Showing posts with label Ambassador. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ambassador. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2016

Self-Belief - How to develop it in Children

SoulKids teaches parents and children a unique and powerful methodology to build strong self-belief in children.

We highly recommend all parents to attend our annual ‘SoulKids Mentor Training’ and learn SoulKids methods and secrets from Vikas Malkani himself.

However in the meantime, here are some tips to help parents strengthen self-belief in their children.

Tips to create positive Self-Belief in a Child:

  1. Use positive self-talk to the child and around the child. Be careful of the nature of the conversation you have around your children, because they imbibe and imitate what they hear.
  2. Support their efforts and not just their results. If your child is putting sincere effort into something, acknowledge the work done, regardless of what the result turns out to be.
  3. Notice them doing things right, don’t just catch them doing things wrong. Acknowledge and reinforce their good behaviour and work.
  4. Avoid comparisons, both within and outside the family. This devalues the child’s self-esteem.
  5. Let your child know that they have your unconditional love, but not unconditional acceptance of incorrect behaviour. The love is always there, but their behaviours must be deserving of approval.
  6. Motivate, don’t dictate. If you are dominating and dictatorial, it’s not good for your child’s self-esteem. Inspire and motivate them instead, it’s a much more effective strategy.
  7. Value their dreams whatever they may be. Never ridicule, or criticize what your child dreams to be. With time, it will probably change anyway.
  8. Encourage your children, don’t discourage them. If they wish to do something, encourage them to take actions in that direction, along with your support.
  9. Avoid labeling your child in any way. Labels such as ‘you’re slow’, ‘you’re so dumb’ etc. are toxic to their self-belief.
  10. Never ridicule or laugh at your children in front of others.
  11. Support your child’s strengths and desires, and if they are naturally good at something, encourage them to do more of it.

Positive self-esteem in children helps them to become happy and successful.

SoulKids is an award-winning life skills program for children. Send your children to SoulKids and we will help them develop a strong and stable self-belief.
 SoulKids creates Self Esteem

Thursday, March 17, 2016


SoulKids® inspires children to be their best and to bring out their strengths. It provides children with essential life-skills for happiness and success in all aspects of their life.

We do not focus on what children want to be when they grow up - we focus on what do children want to be NOW !
What can children contribute to the world TODAY !

For example Dillan says My mission is to be happy every day and my I want to make the world a happy, fun, peaceful and relaxed place.”

SoulKids® provides children with so many exciting opportunities to say “Yes” to life and to try new things.

Children do art work for our best-selling SoulKids® books and they write blogs about their experiences in life.

We are now delighted and excited to announce that SoulKids® is moving one step further!
We have chosen children who will become “SoulKids® Ambassadors” and who will go on to inspire children the world over.

Already they have been professionally interviewed by a TV crew and each and every one of them passed with glowing success.

Let me introduce you to our first Ambassadors:

Dillan Patrick Bowe
Age: 9

Amelie Russell
Age: 9

Ikabella Heaps
Age: 11

Ece Tanisman
Age: 11

Sashwika Venkatraman
Age: 11

Their newly recorded videos will soon feature on YouTube as well as on our SoulKids® Website.

We are so excited to be working with them and to take SoulKids® to greater heights.

For more information connect with us at: