Friday, September 5, 2014

We love our SoulKids® ‘Rock Stars’ and Sashwika is one of them!!

Sally has been out and about interviewing more of our SoulKids Rockstars.
Here is the reply from one very special young lady:

So tell us a little bit about yourself

My name is Sashwika S Venkatraman and I am 10.

I did two SoulKids workshops in 2013 and one in June 2014.

What did you like about SoulKids?
Do you have a favourite story and why?

I loved the stories because they have taught me a lot and have also inspired me. The games are also fun and they relate to some of the stories. Another thing that I also really like is the SoulKids affirmation. It is something that can really make you feel special, unique and awesome. It also brightens your day and gives you a positive feeling. A story that I really like is the sunflower and the rose because it showed me that everyone is different and unique in their own special way. This story also taught me that you have to be the best person you can be.

Before hearing this story I had not think very nicely about myself and I wanted to be like others. But then after hearing this story I realized all the mistakes I had been making, and from that day on I knew that everyone is unique.

I also understood that if I think that I want to be like someone else I never will, so I should be the best person (or whatever you are) that I can be.

I also liked the 2 dogs story, it has taught me to always feed my positive dog. After listening to this story I realized how much I was feeding my negative dog and after that I have started to act much more positively.

What is the most important life lesson you think people need to learn in today’s world?

I think the most important lesson that people need to learn in today’s world is the lesson from the 2 Dogs story because if you keep acting negative, feeling negative and thinking negative then you will not be a very happy person.

If everyone knows this story then our world would be a very happy place.

This story is very important because you should know that if you think negative thoughts you can start to feel negative and it can affect your actions and feelings. This story has changed the lives of many people. This story is also a good way of saying that you should always think positive thoughts not negative.
I personally learnt a lot while listening to this story and it taught me a lot.

A lot of children want to listen to this story because it is easy for children to picture and it is fun for the children to be talking about dogs.

If you could change the world in any way at all – what would you do?

If I could change the world in any way at all I would try to get all the kids in the world to attend SoulKids and also help it grow so that people can go for SoulKids all over the world.

I would also try to make a SoulKids college so people can study there. It would be much more helpful if more people could go for SoulKids because then everyone could learn the important lessons in life and the world will become a better and happier place to be in.

Have you thought about your life purpose?
Why do you think you are here on earth?
What gift have you come with? What is your mission?

I think I have come here on earth with SoulKids knowledge and a golden heart.

I have a mission to share this knowledge with as many people as I can and give them this unique knowledge. I feel that if everyone can receive this knowledge then our world would be a better place.

I have also come here on earth with a positive mind set, lots of friends and last but not least I have come as a special, unique and awesome child.

Do you think you will achieve this once you become an adult?

I think I certainly will achieve this because I have full trust and faith in myself.
I have always known I will because I have gone for many SoulKids sessions.

What 3 main lessons would you teach to children just starting to learn at

The first lesson I would teach kids just starting school is the lesson from the 50 Dollar note story. Because it teaches you that no matter what people say or do to you it does not affect who you are.

Another lesson I would teach the kids is a lesson from the story The sunflower and the rose. This lesson would teach the kids that everyone is unique and has their own speciality. This would also teach them not to compare themselves to others and to be the best person you can be.

The 3rd lesson the children should learn is from the 2 dogs story. This is a story I love and I am sure young kids would like it to. This story would teach them to be positive and make sure that they don’t feed their negative dog.

Anything else you want to tell us?

Overall I really like SoulKids and I think every kid should be able to attend it.


And a final word from Sally

Wow wow wow Sashwika – you really are amazing.
You are 10 now …but soon I want you to be a SoulKids Mentor and teach children the world over ;)
Then of course you can go onto be our SoulKids Global Manager as well …..and change the world one child at a time ;)


To register your child for this Creative Mind program or for further details of the SoulKids® Creative Mind program, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

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