Showing posts with label Benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benefits. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2016

Interview with SoulKids® Mentor - Avanti Kundalia

Sally has been out and about interviewing the newly graduated SoulKids® Mentors. She recently met up with SoulKids® Mentor Avanti Kundalia.
Sally: Avanti, what brought you to SoulCentre and SoulKids? 
Avanti Kundalia: Serendipity!!! An ever-increasing thirst for connection to my inner soul, and a deep love for life and children brought me to SoulCentre. 

S: How did you hear about SoulKids? 
AK: In the final lap of another training I was attending at another location, I heard the word SoulKids being uttered from across the room. The name just stuck in my head – I googled it a few days later and the next thing I knew I was at the SoulKids Mentor Training introduction talk with Vikas Malkani, the creator of SoulKids! 

S: What have been your experiences at SoulKids Mentor Training and the SoulKids Weekend program?
AK: I came in with zero "expectations" really - just an earnest desire to learn how I could bring my innate talents and passion together, to teach kids and truly make a difference in the world!

The SoulKids Mentor Training with Vikas itself surpassed every possible expectation I could have had! It was comprehensive, detailed, and easy to grasp and put into action, and of course a whole lot of fun too. It was also beautiful to connect with like-minded people from all varied walks of life and of different nationalities.

I loved every minute of it and literally had withdrawal symptoms when it was over!!! The SoulKids weekend program validated for me the effectiveness of the intensive training we had just gone through and was 2 days of a true funfest – the best I have ever spent in my life and career with children!!! 

S: How has SoulKids changed you as an individual? 
AK: SoulKids reintroduced me to the wonderful, playful, joyful child within myself. It reminded me of the promise I was born with (Vikas always teaches that we are born with a promise of potential inside us, that’s waiting to be fulfilled). A Promise buried deep within, which when nurtured had the potential of taking me to the peak of my life experience. SoulKids assured me it's never too late to become who I came here to be! It gave me Hope and it showed me a path to get there. 

S: What’s your most important lesson from SoulKids Training?
AK: ‘Always say YES' & 'Never give up!’
I realized how totally I was cloaked in fear of rejection/ failure/ not being "ready" enough and how much I was standing in my own way!

But since the SoulKids Mentor training, by taking little baby steps, I am becoming more of a positive Yes-Woman, and no matter how impossible a dream had seemed in the past I have consciously begun to grow it promising myself to never give up no matter how long it takes!

Go Bruce Lee!!!

S: What are your hopes, dreams and visions going forward? 
AK: First and foremost, to stop going backward. To stop doubting the potential within myself or the support that life and others give me.

To nurture and develop fully this deep connection with my inner Self that SoulCentre has so gently yet emphatically brought back into my attention.

I truly believe that an exceptional life story begins in the details of a script that gets scripted in one's early years, and that this life script can be edited, enhanced, improved and made beautiful for every child by the right kind of mentor/ coach. And that is the kind of example I wish to be in the world - breathing and living wisdom, touching and transforming lives, one beautiful child at a time.

How to be more Confident - It all begins with Me

5th September 2016

Imagine the joy of seeing your child walk confidently through life being able to handle any situation that life offers to them.

Parents and teachers are the main source of a child's self worth, and their first teachers.

Confidence skills can be taught from a young age and will remain with the child for life.

Here are a few tips on how to encourage your child to become more confident:

1) Encourage them to see their inner and outer strengths.

a) Outer strengths: For example praise them for dressing well, grooming well, showing a happy face etc. …

Use words and phrases that show the child that you appreciate what they have done.
For example:
"Mary I like the way you have co-ordinated your outfit today – all the colours match well"
"When you style your hair like that it really suits you and looks chic"

b) Inner strengths: name them and also reward good behaviour.

"Mary I love it when you share with others as it shows that you care"
"I love to hear the positive thoughts that you bring to the conversation"
"I admire the fact you are determined, focussed and take responsibility"

2) Ensure a child feels loved.
Hug them, hold their hand, write them notes and most importantly let them know they are loved.
It is wonderful to hear the words "I love you".
Include their name so that they know the love is for them.
For example;
"Ria, I love you."

