Showing posts with label essential children skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label essential children skills. Show all posts

Monday, April 30, 2018

Becoming a SoulKids Mentor was life changing

Becoming a SoulKids Mentor was life changing 
By Sally Forrest
Managing Director of SoulCentre,
30th April 2018

Sally recently interviewed Swapna Menon to find out about her journey to become a SoulKids Mentor.
What made you decide to become SK Mentor?
I happened to glance at a SoulKids programme brochure in school and I was completely wowed by the benefits it talked about.
I decided to take the course thinking that how beautiful it would be to transform myself and others and to see children “blossom" from buds into beautiful flowers
Personally I think that the most beautiful thing one can give back to the world is to “create a difference in the lives to others”.

Did You enjoy the SoulKids Mentor training program?
Yes! Without a doubt, it was amazing.
I particularly liked the transformation I saw in myself and then in the people I interacted with.
I loved the tools and teaching techniques used and in particular the stories!
As individuals, all of us connect to stories. Our eyes and ears are totally focussed and engrossed when we listen to a great story.
The stories shared at the SoulKids Mentor training are simple, unique and life changing.
The learning is so profound.
I could grasp and connect to it really easily and it also helped to change my perspective and my attitude.
It made me realise that I am in charge of my life!
Every thought I have and every action I take brings change to me and to my life.
The most beautiful part of the programme was to watch Vikas in action as he taught the program. He has such authenticity and passion, moving from one story to another with high energy. He never tired and I was totally focussed and concentrating all the time. It was enjoyable and the time just flew by. I was mesmerised.
SoulKids Mentor training is a programme that transformed me as an individual.
Have you incorporated the teachings into your life? 
Yes, I immediately incorporated the teachings.
First I changed my thoughts as I realised that as individuals we have numerous thoughts coming to us every day.
Some thoughts can be positive while some can be negative.
Of course the positive thoughts are great, however one negative thought is enough to influence our entire day and can spoil the moment.
Of course it can be a challenge to always have positive thoughts, however now I have this new awareness I am making a daily effort to keep the negative thoughts at bay.
How have you used SK with your family
Yes, I use it with my family.
I have all the SoulKids books and I read the stories to my daughter.
She loved the stories so much that she asked to attend a SoulKids program.
Every day when the opportunity arises I reiterate the learning from the stories.
There are situations when she may be impatient or may not be happy with her results.
I take situations like this as an opportunity to help her learn key life lessons from SoulKids like to “be patient” and “to not give up”
The stories of the patient spider and Bruce Lee help her to realise everyone in life goes through challenges and it enables her to focus and to be eager to change.
Every story that SoulKids teaches has invaluable life lessons that really benefit children (and adults).
Have you been involved in teaching a SoulKids program?
Yes I have and I loved every minute of it.
It is so rewarding to make a difference in the lives of others.
I am a very energetic person and I bring lots of enthusiasm and drama while narrating stories. 
The children definitely enjoyed the program and certainly left happy and smiling.

Many thanks Swapna for this enlightening interview.
We wish you continued happiness and we know that each child who comes into contact with you will most certainly benefit.
For more details on SoulKids please do connect with us on

Monday, August 29, 2016

Stay connected to wisdom with the SoulKids® Books

Children who attend SoulKids® programs have great fun learning life lessons, gaining wisdom and techniques to deal with life issues and listening to the many stories we share.

Each child leaves with a favorite story and many parents have commented that the child continues to tell the story over and over again.
Parents asked us to put the stories into books and we are delighted to share the wisdom in 8 separate books and inspirational flash cards;
  • 5 Books in the SoulKids® Book of Self Confidence series (Book 1 to Book 5).
  • A limited edition “Box Set” containing all 5 books for your child to treasure.
  • The 2 Dogs.
  • Ben's Story.
  • SoulKids® for Teenagers.
  • SoulKids® Inspirational Cards.
We always encourage parent’s to keep their children connected to the wisdom and to encourage reading. There are so many benefits!

