times, we don’t realize it. Children take for granted whatever their parents provide for them.
Train your children to start every day with 5 minutes of focusing on gratitude. Gratitude helps to cultivate a positive mind-set. Remember, as your day begins, you don’t know what the day will bring to you, but you can decide what you will bring to this day! So, choose to bring a grateful and happy ‘you’ to your day and see the benefits happen.
If you constantly think about what is wrong or what you lack, you will be more stressed out. Instead, spend 5 minutes before you get active in the morning reminding yourself what is great in your life. You can do this exercise together with your children at the start of the day.
In every situation, you always have two choices - either curse the darkness, or light a candle.  Meditation helps you to train your mind to choose the more positive attitude.
Simply put, stress is the result of the way you think. And if you develop the ability to change the way you think, you will have in your hands the power to manage stress regardless of what the causes may be.
Stress arises out of the way you think, and since meditation is the skill of training your mind, and becoming aware of your thoughts, meditation is also one of the most effective antidotes to stress. Negative thinking produces stress and thinking positively releases it, it’s that simple in most cases. 
Invest in meditation. Find an authentic and reputable teacher and make sure you and your children learn the skills of meditation. Training your mind through the ancient science of meditation shows you the way to create your own happiness and joy.
So, find a good teacher and learn the skills of meditation and mindfulness. Countless studies have shown that meditation and mindfulness help you to manage stress better.
It’s a fact that we all have imperfections. This includes your children too; remember that they are not perfect and are not meant to be, they are wonderful and unique just the way they are and your job as a parent is not to make them different, but rather to make them the best version of who they authentically are.
Expecting your children to be perfect will create more stress, I promise. So ease up a little, check the expectations you carry and lower them if necessary, and see how much more you can enjoy parenting and your life. You will be happily surprised.  
Trying to control every moment and outcome of your life will always cause more stress for you. Instead, release a bit of control, take the action the present moment requires, and then, stop clinging to the results.
There are also important lessons adults can learn from children about managing stress. Here is one - HAVE FUN. Being around children has taught me the simple power of pursuing fun -- again and again. A simple game like hide and seek can keep a child happy and occupied for hours. The price of the game: nothing. The fun: priceless.
But fun doesn't just happen. You have to make it a priority in your life or it won’t happen. Life's too short to not have it. In my perspective, life is what you make it to be, nothing more, nothing less.
So HAVE FUN with your children and make your family happier and stress free!
If you wish to become a stress-free parent, I highly recommend our ‘Meditation Made Simple’ program as the perfect first step. 
Click here to see dates and register
Vikas Malkani is an authority and one of the world’s leading teachers of meditation and mindfulness. He has taught the secrets of meditation to CEO’s, Hollywood Stars, Royalty, Entrepreneurs, Doctors, Psychologists and Sports Champions.
SoulCentre is Asia’s Premier Centre for Meditation, Mindfulness & Stress-Management.
SoulKids is an award-winning life skills program that makes children future-ready by teaching them leadership, resilience, emotional intelligence, teamwork and more.
Find out more about SoulKids programs and one-on-one coaching here or email us at

Monday, July 30, 2018

How SoulKids Changed My Life

How SoulKids Changed My Life
By Sashwika S Venkatraman
SoulKids Ambassador,
30th July 2018

Hello, my name is Sashwika and I am 14 years old.
Today I would like to talk about my experience with SoulKids and how it has helped and changed me throughout my growing years. I know that as teens it is crucial to develop a healthy mindset and that is a fundamental step that leads to a happy and successful future.
I began my SoulKids journey at the age of 9. Frankly, at that time I didn’t know what I was signing up for. I was a shy, introverted kid that just did what my mum insisted on. I remember on the way to SoulKids my mother was excited and kept talking about how beneficial this was going to be for me. I didn't really believe her at that time but I am who I am today because of this step my mother took for me and SoulKids really did change my life.
SoulKids has played a significant role in making me into the positive person I am today. The environment at SoulKids was so open, positive and friendly. The mentors were friendly and at the end of the session, you wouldn't want to leave. It was a very safe space and you could happily speak your mind without being judged or feeling shy. At SoulKids, critical life lessons are conveyed in engaging ways. We learn these through many stories and games that are both interesting and fun. SoulKids has been such a game changer in my life and I will now share with you how.

