Tuesday, August 27, 2013

SoulKids® is spreading globally

It is so wonderful to know that SoulKids® is reaching more and more children over the world.

We now have the programs in Indonesia, Bangkok (see the latest press article below), San Francisco, London and in Singapore.

Our next programs are:
Singapore 28/29 Sept (Creative Mindset Module at The British Club)
Indonesia 9/10 Nov (Self-Confidence Module at The Garden Hotel, Kemang, South Jakarta)

If you would like more information about our international SoulKids® programs, or if you would like to take SoulKids® to other parts of this wonderful world, do connect with us.

Children love it and want to come back for more and more!

"You can control your happiness! Life is fair! You get what you give! It was REALLY EMOTIONALLY life changing! It opens your mind and eyes about different things." - Ixana, aged 13

"SoulKids makes me feel special, unique and awesome! - I enjoyed it so much, I want to go again!" - Diva Shah, aged 8

Sally Forrest
Managing Director
Email: info@soulcentre.org
Website: www.soulcentre.org

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Learn from Children

It was a joy to take time out of my busy schedule and to spend time in the UK over summer, enjoying the heat wave and spending time with family and friends.

Being with children really teaches you so many things about living in the moment.
So many of us rush through life, planning ahead... and in doing so we really do lose "this moment".

A lakeside walk with my niece, Mia, really inspired me as I watched her truly absorb each and every new experience with openness and total enthusiasm.

Each and every Duck had to be given some food.
There were no concerns at all about wading into the lake, getting wet, in order to reach each duck.

A tree hollow becomes a focus of discovery - we cannot move on without a thorough investigation inside it. She even had to be lifted up inside the tree to see how high the hollow went. No fear of ants, spiders, the dark unknown...

Rocks, pebbles, logs, birds, sheep, butterflies were all spotted with glee and fully appreciated for what they were.

And finally - the joy of eating an ice cream!

It made me realized how much we overlook in life as we race through the day.
After all we only have this moment, so enjoy it fully.
Be childlike and enjoy each and every moment that life offers you.

That way when its time to go, we leave without any regrets and with so many happy memories of life's wonderful experiences.
Each and every moment is a blessing.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Essential Life-Skills for Children

A powerful transformational program that develops a creative, positive, confident, open minded child who can create vision, innovative solutions and express their strengths. SoulKids® Creative Mindset module is specially designed for children from 6 - 15 years old.

In SoulKids® Creative Mindset, children develop essential life-skills such as creative thinking, exploring possibilities, teamwork and self-belief through playing games, story-telling and role play.

During the SoulKids® Creative Mindset program, children learn problem solving skills, self-belief, persistence and become aware of their possibilities. SoulKids® Creative Mindset is highly enjoyable, fun and very powerful. Children who have attended SoulKids® emerge as more creative, confident, focused and happier individuals.

Children who have previously attended SoulKids® Creative Mindset program have seen their artwork published in the SoulKids® Book of Self-Confidence series.

Copies of the SoulKids® Book of Self-Confidence, Book 1, 2 and 3 are available from bookstores and through SoulCentre Academy.

To register your child or for further details of the SoulKids® Creative Mindset program, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372
Email: info@soulcentre.org
Website: www.soulcentre.org

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The SoulKids® Book of Self-Confidence, Book 3

This is the much awaited third book in the best-selling series that inspires self-confidence and empowerment in young readers.

Each of the ten stories in the book has powerful life lessons for the reader. At the end of the book there is a brief summary settling out the lessons of each story.

One of the stories in the book, The Story of the Amazing Boy Dattatreya, features in the upcoming SoulKids® Creative Mindset workshop being held on 28 and 29 September.

Copies of the SoulKids® Book of Self-Confidence, Book 1, 2 and 3 are available from bookstores and through SoulCentre Academy.

To register your child or for further details of the SoulKids® Creative Mindset program, please contact:
Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372
Email: info@soulcentre.org
Website: www.soulcentre.org