Allow us to remind you of 8 important ones:
  1. Reading expands a child’s vocabulary and allows them to master language skills.
  2. Reading encourages conversation and enhances communication skills.
  3. Reading together improves relationships and allows time for parent-child bonding and quality time together.
  4. The stories expose the children to life lessons they may encounter as they grow.
  5. Shared memories result as both parent and child will benefit from the story and life lessons contained within it, and soon, SoulKids® wisdom will be part of the family vocabulary.
  6. Regular reading encourages concentration, focus and discipline.
  7. Reading together provides an excellent opportunity for parents to discuss the life lessons contained within the stories. The lessons of the stories are designed to support with real life issues and the parent can use them to support the child during stages of transition (moving school, exams etc.)
  8. If reading is fun, children are more likely to pick up a book rather than all the other gadgets on offer.
Our complete range of books can be bought on line, or at our head office in Bencoolen Street.

Please connect with us ( and we will guide you on which books are most suitable for your child.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Why are life-skills needed?

‘SoulKids teaches children how to create and enjoy a good life, not just earn a good living.’ – Vikas

The imperative things to learn in life, are how to manage ourselves, work with others and maximize our inner potential for the benefit of others.

Sadly, these essential skills are often overlooked as a child grows into an adult.

While academic learning and external skills sets may be enough to get us a good job, they do not ensure that we will have happy relationships, actualize our inner potential, work efficiently with others in teams, or even enjoy a lasting sense of happiness and purpose in life.

And this is where SoulKids really shines! SoulKids works with children to equip them with the complete set of life skills that a child will need to create a happy and successful life as they become adults.

Skills that teach us about the power of our thoughts, the strength of our emotions and the effects of our actions.

Inner skills such as resilience, teamwork, positive thinking, creative problem solving and discipline, which are needed to create both success and happiness in one’s life.

Children enhance their level of self-confidence, think positively, develop determination, focus, vision, persistence, passion and creative problem solving, and have greater emotional intelligence and resilience after attending SoulKids. They can apply what they learn at SoulKids in their personal, family and social life.

Life-skills create strong self-esteem and empower us to overcome day-to- day challenges, stress and tension.

Life-skills are necessary in today’s world, because academic education is simply not enough for us to create and enjoy a good life!

SoulKids is an award winning training program that provides the complete menu of life-skills that your child will require to create a life of happiness and success.

So if your child has not benefited from the magic of SoulKids yet, now is the time for you to connect with us.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Power of Positive Thoughts

"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely"

- Roald Dahl 

What is the best gift we can give to a child?

It is simply to be the best example that we can be.

We can only give to a child what we have inside, so if we feel loved then we can give love, if we feel happy and content, then we can give happiness.

So reflect for a moment, How happy are you? How positive are your thoughts?

Children learn by watching as well as listening, and what they see on a day to day basis becomes their reality.

So exercise your happy muscles today.

Have positive thoughts. 

In ANY situation we can always look to see a positive aspect….

It's as simple as remembering we have enough food to eat, clean water to drink, that our bodies are healthy, that we live in a safe environment….

The list is endless….

So on a daily basis - look for the things that make you smile, develop your positive thoughts and radiate like a sunbeam.

Your children will love you for being a happy you - and change will result.

Try it and see.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Sally met up with Nuthiya, a beautiful lady, originally from Thailand and now one of our SoulKids®  Mentors.

Sally: Nuthiya what bought you to SoulKids®?
Nuthiya: I used to own a tuition school franchise.

I feel that nowadays children are very busy and they receive a lot of "input". After their school hours, they have to go for academic tuitions, sports, arts, music etc. I started to question why this is happening?

It's definitely because the parents want their children to be smart, to be the best and to be ready as much as possible. Everyone is doing it, so parents feel they must too.

But are the children happy?
Are the parents happy?
Are they confident of the outcome?

I used to discuss this with a lot of parents and children and always the answer was that they were not sure. So I was always searching for something else that can make people stronger without "just following the trend".

I think what is lacking is "life-skills training for children". It would be great for children to know that their life is in their hands, and that they have to take responsibility for that.

Life-skills, that guide children to have the right mindset, a good attitude and proper behavior.

In 2015 my husband Iskandar and I discussed this topic with my mother in law, Dato Prof. Dr. Nor and she introduced SoulKids® to us. She said the program really transforms children.

That made me think - WOW, really?

The next day we checked the SoulKids® Mentor Training schedule and signed up for the next class. Iskandar and I drove down from Thailand to attend the class in Singapore.

S: Oh my, that was so dedicated of you both to drive all the way from Thailand. So what are your experiences of the Mentor Training?
N: The mentor training program is a positive and simple way to understand your own life. It shows you what leads people to success and happiness.

