Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Are you feeding your POSITIVE Dog?

Has your child asked you this question?

If so, then the chances are they have attended one of the SoulKids® Self-Confidence programs or know a friend who has attended.

During the SoulKids® programs, the children are introduced to different stories and activities that help them to learn confidence and self-belief. Children who have attended SoulKids® emerge as more confident, focused and happier individuals.

One of the most popular and most powerful stories they learn, is the 2 Dogs Story. It reinforces the message that there is negative and positive in all of our lives, but we can choose to be positive in life. Children learn from their parents' actions and behaviours. So before you say "No", stop and think about the message that you are sending to your own child.

Next time your child asks you if you are feeding your positive dog, what will your answer be?

Our next SoulKids® Self-Confidence programs are being held in:
Indonesia: 9 / 10 Nov at The Garden Hotel, Kemang, South Jakarta
Singapore: 30 Nov / 1 Dec at SoulCentre, One-North Gateway

To register your child or for further details of the SoulKids® programs or books, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

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