Monday, August 29, 2016

Stay connected to wisdom with the SoulKids® Books

Children who attend SoulKids® programs have great fun learning life lessons, gaining wisdom and techniques to deal with life issues and listening to the many stories we share.

Each child leaves with a favorite story and many parents have commented that the child continues to tell the story over and over again.
Parents asked us to put the stories into books and we are delighted to share the wisdom in 8 separate books and inspirational flash cards;
  • 5 Books in the SoulKids® Book of Self Confidence series (Book 1 to Book 5).
  • A limited edition “Box Set” containing all 5 books for your child to treasure.
  • The 2 Dogs.
  • Ben's Story.
  • SoulKids® for Teenagers.
  • SoulKids® Inspirational Cards.
We always encourage parent’s to keep their children connected to the wisdom and to encourage reading. There are so many benefits!

Allow us to remind you of 8 important ones:
  1. Reading expands a child’s vocabulary and allows them to master language skills.
  2. Reading encourages conversation and enhances communication skills.
  3. Reading together improves relationships and allows time for parent-child bonding and quality time together.
  4. The stories expose the children to life lessons they may encounter as they grow.
  5. Shared memories result as both parent and child will benefit from the story and life lessons contained within it, and soon, SoulKids® wisdom will be part of the family vocabulary.
  6. Regular reading encourages concentration, focus and discipline.
  7. Reading together provides an excellent opportunity for parents to discuss the life lessons contained within the stories. The lessons of the stories are designed to support with real life issues and the parent can use them to support the child during stages of transition (moving school, exams etc.)
  8. If reading is fun, children are more likely to pick up a book rather than all the other gadgets on offer.
Our complete range of books can be bought on line, or at our head office in Bencoolen Street.

Please connect with us ( and we will guide you on which books are most suitable for your child.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Schooling for Success

SoulKids joins a whole nation in congratulating the success of Joseph Schooling!

We are proud and humbled by his extraordinary achievement at a young age of 21.

It is important to remember that it was the combined efforts of the parents and Joseph together, which have changed the history of Singapore forever!

What can we learn from this unforgettable moment?
Here are some lessons to learn from his parents –

  1. They saw his strengths early, and built on them.
  2. They believed in his dreams and intentions.
  3. They took the non-conventional path for raising their child, and bringing out his uniqueness rather than trying to fit him into the conditioned lifestyle of society.
  4. They invested in bringing out the potential inside their son. They supported his talents and passion with time, energy effort and finances.
  5. They did not seek approval from society or individuals, instead they followed the voice of their heart. They did what was best for their son.
  6. They believed in his dreams and visions, and didn’t just seek safety and security for his future.
  7. They went through personal hardships to support him, and often put their needs at second place.
  8. They understood the importance of superior coaching and training, and connected him to the best coaches they could access.
  9. Whenever he didn’t achieve the victory he wanted, they stayed positive and encouraged him to persevere and improve.
  10. Even in great victory, they stayed humble and gentle. The parents are true champions too!

Some lessons to learn from Joseph Schooling –
  1. Joseph was dedicated to his dream! He developed a strong focus on the goal he wanted to achieve.
  2. He adopted positive role models and mentors.
  3. Joseph learnt from the best coaches he could find!
  4. He cultivated discipline to wake up at 5.30am every morning to start his training day.
  5. He continued to stay focused through the years, and continued to peck at one tree like a wise       woodpecker. He did not get distracted from his goals.
  6. Joseph continued to think positive and kept his mind space protected from all the negativity of the world. He always fed the positive voice in his mind. He ignored the negative people and the nay-sayers.
  7. He strove to be the best he could be, and put daily actions towards making his vision a reality.
  8. He was willing to do what it takes and kept a long tern vision in mind. His amazing new world record was clocked at 50.39 seconds, but it was the result of 15 years of hard work and training.
  9. His focus was on being the best, fighting for what he deserved and never quitting without trying his best.
  10. He surrounded himself with people who encouraged and supported him, and moved away from those who didn’t.
Joseph is a true CHAMPION, and by his life, he defines his message to the world:

C = Commitment to his vision.
H = Happy to do the hard work and pay the price for the prize.
A = Attitude makes a big difference.
M = Mindset must be positive.
P = Persevere and persist through the hard times.
I = Integrity is important.
O = Optimize your efforts.
N = Never give up!

Champions are not born, they are built!

Everyone wants to be victorious like Joseph; let us also be willing to work hard like him and put in the 15 years of persistence it took to create the 50.39 second victory!

Majulah Singapura !
Majulah Joseph!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Why are life-skills needed?

‘SoulKids teaches children how to create and enjoy a good life, not just earn a good living.’ – Vikas

The imperative things to learn in life, are how to manage ourselves, work with others and maximize our inner potential for the benefit of others.

Sadly, these essential skills are often overlooked as a child grows into an adult.

While academic learning and external skills sets may be enough to get us a good job, they do not ensure that we will have happy relationships, actualize our inner potential, work efficiently with others in teams, or even enjoy a lasting sense of happiness and purpose in life.

And this is where SoulKids really shines! SoulKids works with children to equip them with the complete set of life skills that a child will need to create a happy and successful life as they become adults.

Skills that teach us about the power of our thoughts, the strength of our emotions and the effects of our actions.

Inner skills such as resilience, teamwork, positive thinking, creative problem solving and discipline, which are needed to create both success and happiness in one’s life.

Children enhance their level of self-confidence, think positively, develop determination, focus, vision, persistence, passion and creative problem solving, and have greater emotional intelligence and resilience after attending SoulKids. They can apply what they learn at SoulKids in their personal, family and social life.

Life-skills create strong self-esteem and empower us to overcome day-to- day challenges, stress and tension.

Life-skills are necessary in today’s world, because academic education is simply not enough for us to create and enjoy a good life!

SoulKids is an award winning training program that provides the complete menu of life-skills that your child will require to create a life of happiness and success.

So if your child has not benefited from the magic of SoulKids yet, now is the time for you to connect with us.

Monday, August 1, 2016


Do you ever wish you could simply find the answer to a question in life or do you ever feel a bit lost and would just love for some words of wisdom?

Well we have the solution, or as we love to say, the SOUL-ution.

SoulKids Inspirational Words of Wisdom – Our SOUL Card series.
  • Children can play a game and pick out a card and think of an occasion when they acted like this or think of an occasion when they saw this quality in others.
  • They can send cards as gift notes.
  • They can put them on their walls.
  • Leave these cards in your home and see the difference in your child’s self confidence. 

Available through SoulKids – Order on line or simply just drop us an E-mail and order your set today.