S: How has SoulKids® changed you as an individual?
N: It has helped me have a better understanding about the basic concepts of life.

It taught me that children and adults all are the same; we all like things that are fun, simple, short and powerful.

It made me understand others and myself better.

S: What are your visions and dreams going forward?
N: I want to do my part to make the society better. We have to start with young children and certainly the parents must also be involved.

I would like to encourage the children to participate in SoulKids® programs and encourage the parents to participate in the SoulKids® Mentor training for adults.

I'll keep learning, be open-minded, be positive and focus on my passion ...  I'll say YES to life and I'll NEVER give up on chasing my dream. I will continue to improve myself constantly.

S: Anything else you want to share with our readers?
N: SoulKids® teaches that all children are special and unique. I hope everyone realizes this and lets them shine in their own way. All they need is guidance and support.

How beautiful the world will be when these children grow up to be successful and happy and know how to share with others.

Be positive, open-minded and come to join us @SoulKids®!!!

Thank you so much Nuthiya – you really are a shining example – attending and learning the program in a different country and in a second language as well. I know you will go on and inspire children the world over- we are blessed to have you on the team!
We wish you every success with your SoulKids in Malaysia.

For more information connect with us at:

Monday, February 29, 2016


It was so exciting to meet some of the artists and their parents at the SoulKids Book 5 Launch Party. Sally explained the journey from the initial book idea to completion and demonstrated to the children that success is always about teamwork.

Together we all achieve more by working as a team.

The children were able to see how their original artwork eventually became part of the book design and their faces lit up with a feeling of pride and achievement.

SoulKids now has 5 best-selling books in its Self-Confidence Series and each book contains 10 inspiring stories with life lessons that remain with the children forever.

In celebration we are offering a special 20% discount if you order all 5 books. They make such a memorable and meaningful gift.

For more information connect with us at:


visit us at

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

SoulKids® Mentors - Beautiful Inside and Out...

We managed to sneak in a short interview with the beautiful SoulKids® Mentors while they were teaching life-skills to 13 beautiful children.

Left to Right: SoulKids® Mentors - Siok, Zoe, Kheam and Amanda
The SoulKids® program is fun and teaches the children important life-skills that will help them in all sorts of situations, through teamwork activities. They learn how to be a good friend, to never give up and believe in themselves, among other things. Just the fact that they leave being positive and learn one or more lessons, in itself, is a fulfilling experience.

Being a SoulKids® Mentor is an amazing and thought provoking experience. The ability to invoke story-telling techniques into learning about various aspects of self-confidence is inspiring. They learn to be passionate and creative. It also teaches children to think differently – not like anyone else. It’s wonderful to see the transformation from who they are when they enter to who they become when they leave.

Being positive is a key lesson taught at SoulKids®, as is seeing the good in yourself, focusing on your actions, being a team leader and a team follower at various times and growing your self-esteem through various engaging activities. It gives children the tools to create, a bigger, better and brighter life for themselves as well as those around them.

The SoulKids® program gives me a chance to teach essential life-skills through story and play, to a group of wonderful, children. The experience is at times full of light bulb moments!  It teaches you to expect the unexpected and that each child is special and unique.

What lessons do children learn from SoulKids®?

They learn:

To be creative
To think out of the box
To be caring
To be loving and warm
To be positive
To be confident and overcome their fears
That each child is different and unique
To deal with the unexpected
How to be patient
Not to fear new things

It’s a fun and engaging workshop and it is wonderful to see the transformation in only one hour!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Creative Mindset

Looking for a fun weekend for your child.

One where they have fun, learn and be inspired?

Creative MindSet module for SoulKids®

Just some of the fun things children learn:
  • New, inspiring and fun stories
  • How to think creatively
  • Not to limit yourself
  • How to be open minded
  • Never to give up at the first hurdle
  • How to create a vision
  • How your thoughts create beliefs
  • Have the courage to be original

What children say about SoulKids® Creative Mindset

  • The stories of SoulKids® have changed my life
  • It's simply awesome
  • It is out of this world
  • I love everything about SoulKids®
  • It encourages me to be brave
  • I learnt many life secrets
  • A great way to learn
  • Awesome +++++++
  • Enlightening and beautiful

Zoe is conducting the next module at SoulCentre® Academy on:
Date: 26/27 September
Time: (10 am – 4pm)

Spaces are limited to 15 children – so please do BOOK EARLY.

