Wednesday, July 23, 2014

An Interview with Tristan, another one of our 'Rock Star SoulKids®!'

SoulKids Rock Star interviews continue with Sally Forrest interviewing Tristan Williamson, aged 7.

Tristan has recently moved to South Africa and is super excited as he now has a new baby brother as well.

Tristan when did you attend SoulKids?
I attended twice once in September and again in November 2013

What did you like about SoulKids?
The stories and the games and the food

Do you have a favorite story and why?
The two dogs is my favorite story because it tells me that I have a positive dog inside me (my thoughts) and that it can get bigger because I think positive.

What is the most important life lesson you think people need to learn in today’s world?

That people must think positively and try not to think negative thoughts because then you think negative and then you will have negative things happen to you. When you think positive then positive things will happen to you.

If you could change the world in any way at all what would you do?

I wouldn’t do anything, it is a beautiful world and I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Wow that’s so profound from a 7 year old- I wish all adults adopted that approach ;)
Have you thought about your life purpose Tristan?

Yes, I have – it’s to be part of Gods great big plan
I have come with the gift to be kind and helpful to people all over the world.
My mission is to succeed at being kind and helpful to others.

Wow that is awesome! Do you think you will achieve this once you become an adult?

I believe that I am already achieving working on it already.

What 3 main lessons would you teach to children just starting to learn at school?
  •  We must think positive
  •  We must never give up
  •  And always be kind to others

Hey that’s such great advice, anything else you want to share with our readers?

Just always be you and don’t think that anyone else is better than you because everyone is special and unique.
SoulKids also taught me when I have a negative thought that I can change what I am thinking and just think about something that makes me happy.

Thanks Tristan! You are super special – awesome and we all LOVE you x

To register your child for the next Self-Confidence® program or for further details of the SoulKids® Self-Confidence program, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Take SoulKids® Wisdom everywhere you go! You can read SoulKids® Awesome Book of Self-Confidence at home or while you travel!

Vikas Malkani the creator of SoulKids® believes that a lot of the issues adults face in life stem from childhood beliefs.  With this in mind Vikas developed a program that would look at changing the beliefs that children carried about themselves, about what was possible and about what they could achieve.  SoulKids was born!!

The stories used in the SoulKids programs are contained in a best-selling series of books, called the SoulKids Books of Self-Confidence.  There are currently three books in this series and a fourth and fifth are underway! 
All the artwork in the books have been done by children who have been inspired after attending the SoulKids programs.

The stories in the books reinforce the life lessons and they are designed to be read over and over again, you can take them with you and read them on the airplane or during your holiday. The lessons they teach will benefit all readers, regardless of their age.  So why not read some of the stories with your child and remind yourself of some of life’s more valuable lessons!

For more information about SoulKids programs and Books, please contact

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

SoulKids® Self-Confidence Program Teaches Children to focus on the Positive in Life!

In SoulKids® programs essential life-skills such as vision, responsibility, independence, team-work and self-awareness are imparted to children through playing leadership games teamwork exercises, story telling and adopting different roles during the experiential training.

SoulKids® is highly enjoyable, fun and very powerful. Children who attend SoulKids® programs emerge as more confident, focused and happier individuals. 

Children learn to focus on the positive in themselves and in life.  The stories reinforce this message and one of the popular stories is about Reece making himself sick.
Reece is happy and well, on his way to school.

The story unfolds as Reece is on his way to school and looking forward to the day ahead.  Unbeknown to him, his school friends have decided to play a trick on him!  They ask him throughout the day if he is well and they tell him the he looks sick.  Reece first of all shrugs their concern off, but as the day goes on, he is convinced that he is unwell as so many people have remarked upon it, that he must be unwell!

 Reece feels unwell, by the end of the day.

The lesson in the story that the children quickly pick up, is that there is power in the words that we hear around us.  We should not listen to negative comments that people use about us and we shouldn’t allow their comments to affect our own self-confidence.  The children learn that you can choose to be positive in life.  This is a very valuable tool for them to learn early on in life.

To register your child for the next Self-Confidence® program, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

An Interview with Chloe, one of our 'Rock Star SoulKids!'

Here at SoulKids we have been conducting a series of interviews with some of our famous “Rock Star SoulKids” 

We wanted to find out what makes these children so special and so unique.

So meet Chloe and see how she answered some pretty tough questions…. just like a true rock star on a red carpet would!

Tell us a little about yourself

“ My name is Chloe Sofie Schueler, I am 6 almost 7

I recently attended SoulKids and I liked how they told stories with expression.
I liked the mentors they were really nice and funny.

My favourite story was Kung Fu because the Mentors did a show and I liked the show
A lesson I learnt is that if something is really scary, you just need to push through it, to show courage.”

So Chloe- how would you change the world?

“Wait – the whole entire world?
I would ask my parents if I could be really famous and tell everyone what people need to do to be kind.”

So what are you here to do in life?

“I want to try out different countries like the North Pole.
I’m here to be me and to live my life.
I have come with kindness and soul kid power.
I want to use my skills to be kind and be a risk taker and be knowledgeable. “
I am already achieving what I set out to do!

What 3 main lessons would you teach to children just starting to learn?

Be kind
No matter what people do to you - you should always try and fix it
You should always think you are the best you can be

No matter what happens to you in life – never have LOW SELF ESTEEM!

Thank you Chloe- you really do have SOULKID POWER!
You are SPECIAL and UNIQUE and AWESOME …and you ROCK!!!

To register your child or for further details of the SoulKids® Self-Confidence program, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372