3) Make their environment positive.
Each child should have a space of their own on which you can build a wall of appreciation for them. Include positive pictures, certificates, awards, and any good comments that you have received about the child. Use hand written comments and post them on the wall to keep it alive and exciting. If space is limited and your children all share one bedroom, then allocate a small space on the wall for each child. With the right mind-set and some creativity, any space can become magical for the child.

3 top tips that are easy to apply.
Knowing them is not enough – we must apply and take action.
Do let me know how your child feels once you have tried these out for 7 days …. Miracles will result.

Monday, August 1, 2016


Do you ever wish you could simply find the answer to a question in life or do you ever feel a bit lost and would just love for some words of wisdom?

Well we have the solution, or as we love to say, the SOUL-ution.

SoulKids Inspirational Words of Wisdom – Our SOUL Card series.
  • Children can play a game and pick out a card and think of an occasion when they acted like this or think of an occasion when they saw this quality in others.
  • They can send cards as gift notes.
  • They can put them on their walls.
  • Leave these cards in your home and see the difference in your child’s self confidence. 

Available through SoulKids – Order on line or simply just drop us an E-mail and order your set today.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Interview with Dana Ilies, SoulKids Mentor

Sally: What brought you to SoulCentre & SoulKids?
Dana: I first applied for an open job position at SoulCentre. I was recommended by a friend who is a student at SoulCentre.

In my interview I was very impressed by Sally who I found to be a very positive and happy person and by the calmness and peacefulness of SoulCentre itself.

And when I was accepted into the company, little did I realize that working for SoulCentre would be so exciting. In my 6 months since, I’ve grown and learnt about life and work, beyond my imagination. I’ve been involved in areas from basic admin to future planning, and everyday has been a fun and learning experience for me.

S: How did you hear about SoulCentre/ SoulKids?
D: My friend’s daughter attends SoulKids and she really loved Sally and Vikas. She told me how nice they are and how everybody at SoulCentre is happy and friendly.

I was recommended to SoulCentre by my friend.

S: What were your experiences of the SoulKids Mentor Training and the SoulKids Weekend?

D: The SoulKids Mentor training was the most transforming and enlightening experience of my life.

Vikas teaches that in order to be a Mentor you have to be an example of what you teach, and that the first step to mentoring is to make your teachings a part of you. You can’t give what you don’t have.
I think this is why the SoulKids programs are so powerful, because Mentors not only transmit information, they are living examples of what they teach.

The SoulKids weekend was a blast. To see 23 children have so much fun while learning such powerful life lessons was a true joy. I was impressed by the way children really absorb the lessons in SoulKids.
Hearing them say “This is my best day ever” or “I want to come to SoulKids everyday” was very rewarding too.

I’m also very grateful that I had such wonderful fellow Mentors on the mentor training with me. We were a very good team and had the best time together.

S: How has SoulKids changed you as an individual?
D: I will be the most positive person I know! This is my new motto after the SoulKids Mentor Training.

I’m empowered with all the wisdom Vikas gave us during training, and I now know how to keep myself positive and transmit positivity to people around me.

SoulKids mentor Training was really transformational for me!

S: What is your most important lesson from the SoulKids training?
D: It’s so difficult to choose only one!

I’d say the one that impressed me the most was the story of 10 000 mirrors who teaches us that the universe is a reflection of what we are.

If we are unhappy and negative, then what we see is all that’s unhappy and negative. If we want the universe to give us positive things we have to change our inside first.

There are so many great lessons, but that’s been a very impactful one for me!

S: What are your hopes / dreams and visions going forward?
D: My dream is to transmit the SoulKids wisdom and life lessons to as many children as I can.
I’m convinced that if we equip children with life skills which guide them to success and happiness, then not only will we have a lot more happy people, we will also be living in a better world.

I want to change the world one child at a time!

S: Anything else you want to share with our readers?
D: Action brings results, intentions don’t! I learnt this in my mentor training, and I apply it every day.
I advise everyone to get in touch and learn from SoulCentre, it will change your life for the better.

Thank you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

SoulKids was a huge success in May!!


We had an amazing time with 23 children at SoulKids on 14/15th May at the Hollandse Club.

Children gave us some wonderful feedback about what they learnt in SoulKids …

•  I learnt to work in a team. 
•  I learnt to be patient.
•  I learnt how to be confident and open-minded.
•  I learnt to never give up on my dream.
•  I learnt that my value does not change even if someone makes fun of me.
•  I learn lots of new things - it's great fun.
•  I learnt to be happy with who I am.
•  I learnt that I should be positive because what comes around goes around.
•  It's fantastic and such fun and I learnt so much.
•  It's so lovely and I became creative and happy.
•  I felt so happy, amazing and so special.
•  I feel happy, great, positive, strong and awesome.
•  It was such a new experience. I am so happy and I made so many new friends.
•  I learnt to be positive and not negative.
•  It's SUPER fun and I left feeling amazed and cheerful.
•  I have learnt to be a leader.
•  I learnt to inspire others.
•  I want to come back every day.

Children love SoulKids and the lessons we share stay with the children as they mature in life.

"I LOVE SoulKids - it teaches things in such a FUN manner and it teaches me how to LIVE my life and how to ACT in life."

More information about SoulKids programs on

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Sally met up with Nuthiya, a beautiful lady, originally from Thailand and now one of our SoulKids®  Mentors.

Sally: Nuthiya what bought you to SoulKids®?
Nuthiya: I used to own a tuition school franchise.

I feel that nowadays children are very busy and they receive a lot of "input". After their school hours, they have to go for academic tuitions, sports, arts, music etc. I started to question why this is happening?

It's definitely because the parents want their children to be smart, to be the best and to be ready as much as possible. Everyone is doing it, so parents feel they must too.

But are the children happy?
Are the parents happy?
Are they confident of the outcome?

I used to discuss this with a lot of parents and children and always the answer was that they were not sure. So I was always searching for something else that can make people stronger without "just following the trend".

I think what is lacking is "life-skills training for children". It would be great for children to know that their life is in their hands, and that they have to take responsibility for that.

Life-skills, that guide children to have the right mindset, a good attitude and proper behavior.

In 2015 my husband Iskandar and I discussed this topic with my mother in law, Dato Prof. Dr. Nor and she introduced SoulKids® to us. She said the program really transforms children.

That made me think - WOW, really?

The next day we checked the SoulKids® Mentor Training schedule and signed up for the next class. Iskandar and I drove down from Thailand to attend the class in Singapore.

S: Oh my, that was so dedicated of you both to drive all the way from Thailand. So what are your experiences of the Mentor Training?
N: The mentor training program is a positive and simple way to understand your own life. It shows you what leads people to success and happiness.

S: How has SoulKids® changed you as an individual?
N: It has helped me have a better understanding about the basic concepts of life.

It taught me that children and adults all are the same; we all like things that are fun, simple, short and powerful.

It made me understand others and myself better.

S: What are your visions and dreams going forward?
N: I want to do my part to make the society better. We have to start with young children and certainly the parents must also be involved.

I would like to encourage the children to participate in SoulKids® programs and encourage the parents to participate in the SoulKids® Mentor training for adults.

I'll keep learning, be open-minded, be positive and focus on my passion ...  I'll say YES to life and I'll NEVER give up on chasing my dream. I will continue to improve myself constantly.

S: Anything else you want to share with our readers?
N: SoulKids® teaches that all children are special and unique. I hope everyone realizes this and lets them shine in their own way. All they need is guidance and support.

How beautiful the world will be when these children grow up to be successful and happy and know how to share with others.

Be positive, open-minded and come to join us @SoulKids®!!!

Thank you so much Nuthiya – you really are a shining example – attending and learning the program in a different country and in a second language as well. I know you will go on and inspire children the world over- we are blessed to have you on the team!
We wish you every success with your SoulKids in Malaysia.

For more information connect with us at:

Monday, February 29, 2016


It was so exciting to meet some of the artists and their parents at the SoulKids Book 5 Launch Party. Sally explained the journey from the initial book idea to completion and demonstrated to the children that success is always about teamwork.

Together we all achieve more by working as a team.

