Showing posts with label Renowned Life Skills Program. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Renowned Life Skills Program. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Why are life-skills needed?

‘SoulKids teaches children how to create and enjoy a good life, not just earn a good living.’ – Vikas

The imperative things to learn in life, are how to manage ourselves, work with others and maximize our inner potential for the benefit of others.

Sadly, these essential skills are often overlooked as a child grows into an adult.

While academic learning and external skills sets may be enough to get us a good job, they do not ensure that we will have happy relationships, actualize our inner potential, work efficiently with others in teams, or even enjoy a lasting sense of happiness and purpose in life.

And this is where SoulKids really shines! SoulKids works with children to equip them with the complete set of life skills that a child will need to create a happy and successful life as they become adults.

Skills that teach us about the power of our thoughts, the strength of our emotions and the effects of our actions.

Inner skills such as resilience, teamwork, positive thinking, creative problem solving and discipline, which are needed to create both success and happiness in one’s life.

Children enhance their level of self-confidence, think positively, develop determination, focus, vision, persistence, passion and creative problem solving, and have greater emotional intelligence and resilience after attending SoulKids. They can apply what they learn at SoulKids in their personal, family and social life.

Life-skills create strong self-esteem and empower us to overcome day-to- day challenges, stress and tension.

Life-skills are necessary in today’s world, because academic education is simply not enough for us to create and enjoy a good life!

SoulKids is an award winning training program that provides the complete menu of life-skills that your child will require to create a life of happiness and success.

So if your child has not benefited from the magic of SoulKids yet, now is the time for you to connect with us.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Low Self Esteem – How to support your child?

SoulKids teaches parents many skills and techniques to support their children if they ever face low self-esteem.

Here are some ways parents can help to raise self-esteem in their children.

5 Simple Tips to raise self-esteem in your children:
  1. Keep your speech positive around your child. Be aware of what they hear from you and others in the family, because they imbibe and imitate what they hear.
  2. Encourage your child to make small efforts, rather than take big leaps. Support their efforts when they make them and encourage them to do some more. Remember, small victories lead to greater ones.
  3. Never compare your child. This habit is toxic to your child’s inner beliefs, and devalues the child’s self-esteem.
  4. Do not dominate your child. If you are dominating and dictatorial, it weakens your child’s self-esteem. Either they will withdraw and become introverted, or they may rebel and swing the opposite way by becoming confrontational.
  5. Avoid labelling your child in any way. Labels such as ‘you’re slow’, ‘you’re so dumb’ etc. are toxic to their self-belief.
Positive self-esteem in children helps them to become happy and successful, while low self-esteem will make them unhappy, sad or depressed.

High self-esteem leads to action, while low self-esteem will make them avoid taking actions. Since actions produce results, success is inevitably a result of high self-esteem.

SoulKids is an award-winning life skills program for children. Send your children to SoulKids and we will help them develop a positive and strong self-esteem.

We recommend all parents to attend our annual ‘SoulKids Mentor Training’ and learn SoulKids methods and secrets from Vikas Malkani himself.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Parenting tips for stress free travel

The holidays are finally here!

Summer vacations, trips back home, family time, and travel to exotic locations. While all of the above sounds exciting and fun, if you are not well prepared, they can prove to be stressful as well.

So here are our top tips to enjoy stress-free holiday with your family:

1. Plan in advance.
Children need something to do, something that stimulates them and excites them. Just sightseeing or tagging along for a shopping trip sounds extremely boring to them. Instead make a fun experience out of the same outing. Let them lead the way for you or talk to you about where you're headed. Get them to do some research in advance and take on the role of a guide or explorer. By giving them this responsibility, you are just turning a potentially boring trip for them into a fun learning experience.

2. Set some goals
A fun way to engage the children is to sit together as a family and set some holiday goals for each of you. Make sure the goals are achievable, realistic and measurable. Set goals for yourself too and work on them everyday. When the children see you working on your goals, it inspires them to work on theirs too.

3. Encourage the children to read.
Holidays and travel are a great time to read. SoulKids books provide a wealth of wonderful stories, which not just intrigue their interest but also serve as a wonderful conversation starter. The stories in SoulKids books help you to coach and mentor your children even whilst on holiday.

The SoulKids® books support the children to earn essential life skills such as self-confidence, self-esteem, teamwork, leadership and resilience.

You will be able to relate to the stories as you travel and explain the lessons with real life situations.

For example one story teaches about seeing the good in every situation – this could apply to many situations whilst travelling.

4. Start each holiday morning on a positive note.
Switch your thinking from 'what can go wrong' to 'what an exciting new experience, I’ll make the most of it'.

This way you transmit your positivity to your children and create for them the opportunities to see positive thinking in action.

5. Remember holidays are meant for rest and rejuvenation, whilst having fun.
It is a well-deserved time-off not just for you but for the children as well. Make it your goal to create happy memories.

After all " the quality of what you do is more important than how much you do."

Thursday, March 17, 2016


SoulKids® inspires children to be their best and to bring out their strengths. It provides children with essential life-skills for happiness and success in all aspects of their life.

We do not focus on what children want to be when they grow up - we focus on what do children want to be NOW !
What can children contribute to the world TODAY !

For example Dillan says My mission is to be happy every day and my I want to make the world a happy, fun, peaceful and relaxed place.”

SoulKids® provides children with so many exciting opportunities to say “Yes” to life and to try new things.

Children do art work for our best-selling SoulKids® books and they write blogs about their experiences in life.

We are now delighted and excited to announce that SoulKids® is moving one step further!
We have chosen children who will become “SoulKids® Ambassadors” and who will go on to inspire children the world over.

Already they have been professionally interviewed by a TV crew and each and every one of them passed with glowing success.