For more details, contact :
Sally Forrest
BSc. MRPharmS, MBA
Managing Director

Monday, August 24, 2015

Beauty is all around you ...

Hey SoulKids, 
I am writing this on a wet and windy day, and I am full of happiness.
Why do you think that is?
It is because I can see beauty all around me - even in the rain!

I am grateful for the simple things in life and for what I have received.

We should always look for the good in life and to see the beautiful things.
You can do this anywhere and at any time if only you stop for a moment and look.

So take a moment now to look around you and spot at least 3 things that make you feel great about life.

Here are a few suggestions:
  • You are able to see as you have 2 healthy eyes – that will make you feel great
  • You have nice clothes to wear and have good food to eat
  • Your mummy and daddy take good care of you and provide a safe home for you
  • You are able to go to school and learn exciting things
  • Nature is found everywhere – look and see what trees / animals and birds you can see
  • You have lovely friends who care for you and play with you
  • Now continue:-)

Do this everyday and especially when you are feeling a bit low or grumpy – as soon you realise that you have so much to look forward to in life!!

We teach this at SoulCentre® and its called "Counting your blessings of life".

One of my biggest blessings in life is being able to teach SoulKids® and spend time with some amazing SoulKids® children.

You rock!! And we love you and count you as a blessing:-).

Friday, August 7, 2015

Lessons From a Swan

It’s that wonderful time of year when many of us are blessed to take a break and go on holiday.

Vikas & Sally our SoulKids founders spent time in the Lake District in the UK and have just returned. They have shared many wonderful stories of all the animals and birds they met and some of the lessons that we can all learn from observing nature.

One beautiful encounter was with a swan on one of the lakes – look at the photo – how beautiful he is.

So what can we learn from the Swan as we go about our daily life?
Lets consider these points and apply them to our lives just for one day.

Become like the Swan and see how life changes.
If you like the changes then apply them each and every day ;)

  1. The Swan is elegant and graceful on the surface, even though he is really very busy paddling his feet under the water.
  2. The Swan is peaceful.
  3. The Swan is silent and calm and only makes a noise when really needed.
  4. The Swan gives out an energy of tranquility.
  5. The Swan is CONFIDENT – just like all those of you who have been on SoulKids.
  6. The Swan watches and learns from everything around him.
  7. Every person who comes into contact with the Swan truly admires him.
So reflect on the qualities of the Swan and apply them into your life.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

SoulKids sets children ablaze with joy

SoulKids® believes that every child comes with the promise of potential. That children are furnaces to be lit, not buckets to be filled. As a certified SoulKids® Mentor and Coach, I was lucky enough to facilitate a blazing inferno of child furnaces, as I hosted my first SoulKids® Self Confidence Weekend.

Along with my team I welcomed 12 eager yet somewhat apprehensive children aged 8 to 11 into the program. They soon learned that this was their ‘safe space’, a place for them to shine and realize their limitless potential. What followed were 2 days of what children love most… having fun. They heard engaging stories and played endless games – each loaded with concepts and lessons of life skills that were easily digested and absorbed, because when a child is having fun they are engaged and their mind is wide open.

We covered important issues such as bullying, losing, friendships, fear and opened them up to a world of possibility and empowerment. They danced, they screamed with joy during the games and were focused and reflective during the stories. For many these concepts were new. They relished the notion that there were techniques they could use to be happier; that they could improve their self-esteem and were in control of their emotions.

We were able to facilitate the transformation of some who were quite anxious about entering the program – worried they would have to do something in front of other people - only to watch them stand confidently on a chair and present to the group, positively beaming.

On the second morning we had a bunch of children waiting at the door an hour before the program was meant to begin, as they were so eager to return for more!

The parents’ session I held at the conclusion of the weekend armed parents with tools to carry the momentum into the household in order to keep their child’s furnace alight and glowing. The feedback from them and the children has been incredible.

I feel blessed to have conducted this program together with my amazing team, and eagerly look forward to my next SoulKids® program in August.
Let the fires rage on…

If you want your child to benefit from SoulKids®, get in touch with me on or write to SoulKids® on

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

You are the author of your own life story…it starts with you!

Coffee and Wisdom for the Soul…….

Sit back relax, meet new people, and listen to wisdom.
What a wonderful way to spend your morning!

To find out more about one of our SoulKids® programs, becoming a SoulKids® Mentor or to attend one of Vikas’s inspirational talks, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372