When I had just started SoulKids at the age of 9, I was kind but very shy. I wouldn’t speak my mind and would hide from social situations in school. I wasn’t worried about this until I started to get bullied. I kept questioning everything. Why was I getting bullied when nothing was wrong with me? How come I got targeted just because I was slightly different, I mean wasn’t everyone different in their own way? For a while, I was trying to hold my ground but soon I started to develop insecurities relating to my personality, appearance, and ethnicity. I was so sad coming back from school and I felt like life was so unfair. I would constantly cry and wish I was someone else till I came to SoulKids.
Two SoulKids stories really stuck with me then and continue to do so even now. These stories taught me that my happiness was in my own hands, not in other people’s control. I had the power to make myself happy and no one could take that away from me. This gave me a new outlook on life and I started to consciously make an effort to think positive.
As teenagers, we continue to face challenges in the form of peer pressure or the media. Social media plays a huge role in our lives. Yes, it has its benefits such as the ability to communicate with others and make new friends and catch up but it can have a negative effect as well. It can often set unrealistic standards for both behaviour and appearance which can be quite harmful to a teenagers mental and physical health. Not to forget the bullying that can also happen. The SoulKids lessons have always helped me keep myself in check.
The lessons are deeply ingrained in my mind. I now realize and believe that I am unique and special in my own way and I should love myself for that. The most important thing I learnt was that you should never compare yourself to others because you are you and not them. This has had a great impact on my thoughts and helped me feel more confident about myself. It has helped me focus on everything I like about myself and enjoy doing. I am a happier person now and I am no longer an insecure girl that was defined by others standards. SoulKids taught me to be the best me that I could be and that completely changed me.  
As I am only 14, I understand that these aren't the only obstacles that are in my path. There are many more to come but through SoulKids I have the confidence that I can manage them no matter what and keep a positive mind always. Whenever my life takes a turn I always look at it from a different perspective instead of getting flustered, angry or sad. There is always a SoulKids story or lesson to go back to. My method of dealing with issues has changed and I am able to help those around me to be the best people they can be as well. When I look at myself now I realise that I am the confident, positive girl all thanks to my SoulKids experience. 
My gratitude goes entirely to SoulKids for helping me become the person I am today. I wish all children could experience SoulKids just like me!
Best Regards,
SoulKids is an award-winning training program of essential life-skills for children.
Read more about SoulKids here
The next SoulKids Self-Confidence program is coming up on 6 / 7  / 8  August. An ideal moment for your child to grow self-confidence and have fun during the school holidays at the same time.
For registration, click here.
For all upcoming SoulKids events click
One on One coaching sessions can be booked at your convenience by contacting the SoulKids Manager, Vidhya on

Monday, July 16, 2018

A flying start for SoulKids® Romania

A flying start for SoulKids® Romania
By Dana Ilies, SoulKids Mentor
16th July 2018
I want to start with a quote I got from Vikas in one of his Life Lessons about how to overcome challenges and changes that come into our lives:
“Turn your mess into a message”
This quote matches my story very well.
It all started in Singapore where my husband had the opportunity to work for Marina Bay Sands, a big company and a beautiful building with an infinity swimming pool on 57th floor. We were so happy and of course we took the chance.
Singapore was amazing. We had the expat life with all the benefits and were happy there.
One day I was drawn to a Facebook post in which SoulCentre was recruiting for office support and I decided to apply. Sally gave me the opportunity to join a team of awesome people. The day I stepped inside the office was the beginning of an amazing journey. Vikas and Sally are the best mentors in the world, and the support I got everyday from them is priceless. I can say without a doubt that they made me shine.
When Sally offered me the chance to take the SoulKids Mentor training I said yes without a single doubt in my mind. If I were to reccomend a single, unique training in the whole world that will have the most impact on yourself, I’ll reccomend the SoulKids Mentor Training. It changed my life.
After becoming a SoulKids Mentor I had the opportunity to participate in many SoulKids programs and the SoulKids Manager, Vidhya Shailesh was the best support and mentor one could wish.

Everything about our life in Singapore seemed perfect, except for the fact that our two daughters were in Romania. We were missing them a lot and in the back of our minds the thought of going back was always there.
It all came to an end when my husband’s work contract ended and we had to return. From Singapore to Bucharest is a big step to take, and most of our friends and family thought that this step would turn out to be a bad one.
However, being a SoulKids Mentor, I learnt to always think positive and believe in myself. The lessons I taught to children all that time were now so useful for my own life.

