Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Creative Mindset

Looking for a fun weekend for your child.

One where they have fun, learn and be inspired?

Creative MindSet module for SoulKids®

Just some of the fun things children learn:
  • New, inspiring and fun stories
  • How to think creatively
  • Not to limit yourself
  • How to be open minded
  • Never to give up at the first hurdle
  • How to create a vision
  • How your thoughts create beliefs
  • Have the courage to be original

What children say about SoulKids® Creative Mindset

  • The stories of SoulKids® have changed my life
  • It's simply awesome
  • It is out of this world
  • I love everything about SoulKids®
  • It encourages me to be brave
  • I learnt many life secrets
  • A great way to learn
  • Awesome +++++++
  • Enlightening and beautiful

Zoe is conducting the next module at SoulCentre® Academy on:
Date: 26/27 September
Time: (10 am – 4pm)

Spaces are limited to 15 children – so please do BOOK EARLY.

For more details, contact :
Sally Forrest
BSc. MRPharmS, MBA
Managing Director

Monday, August 24, 2015

Beauty is all around you ...

Hey SoulKids, 
I am writing this on a wet and windy day, and I am full of happiness.
Why do you think that is?
It is because I can see beauty all around me - even in the rain!

I am grateful for the simple things in life and for what I have received.

We should always look for the good in life and to see the beautiful things.
You can do this anywhere and at any time if only you stop for a moment and look.

So take a moment now to look around you and spot at least 3 things that make you feel great about life.

Here are a few suggestions:
  • You are able to see as you have 2 healthy eyes – that will make you feel great
  • You have nice clothes to wear and have good food to eat
  • Your mummy and daddy take good care of you and provide a safe home for you
  • You are able to go to school and learn exciting things
  • Nature is found everywhere – look and see what trees / animals and birds you can see
  • You have lovely friends who care for you and play with you
  • Now continue:-)

Do this everyday and especially when you are feeling a bit low or grumpy – as soon you realise that you have so much to look forward to in life!!

We teach this at SoulCentre® and its called "Counting your blessings of life".

One of my biggest blessings in life is being able to teach SoulKids® and spend time with some amazing SoulKids® children.

You rock!! And we love you and count you as a blessing:-).

Friday, August 7, 2015

Lessons From a Swan

It’s that wonderful time of year when many of us are blessed to take a break and go on holiday.

Vikas & Sally our SoulKids founders spent time in the Lake District in the UK and have just returned. They have shared many wonderful stories of all the animals and birds they met and some of the lessons that we can all learn from observing nature.

One beautiful encounter was with a swan on one of the lakes – look at the photo – how beautiful he is.

So what can we learn from the Swan as we go about our daily life?
Lets consider these points and apply them to our lives just for one day.

Become like the Swan and see how life changes.
If you like the changes then apply them each and every day ;)

  1. The Swan is elegant and graceful on the surface, even though he is really very busy paddling his feet under the water.
  2. The Swan is peaceful.
  3. The Swan is silent and calm and only makes a noise when really needed.
  4. The Swan gives out an energy of tranquility.
  5. The Swan is CONFIDENT – just like all those of you who have been on SoulKids.
  6. The Swan watches and learns from everything around him.
  7. Every person who comes into contact with the Swan truly admires him.
So reflect on the qualities of the Swan and apply them into your life.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Singapore is 50 on 9th August ! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!

Hey SoulKids – what an exciting time to be living in Singapore
How are you planning to celebrate the 50th Birthday?

The first suggestion we have is to give GRATITUDE to Singapore – it’s truly an amazing place to live in.

50 years ago Singapore was very different to today and it’s all down to the hard work and dedication of the founders of Singapore.

So here is a challenge to you all – do something nice to 50 random elderly Singaporeans (ideally those aged 65 and over). It’s a nice surprise and a way of saying thank-you and that we all appreciate all the work they did to make Singapore great. Talk it over with mum and dad and get the whole family involved.

Do you think you can do this? We think it will be fun.

Here are a few suggestions:
  • Give them a smile and say "thank you for making Singapore great"
  • Shake their hand or ask if you can give them a free HUG ;) Just like the ones you get on SoulKids®.
  • Write 50 creative thank you notes and give them out.
  • Offer to help them in some way – carry their shopping /clean their windows/ walk the dog etc.
  • If you have a full piggy bank – maybe you want to buy a local coffee/tea to some of the elders you meet. Or maybe give a flower or a chocolate to make them smile.
  • Tell your friends about this idea and get them to do the same! Your friends should also come on SoulKids® for their free hugs from Sally & Vikas ;)
  • Write to us and tell us what you did – take photos and feature on our upcoming blogs.

Do let us know if you are going to do this – once you shout out to the Universe that you intend to do it – then amazing things happen – so get ready!

Remember the Grand Canyon Story – what you give out comes back to you …so make it AWESOME!!!

Sally, Vikas and the whole of SoulCentre® and SoulKids® team are also going to do this – so lets together make everyone happy!