Let me introduce you to our first Ambassadors:

Dillan Patrick Bowe
Age: 9

Amelie Russell
Age: 9

Ikabella Heaps
Age: 11

Ece Tanisman
Age: 11

Sashwika Venkatraman
Age: 11

Their newly recorded videos will soon feature on YouTube as well as on our SoulKids® Website.

We are so excited to be working with them and to take SoulKids® to greater heights.

For more information connect with us at:

Monday, February 29, 2016


It was so exciting to meet some of the artists and their parents at the SoulKids Book 5 Launch Party. Sally explained the journey from the initial book idea to completion and demonstrated to the children that success is always about teamwork.

Together we all achieve more by working as a team.

The children were able to see how their original artwork eventually became part of the book design and their faces lit up with a feeling of pride and achievement.

SoulKids now has 5 best-selling books in its Self-Confidence Series and each book contains 10 inspiring stories with life lessons that remain with the children forever.

In celebration we are offering a special 20% discount if you order all 5 books. They make such a memorable and meaningful gift.

For more information connect with us at:


visit us at

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What exactly are Life-Skills?

As we go through school and college education, we are taught skills which help us "make a living."
English, Maths, Computing, Accounting, Law, Medicine ….

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
Yet who actually teaches us "how to live a life?"

Who teaches us simple skills like :
  • How to make friends with others 
  • How to nurture lasting relationships
  • How to work with others not like you
  • How to speak with confidence and express our opinion 
  • How to have the courage to speak our view 
  • How to deal with negative situations (bullying, divorce, death) 
  • How to deal with negative emotions (jealousy, anger, worry) 
  • How to get up when life knocks us down 
  • How to see that our inner thoughts can affect our actions
  • How to focus on the positives in life and not get carried away with the negatives
SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
SoulKids teaches essential life-skills of happiness and success to children from 6 years upwards.

SoulKids is an award winning brand - voted 'Best Life-Skills Program' recently by Harpers Bazaar Magazine. Children learn through fun, games and stories. Children love it and they really get the lessons. The lessons stay with them for life.

We urge you to send your child to SoulKids, if you have not done so already.
The next program is on:

DATE:    Saturday, 7 November, 2015
TIME:     2 pm - 5 pm (with Zoe and Siok)
VENUE: SoulCentre/SoulKids Academy
               91 Bencoolen Street
               #12-04Sunshine Plaza
               Singapore 189652

For children from 6 - 10 years of age.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Becoming a SoulKids® Mentor is so rewarding!

SoulKids® Mentor training is now in a modular format so more can benefit! 

Ideal for mums, dads, teachers & coaches everywhere!

Live a life of purpose, inspire children and earn an additional income by becoming a part of SoulKids®

SoulKids® Mentor Training is for you;

  • If you are keen to grow yourself,
  • If you have a passion for children,
  • If you want to be the best parent / guardian / relative you can be,
  • If you think children need more than just school education,
  • If you want to be in charge of your own future and earn an additional income.

Begin the journey and continue at a pace that suits your diary.

The modular format allows you to plan the training at a pace that suits you.

There are 3 modules in total.

Those wanting to learn more about parenting skills can do module 1 and 2 as needed.

*Those wanting to become SoulKids Mentors and take the training to children the world over need to complete all 3 modules.

Attend a FREE talk to find out more

 & meet the founders of SoulKids®

Monday 11 May at 11 am or 7pm 

Module 1 

Date: 16/17 May (Sat /Sun)

from 10am to 4pm

To find out more about becoming a SoulKids® Mentor, one of our SoulKids® programs or starting your own SoulKids® Academy with us please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Why I loved SoulKids® Mentor Training….…by Georgina Wells

SoulKids has been like opening a box of joy for me.  I initially enrolled my children in the weekend Self Confidence program, as one of my children needed a self-esteem boost.  Some friends had mentioned their children had done the SoulKids program and had loved it, and found it very empowering.  

I then went along to one of the free talks that Vikas held, to learn more about SoulKids.  As Vikas told stories, powerfully illustrating points about how to create happiness, self-esteem and living to your potential, I knew that I’d found a special place. I thought that attending the SoulKids Mentor Training program would be a wonderful way to support my children, as at the end of the training I would be able to be a Mentor on the program that they were attending.  I was keen to hear the stories, to see the transformation first hand, so that I could support my children in whatever life-skills they learned during the course.

I had no idea that the Mentor Training with Vikas would be so life-transformative and affirmative for me.  I did it initially to understand more fully what my children would be exposed to during SoulKids, but in the end it was me personally who benefited an enormous amount as well.  
I feel a lifting of my spirits every time I think of the Mentor Training.  It was training for a happy life, pure and simple.  It was a joyful, liberating, wonderful time.  

The Mentor Training has made me want to continue on the SoulKids path, and be able to share it with more and more children.  I truly believe that every child can benefit from it as it offers a wonderful way to work past our limitations and fears
Ok, I know I’m sounding rather passionate, but that’s how I feel about SoulKids and SoulCentre.

The transformation in some of the children that were on the weekend program was truly wonderful.  Some came in cripplingly shy, eyes downcast, full of fear.  By the end you could see that each child had a nugget of positivity within them, some were literally bounding with happiness.  They loved the stories and the games, and you could see how their eyes, minds & hearts had been opened to new ways of thinking.  As have mine.

Attend a FREE talk to find out more

 & meet the founders of SoulKids®

Monday 11 May at 11 am or 7pm 

Module 1 

(of 3)

Date: 16/17 May (Sat /Sun)

from 10am to 4pm

To find out more about becoming a SoulKids® Mentor, one of our SoulKids® programs or starting your own SoulKids® Academy with us please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372