Never give up! You are awesome! Be the best you that you can be! Follow your passion!
I did not even have to think about what I was going to do in Bucharest. Children in Romania can also benefit from the SoulKids Program.
We landed on 3rd of April and my first SoulKids Program in Romania was scheduled on 19th May.  I was completely unknown and SoulKids a brand new word for people in Romania. My drive was the fact that this program can make a huge difference in children’s lives and it is something unique. In no time the first program, SoulKids QuickStart, was sold out!
It was the first time doing it on my own and in Romanian, but the systems that Sally put into place for the management of the program were so helpful. I can say without any doubt that Sally is the most organised person I know. With her system you can’t go wrong even if you are doing it for the first time. Her check lists were very helpful and for me life saving!!
The program was a success, I got very good feedback from both parents and children and from there it all started to grow.
I started on 19th May, and by 5th July I successfully finished 5 SoulKids programs.
32 children had fun and learnt important life lessons for their future.
I’m looking forward to a bright future and I feel blessed for having the chance to make such a profound impact on the lives of Romanian children with this program.
I finish my story with an amazing feedback I got from one of the parents:
“ Since this morning Rares is a different child. In the morning he would usually ask for his phone to play on and to eat breakfast in bed, this morning he woke up, made his bed, brushed his teeth, went to his room and changed his clothes, prepared himself milk and cereals which he heated in the microwave and all this without anyone telling him anything. What can I say, he is a different child.”
Rares attented one of the SoulKids QuikStart programs. Because he wants more, he registered for the SoulKids Self-confidence program in the following week.
Thank you Vikas Malkani and Sally Forrest for creating this program and giving me the chance to share SoulKids to Romanian children and thank you Vidhya Shailesh for your guidance and mentoring on so many SoulKids programs in Singapore.
When you do what you LOVE and you LOVE what you do the results are amazing.
My advice for everyone out there who feels low and does not see a bright future ahead, is to find your passion and let it be your work or business. The results will be over the top!
To find out more about our programs for children, please visit or email us (Singapore) (Romania)
We offer group programs for different age groups of children and even offer one-on-one coaching if your child requires specific help and guidance. 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Why I Love SoulKids
By Ikabella Heaps
SoulKids Ambassador,
18th June 2018

Hello! My name is Ikabella and I’m 14 years old. I am a proud SoulKids ambassador! 
Today, I would like to share with you my experience in SoulKids and how it has impacted my life as a teenager. I believe the learnings we have as teens have the most everlasting impact on our lives and it’s important that we equip ourselves with a proper mindset along with life skills. 
I first started SoulKids when I was about 9 or 10 years old, my mother was keen on signing me up at the SoulKid’s self-confidence workshop because she thought that it would be very beneficial for me in the long run. She was definitely right as the fun and engaging lessons have definitely taught me something special. 

SoulKids is not like any other program that you will attend, it is a fun and meaningful experience that will last you for a very long time! One of the reasons why I really love SoulKids is that the lessons are very engaging and impactful! They are conducted in a way where the children are able to participate and engage actively in the session which really give a memorable experience. As children, we do not really think much of it, but when we look back and reflect, a bigger conclusion can be drawn from the experiences. SoulKids has definitely been able to help me achieve this outcome!  And so, I will share with you next on how it has impacted me.
Being a teen, it’s sometimes difficult to cope with the ever changing expectations society has of us. The media in this case has a very big role to play in this setting, an example is the unrealistic portrayal on how people should look like. This, in my belief, has a massive impact on teens like myself. Teens go to different extents to try to achieve this “amazing goal” as the media says. These heights that teens sometimes go to is often detrimental to - both mental and physical health, we start to lose ourselves and dislike ourselves for who we are. 
However in SoulKids one very important lesson I’ve learnt is the true value of oneself, it is not determined by one’s looks or how others view them, but what is truly on the inside. Pushing yourself to be someone that you know is not you does not prove your self worth or being. I believe that knowing our personal value will help us to be able to accept and love ourselves for who we are, not being told by the media that this is how you should look so on and so forth. SoulKids has really helped me put  this mindset in to action and apply in my daily life! 
I would like to end off my sharing by saying I am very grateful that I have been given this opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences with all of you! Hopefully this compels you to try out a SoulKids workshop and see the change from within!
Thank you again for the amazing opportunities you have given to me! 
SoulKids is an award-winning training program of essential life-skills for children.
Read more about SoulKids here
The next SoulKids Self-Confidence program is coming up on 6 / 7  / 8  August. An ideal moment for your child to grow self-confidence and have fun during the school holidays at the same time.
For registration, click here.
For all upcoming SoulKids events click
One on One coaching sessions can be booked at your convenience by contacting the SoulKids Manager, Vidhya on 

Monday, April 30, 2018

Becoming a SoulKids Mentor was life changing

Becoming a SoulKids Mentor was life changing 
By Sally Forrest
Managing Director of SoulCentre,
30th April 2018

Sally recently interviewed Swapna Menon to find out about her journey to become a SoulKids Mentor.
What made you decide to become SK Mentor?
I happened to glance at a SoulKids programme brochure in school and I was completely wowed by the benefits it talked about.
I decided to take the course thinking that how beautiful it would be to transform myself and others and to see children “blossom" from buds into beautiful flowers
Personally I think that the most beautiful thing one can give back to the world is to “create a difference in the lives to others”.

