Wednesday, September 16, 2015

SoulKids® weekend a huge success...

31 children and 9 graduating Mentors attended the SoulKids® weekend at the Hollandse Club this month. It was truly a fun and memorable event. Here are a few of the children's comments. 

What do you think of SoulKids® ?
  • SoulKids® is awesome 
  • It is fun 
  • It is cool
  • It is very fun and we get to learn new things 
  • I like the stories !
  • Its fun and joyful 
  • Its extra ordinary 
  • It teaches us a lot of stuff - its fun and the teachers are amazing !
  • The awesomest experience ever !!
  • Awesome and fun
  • I could understand everything and I had a good time 
  • I like how the teachers teach us 
  • I had fun and learnt loads
  • It is amazing
  • Stories are good 
  • I love SoulKids® so much !
  • I had so much fun 
  • Thank you for teaching us - I want to come back - will miss you 
  • It is Super 
  • Cool - awesome - fun - nice - teachers are nice 
  • Thank you for treating me nicely and fairly- I appreciate it - SoulKids® is very fun - I will come back next weekend !!!
  • It was awesome and they teach lessons about life
  • It is real fun and it is so cool and you get to meet new people 
  • It was excellent and FUN 

What are some of the lessons they learnt ?
  • How to face my fears
  • Do not look at others and what they have got- look at yourself and what you have
  • I learnt to TRUST!!
  • Face your fear - move forward and it becomes smaller
  • Be confident and be positive
  • I learnt about my dreams
  • I learnt that we are special
  • Always say yes to life
  • Face your fears
  • Be patient... Pursue your passion
  • Never give up - be confident and stay positive!
  • Do not not listen to negative words or let them affect you
  • Focus on your goals and be consistent
  • Now I have entered SoulKids® - if someone tells me negative words I will not listen - they will not pull me down
  • I learnt to work as a team
  • I learnt that in leadership, trust and confidence are important
  • I learnt team work - never to give up - trust others and patience
  • I learnt to be happy 

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