Showing posts with label Mindset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mindset. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2016

How to be more Confident - It all begins with Me

5th September 2016

Imagine the joy of seeing your child walk confidently through life being able to handle any situation that life offers to them.

Parents and teachers are the main source of a child's self worth, and their first teachers.

Confidence skills can be taught from a young age and will remain with the child for life.

Here are a few tips on how to encourage your child to become more confident:

1) Encourage them to see their inner and outer strengths.

a) Outer strengths: For example praise them for dressing well, grooming well, showing a happy face etc. …

Use words and phrases that show the child that you appreciate what they have done.
For example:
"Mary I like the way you have co-ordinated your outfit today – all the colours match well"
"When you style your hair like that it really suits you and looks chic"

b) Inner strengths: name them and also reward good behaviour.

"Mary I love it when you share with others as it shows that you care"
"I love to hear the positive thoughts that you bring to the conversation"
"I admire the fact you are determined, focussed and take responsibility"

2) Ensure a child feels loved.
Hug them, hold their hand, write them notes and most importantly let them know they are loved.
It is wonderful to hear the words "I love you".
Include their name so that they know the love is for them.
For example;
"Ria, I love you."

3) Make their environment positive.
Each child should have a space of their own on which you can build a wall of appreciation for them. Include positive pictures, certificates, awards, and any good comments that you have received about the child. Use hand written comments and post them on the wall to keep it alive and exciting. If space is limited and your children all share one bedroom, then allocate a small space on the wall for each child. With the right mind-set and some creativity, any space can become magical for the child.

3 top tips that are easy to apply.
Knowing them is not enough – we must apply and take action.
Do let me know how your child feels once you have tried these out for 7 days …. Miracles will result.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

SoulKids® Creative Mindset - 27th September 2015

What is the main lesson that you learnt?
  • To be creative and to think outside the box
  • It taught me to be open minded
  • It taught me to be passionate and creative in life
  • It taught me to be positive
  • It taught me to think differently – not like anyone else
  • It taught me never to give up
  • It taught me that there is more in me than I think
  • Always to try new things
  • To be confident
  • Always to be happy
  • To believe in myself and to be creative
  • I learnt that when you work together more can be done
  • I learnt to believe in myself

What words would you use to describe SoulKids®?
  • Fun and caring
  • Creative
  • A great self boost
  • Interactive
  • Awesome
  • Amazing
  • Mind Blowing
  • The Happy Land
  • This girl is on Fire!
  • Positive
  • Confident
  • Helpful
  • Kind and so nice
  • Creative
  • Open Minded
  • GRATEFUL to be on SoulKids®
  • It’s the best
  • Great and the best
  • Kind – exciting – cool – so worth it
  • Caring and fun ..I am so happy
  • Super great and amazing
  • Makes me excited
  • Life lessons that are awesome – great and cool
  • Incredibly magnificent

What would you tell your friends about SoulKids®?
  • It can change your life and it is a great experience. It teaches you to be unique and strong and to believe in yourself. SoulKids® is a fun way to learn secrets in life. You better go !
  • It’s awesome. My second FAMILY.
  • You should go to SoulKids® because it can change your life
  • It’s FUN… FUN… FUN…
  • You should go to the best place in the world - SOULKIDS® !
  • SoulKids® is EXTRA ORDINARY
  • It’s so FUN – you must go at least once
  • It is awesome
  • It’s AMAZING
  • You should definitely go to SoulKids® because its amazing
  • Its really good fun and you learn a lot of things for life