Did You enjoy the SoulKids Mentor training program?
Yes! Without a doubt, it was amazing.
I particularly liked the transformation I saw in myself and then in the people I interacted with.
I loved the tools and teaching techniques used and in particular the stories!
As individuals, all of us connect to stories. Our eyes and ears are totally focussed and engrossed when we listen to a great story.
The stories shared at the SoulKids Mentor training are simple, unique and life changing.
The learning is so profound.
I could grasp and connect to it really easily and it also helped to change my perspective and my attitude.
It made me realise that I am in charge of my life!
Every thought I have and every action I take brings change to me and to my life.
The most beautiful part of the programme was to watch Vikas in action as he taught the program. He has such authenticity and passion, moving from one story to another with high energy. He never tired and I was totally focussed and concentrating all the time. It was enjoyable and the time just flew by. I was mesmerised.
SoulKids Mentor training is a programme that transformed me as an individual.
Have you incorporated the teachings into your life? 
Yes, I immediately incorporated the teachings.
First I changed my thoughts as I realised that as individuals we have numerous thoughts coming to us every day.
Some thoughts can be positive while some can be negative.
Of course the positive thoughts are great, however one negative thought is enough to influence our entire day and can spoil the moment.
Of course it can be a challenge to always have positive thoughts, however now I have this new awareness I am making a daily effort to keep the negative thoughts at bay.
How have you used SK with your family
Yes, I use it with my family.
I have all the SoulKids books and I read the stories to my daughter.
She loved the stories so much that she asked to attend a SoulKids program.
Every day when the opportunity arises I reiterate the learning from the stories.
There are situations when she may be impatient or may not be happy with her results.
I take situations like this as an opportunity to help her learn key life lessons from SoulKids like to “be patient” and “to not give up”
The stories of the patient spider and Bruce Lee help her to realise everyone in life goes through challenges and it enables her to focus and to be eager to change.
Every story that SoulKids teaches has invaluable life lessons that really benefit children (and adults).
Have you been involved in teaching a SoulKids program?
Yes I have and I loved every minute of it.
It is so rewarding to make a difference in the lives of others.
I am a very energetic person and I bring lots of enthusiasm and drama while narrating stories. 
The children definitely enjoyed the program and certainly left happy and smiling.

Many thanks Swapna for this enlightening interview.
We wish you continued happiness and we know that each child who comes into contact with you will most certainly benefit.
For more details on SoulKids please do connect with us on

Monday, April 16, 2018

How to raise a confident daughter?

How to raise a confident daughter?
By Vidhya Shailesh, SoulKids® Program Manager, www.soulkids.org16th April 2018

Confidence is a nurtured skill. As children grow up, they go through phases of confidence in their own abilities followed by phases of self-doubt. Peer pressure, comparisons with their friends, changing social environment all contribute towards their own self-belief. As girls grow up, body image issues, the need to be accepted and belong among others can affect their confidence. As parents or guardians, we can support them through these formative years to help them grow into confident young ladies.