The children were able to see how their original artwork eventually became part of the book design and their faces lit up with a feeling of pride and achievement.

SoulKids now has 5 best-selling books in its Self-Confidence Series and each book contains 10 inspiring stories with life lessons that remain with the children forever.

In celebration we are offering a special 20% discount if you order all 5 books. They make such a memorable and meaningful gift.

For more information connect with us at:


visit us at

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fabulous Feedback

October has been a super busy time for SoulKids.
Lots of lovely children have attended and we decided to catch up with some of their feedback...

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
  • SoulKids is awesome
  • I feel excited, great and confident
  • It's fun and cool - I learnt to treat others the way I want to be treated
  • It's the best place to learn stories!
  • Really fun activities I recommend it to all children 
  • I feel awesome and creative
  • Feed your positive voice always
  • It's fun and excellent
  • I think SoulKids is the best place I have ever been to - It's awesome beyond words!

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children

When is the next program?

DATE:    Saturday, 7 November, 2015
TIME:     2 pm - 5 pm (with Zoe and Siok)
VENUE: SoulCentre/SoulKids Academy
               91 Bencoolen Street
               #12-04Sunshine Plaza
               Singapore 189652

For children from 6 - 10 years of age.

Only 99 SGD 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What exactly are Life-Skills?

As we go through school and college education, we are taught skills which help us "make a living."
English, Maths, Computing, Accounting, Law, Medicine ….

SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
Yet who actually teaches us "how to live a life?"

Who teaches us simple skills like :
  • How to make friends with others 
  • How to nurture lasting relationships
  • How to work with others not like you
  • How to speak with confidence and express our opinion 
  • How to have the courage to speak our view 
  • How to deal with negative situations (bullying, divorce, death) 
  • How to deal with negative emotions (jealousy, anger, worry) 
  • How to get up when life knocks us down 
  • How to see that our inner thoughts can affect our actions
  • How to focus on the positives in life and not get carried away with the negatives
SoulKids teaches Essential Life-Skills to Children
SoulKids teaches essential life-skills of happiness and success to children from 6 years upwards.

SoulKids is an award winning brand - voted 'Best Life-Skills Program' recently by Harpers Bazaar Magazine. Children learn through fun, games and stories. Children love it and they really get the lessons. The lessons stay with them for life.

We urge you to send your child to SoulKids, if you have not done so already.
The next program is on:

DATE:    Saturday, 7 November, 2015
TIME:     2 pm - 5 pm (with Zoe and Siok)
VENUE: SoulCentre/SoulKids Academy
               91 Bencoolen Street
               #12-04Sunshine Plaza
               Singapore 189652

For children from 6 - 10 years of age.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

SoulKids® Mentors - Beautiful Inside and Out...

We managed to sneak in a short interview with the beautiful SoulKids® Mentors while they were teaching life-skills to 13 beautiful children.

Left to Right: SoulKids® Mentors - Siok, Zoe, Kheam and Amanda
The SoulKids® program is fun and teaches the children important life-skills that will help them in all sorts of situations, through teamwork activities. They learn how to be a good friend, to never give up and believe in themselves, among other things. Just the fact that they leave being positive and learn one or more lessons, in itself, is a fulfilling experience.

Being a SoulKids® Mentor is an amazing and thought provoking experience. The ability to invoke story-telling techniques into learning about various aspects of self-confidence is inspiring. They learn to be passionate and creative. It also teaches children to think differently – not like anyone else. It’s wonderful to see the transformation from who they are when they enter to who they become when they leave.

Being positive is a key lesson taught at SoulKids®, as is seeing the good in yourself, focusing on your actions, being a team leader and a team follower at various times and growing your self-esteem through various engaging activities. It gives children the tools to create, a bigger, better and brighter life for themselves as well as those around them.

The SoulKids® program gives me a chance to teach essential life-skills through story and play, to a group of wonderful, children. The experience is at times full of light bulb moments!  It teaches you to expect the unexpected and that each child is special and unique.

What lessons do children learn from SoulKids®?