1.    Encourage assertiveness
Encourage your daughters to stand up to their choices. Often when girls find their friends are making different choices, they feel compelled to choose otherwise. Encourage them to be assertive. Train them to stand by their choices, train them to make their own independent choices. It might start with simple choices like what to eat at a meal. Encourage them to make these choices often and stand up to them.
2.    Encourage competence
Teach her that competence takes effort and persistence. And it is only through persistent effort that competence is built. Encourage her to focus on her strengths and build on them. It doesn’t matter what her strengths might be – it could be academics, arts or sports or anything else that she is really keen on. With effort, she can keep growing and this leads to greater self-belief. Refrain from making assumptions on her strengths and weaknesses.
3.    Never compare her with others
Comparisons with friends, peers or siblings hurt a child’s confidence the most. It makes them feel they are not good enough. And with girls, this can have a much deeper impact. Remember, all children are special in their own way. Appreciate her efforts not just the results. Tell her often how she is doing something well, or what you think is special about her. Girls often need reassurance and this is where parents play an important role. Don’t judge her mistakes. Instead help her rise above them. Help them understand that mistakes are normal. Speak openly about your own failures or mistakes and embrace them. Avoid setting perfect ideals for her to live up to. Instead encourage effort and growth.
4.    Encourage a healthy body image
As young girls grow into their pre-teen years, body image plays a very important part. As their bodies change, encourage them to be accepting. Start by complementing them often. Girls are often lured by the images they see in magazines and can get caught up in their own idea of a perfect body. Tell them constantly how beautiful they are just as they are. Help them appreciate imperfection.
5.    Encourage them to have positive role models
Encourage your daughters to have positive role models. Help them see the effort that is put behind the success and the causes for which their role models stand. A positive role model can help inspire your daughter and encourage her to have the right mindset.
At SoulKids® we teach all children to believe in themselves. We teach them to be happy just they way they are, to never compare themselves with others and grow their own strengths. Essential skills such as this when taught early, lay the foundation for the rest of their growing up years. We work with many children on group programs and on one-on-one basis.
Parents can also learn how to inspire their own children and bring out the best in themselves. Our mentor training program is specifically designed to train adults in the SoulKids® philosophy. Mentor training happens only once a year and we have people flying in from all over the world to get trained. Mentor training in 2018 is happening from April 22-26. Sign up for this transformational training program and grow your own life and be a positive influence on everyone around you.
To find out more about our programs or one-on-one coaching, please visit or email us for more information. Register your children for our transformational programs and help them grow in confidence.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Interview with SoulKids Mentor - Amanda

Q: What brought you to SoulKids®?
Amanda: About 7 years ago I saw an advert in a magazine and was very interested to become a mentor. My daughter at the time was too young for me to take time out to do the course. Finally this year she turned ten and I felt able to pursue the SoulKids® Mentor course and went ahead.

Q: How did you hear about SoulKids® weekend program?
A: It was along time ago but if I remember correctly it was through an advert in the Finder or Expat Living.

Q: What are the experiences of the Mentor Training® and the SoulKids® weekend program?
A: All positive and professional. A chance to meet with a group of wonderful individuals. The experience was at times full of light bulb moments! The SoulKids® weekend program was fun and taught the children such important life skills that will help them in all sorts of situations. Just the fact that they left being positive and learnt one or more lessons was A+++.

Q: How has SoulKids® changed you as an individual? 
A: I am now able to look at nature as a teacher and use the teachings in my everyday life to help me grow. I am also able to help my family become more positive and to become the best that they can be.

Q: What was your best 'favourite lesson' from SoulKids®?
A: I really think that the lesson which I think about a lot is the donkey story. There are so many people that give up too easily in life and the donkey showed that in life that it is so important to shake it of and keep going!!!! Of course all the stories are just wonderful, such a hard task to chose one.

Q: What are your visions and dreams going forward?
A: To touch as many children or adults as I can. To help with SoulKids® going forward and be the happiest I can. To make sure I always show my beautiful daughter  how to be the best person in life she can possibly be, by me being the best ever mentor to her I can be!

Q: Anything else you want to share with our readers?
A: Please either do a mentor course or send your children on a SoulKids® weekend.
What do you have to lose? Nothing! What do you have to gain? An experience that everybody should go through. You learn essential life skills through stories and play, so simple yet so powerful!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Beauty is all around you ...

Hey SoulKids, 
I am writing this on a wet and windy day, and I am full of happiness.
Why do you think that is?
It is because I can see beauty all around me - even in the rain!

I am grateful for the simple things in life and for what I have received.

We should always look for the good in life and to see the beautiful things.
You can do this anywhere and at any time if only you stop for a moment and look.

So take a moment now to look around you and spot at least 3 things that make you feel great about life.

Here are a few suggestions:
  • You are able to see as you have 2 healthy eyes – that will make you feel great
  • You have nice clothes to wear and have good food to eat
  • Your mummy and daddy take good care of you and provide a safe home for you
  • You are able to go to school and learn exciting things
  • Nature is found everywhere – look and see what trees / animals and birds you can see
  • You have lovely friends who care for you and play with you
  • Now continue:-)

Do this everyday and especially when you are feeling a bit low or grumpy – as soon you realise that you have so much to look forward to in life!!

We teach this at SoulCentre® and its called "Counting your blessings of life".

One of my biggest blessings in life is being able to teach SoulKids® and spend time with some amazing SoulKids® children.

You rock!! And we love you and count you as a blessing:-).