They learn:

To be creative
To think out of the box
To be caring
To be loving and warm
To be positive
To be confident and overcome their fears
That each child is different and unique
To deal with the unexpected
How to be patient
Not to fear new things

It’s a fun and engaging workshop and it is wonderful to see the transformation in only one hour!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Interview with SoulKids® Mentor - Jackie Ashby

Sally has been out and about interviewing the newly graduated SoulKids® Mentors. She met up with Jackie Ashby, who last year, relocated from Anchorage (Alaska) to Singapore.

Q: So Jackie what bought you to SoulKids®?
Jackie: I was seeking the knowledge of transformation for myself and I also had the curiosity of learning new ways of working with children. 

Q: So how did you hear about SoulKids®?
J: From Santa Fe Relocation Company. I received an invite from Santa Fe to attend a seminar at SoulCentre®.

Q: What was your experiences of the SoulKids® Mentor training and the SoulKids® Weekend Program?
J:  It was amazing and thought provoking. 
  • The ability to gain self-awareness about one's authentic self was astonishing. 
  • The ability to invoke story-telling techniques into learning about various aspects of self-confidence was also inspiring.
Q: How has SoulKids® changed you as an individual?
J: I am more open-minded, I engage in self-reflection and am learning to apply an attitude of gratitude into my daily life. 

Q: What was your favorite lesson from SoulKids®?
J: My favorite lesson was Vikas’s "Human Trinity Concept". How our mindset, attitude and behavior are all connected and how this affects one's view of everyday life.

Also I love the Sunflower and Rose story. Do not compare yourself to others and what they have or may not have; rather focus on what your assets are and improve them. By doing this imagine how great we all could be, nothing would be impossible!!

Q: What are your visions and dreams going forward?
J: My vision moving forward is to always keep my eyes open and my brain fed with lots of nutrients that provides positive energy. Keeping an attitude of gratitude will take me far. 

Q: Wow that sounds amazing Jackie – a lovely Vision for sure. Anything else you want to share with our readers?
J: I just want to share that experiencing my first SoulKids® Mentor Training was unforgettable and rejuvenating  

Sally: Thanks Jackie – we really look forward to working more with you and taking SoulKids® global in the months to come. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

SoulKids® Rockstar - Ella

Sally our roving reporter has been out and about doing her interviews again. She met up with ELLA and had a wonderful discussion.

Q (Sally): Ella how old are you?
Ella: I am 8 years old

Q: You are fairly new to SoulKids®, when did you attend?
E: About 2 weeks ago

Q: What did you like about SoulKids®?
E: I liked the stories because they taught me new things. I also like the great teachers.

Wow thanks Ella – the teachers will be happy to hear that!

Q: What was your favourite story?
E: I liked the Bruce Lee story because it taught us never to give up and to always say YES to life.
Also once you start something, be determined and finish it.

Wow – great lesson Ella!

Q: Anything else you learnt?
E: I learnt to stop looking at others and what they have got, and to start looking at yourself and what you have. Do not be jealous of others- be happy with who you are and what you have got.

Amazing learning Ella – thanks for sharing.

Q: What would you like to see in the world?
E: I would like there to be no wars and have peace.
I would also like to see flying cars.

Q: And what about your dream? What do you want to be when you grow up?
E: I want to be a famous gymnastic teacher.

Wow Ella – that is exciting – what qualities do you have to achieve this?
E: I am gifted in being strong and a risk-taker.
I get lots of support and I practice a lot.
I also am happy when I help others.

Q: Anything else you learnt at SoulKids® you want to share?
E: Do not be afraid to put your hand up and tell what you know, even if it’s wrong.
Make friends and be kind and happy to others.
Do not feel sad when someone says something bad to you because you are special.
Be STRONG and have CONFIDENCE to always be YOU.

Q: Wow Ella- you are amazing and I think you will be an awesome teacher when you get older.
E: Can I tell one final story?
I had auditions a couple of days ago and they told us our roles. I did not get a main role and I was really sad, but then I thought life is full of opportunities and just because I did not get a main role that does not mean I should stop loving acting and and stop doing it. Just because one audition did not work out – it should not stop you from loving what you do.

Thanks Ella- great advice for us all.

We really look forward to having you back in SoulKids® soon.