Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Are you feeding your POSITIVE Dog?

Has your child asked you this question?

If so, then the chances are they have attended one of the SoulKids® Self-Confidence programs or know a friend who has attended.

During the SoulKids® programs, the children are introduced to different stories and activities that help them to learn confidence and self-belief. Children who have attended SoulKids® emerge as more confident, focused and happier individuals.

One of the most popular and most powerful stories they learn, is the 2 Dogs Story. It reinforces the message that there is negative and positive in all of our lives, but we can choose to be positive in life. Children learn from their parents' actions and behaviours. So before you say "No", stop and think about the message that you are sending to your own child.

Next time your child asks you if you are feeding your positive dog, what will your answer be?

Our next SoulKids® Self-Confidence programs are being held in:
Indonesia: 9 / 10 Nov at The Garden Hotel, Kemang, South Jakarta
Singapore: 30 Nov / 1 Dec at SoulCentre, One-North Gateway

To register your child or for further details of the SoulKids® programs or books, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Calling All Potential Artists... ...

Would you like to have your drawings included in a SoulKids® book? The SoulKids® Books of Self-Confidence 1, 2 and 3 contain artwork done by children who have previously attended our SoulKids® programs. 

Why not come along to our next program and you too could see your artwork featured in the next SoulKids® Book of Self-Confidence.

Our next Self-Confidence program (the last one of the year!) is being held on 30 November (Saturday) and 1 December (Sunday) at SoulCentre, 7 One-North Gateway, #01-15, Singapore 138642.

To register your child or for more information please contact:

Zoe Russell
Mobile: +65 9144 9634

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ruth's journey to becoming an "Awesome" SoulKids® Mentor

Ruth recently successfully completed the six months SoulKids® Mentor Training and she talked to us about her inspirational journey and what she has learnt along the way... ...

Tell me about yourself.
Like many of us, I am a working mum and juggling parenting and work can be a challenge. I know I'll make mistakes, however I want to ensure that I make as few of them as possible. So when I read about SoulKids® Mentor, I jumped at the chance.

What do you like about SoulKids®  Mentor Training?
These are life lessons for all of us, whether we are children or adults, the lessons are the same. Telling these lessons through stories taps into how we learn best... through story telling. Just sit through a few presentations at work and you will see how much you remember from the story versus the fact based style of presentations.

How has the training influenced you?
It has given me more confidence in my ability as a parent. And importantly, seeing the transformation of the children during the SoulKids® programs has opened my eyes to what can be achieves through the sharing and interacting of these great lessons by Vikas.

What has been the most inspiring lesson for you?
The SoulKids® Mentor Training is about ourselves first. We have to live these lessons before we can influence others. As Ghandi once said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world". This is the lesson that Vikas so clearly brings out in the SoulKids® Mentor Training Program.

How do you think the children will benefit from SoulKids® ?
Gosh, there are so many benefits. Here are some as an example:
"You are enough" is a lesson that comes through very strongly in the program.
The children begin to know and understand what makes them special and unique, to celebrate that uniqueness and know how to then use it in everyday life.
The SoulKids® program teaches the children to be resilient and see resilience as a strength that will support them when things are not going so well.
As soon as my daughter is old enough, I too will be signing her up for a SoulKids® program.

If you are interested in taking your own journey of self-development and personal growth, as well as becoming an inspiring Mentor to children. Please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

SoulKids® Creative Mindset, 28/29 September 2013

The founders of SoulKids®, Vikas and Sally, and their team of 8 Mentors welcomed 46 children to the British Club for an amazing, fun filled weekend with lots of learning and life lessons.

Children from 5 - 14, boys and girls from all different backgrounds came together with one purpose - "To develop a creative, positive, confident and open mind"

The energy (and noise!) levels were high as the children learned how to be creative and original through games, team work, story telling and role play.

Enjoy some of the images from the weekend that show the fun and excitement felt by the children.

Some of the comments from the children are very inspiring:

"SoulKids is a fun way to make friends and learn ways to keep calm and really fun!" Alexander

"It teaches you so much and makes you more confident." Anthea

"I like SoulKids because we learn new things through stories, fun and games." Anusha

"I get to learn in a fun way!" Brandon

"I learned that being yourself is important and you should always believe in yourself and if you do that you will succeed in life." Sarah

"I have learnt to be creative and brave." Frodo

"It teaches you to become more confident." Holly

"It was the best time and I think every child should attend SoulKids." Sashwika

Some of the words that the younger children used to describe SoulKids®:


To register your child for our next program on 30 November / 1 December, or for further details of SoulKids® Self Confidence program, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

SoulKids® is coming to America

Why SoulKids®? Why USA?

5 years ago I was hired as a Director of a software company in Singapore. Having recently moved to Singapore, it was a huge life change as a single mom of two young boys. One day my son found a flyer for SoulKids® in a shop window and I thought it would be great for my sons to attend SoulKids® - Self-Confidence to introduce them to other children and give my children skills that would help them with the many changes in our lives. I had been recently separated from their father and we had moved from Bahrain in the Middle East to Singapore. All of which was quite a lot of change for us all as American citizens.

What I didn't expect was a complete change in my children.. At the end of the first day when I picked them up, they were smiley, happy and had obviously had a great time. (Sometimes from programs, they  cannot wait to go home!) Then the next morning, I woke up and there were two boys all ready to go an hour early (and that NEVER happens).

However the biggest change was in my son's attitude change. I have one son who is advanced, bright, has more patience with others that were slower and is likely to help others. My other son, who is a challenged learner, suddenly went from not even trying to complete math tests, to being proud of the questions he answered correctly and being more focused on his own accomplishments.

It was so amazing. I had to find out what happened in that two day program. I decided to make the significant investment to become a SoulKids® Mentor and learn to teach the program myself.

After teaching SoulKids® for over two years, I have seen miraculous changes on children that help themselves to be the best they can possibly be. I've also had many parents tell me how much SoulKids® programs have changed their children. I gave up my weekends to teach SoulKids® and it has been an amazing experience.

I really saw in SoulKids® an opportunity to make children's lives better by giving them skills that would last a lifetime in: self-belief, facing fears, dealing with negative people, improving communication skills and helping others to live their best possible life. There was no other program that taught these essential life-skills.

And so as I contemplated moving back to the US, I also wanted to make a personal change from working in IT with large corporations. I wanted a life that would share the best of the east with the west and help people live the best life possible. Thus, I am bringing SoulCentre Academy and SoulKids® Academy to the United States.

For more information about our SoulKids Programs in USA, please contact:
Deborah Carlson

Thursday, September 26, 2013

SoulKids® is showcased at MBS!

We are delighted to announced that SoulKids® will be showcased at FLA ASIA at Marina Bay Sands Singapore from 3-5 October.

FLA-ASIA is the international event where leading regional and global brands are showcased to demonstrate their concepts, entrepreneurship, and licensed business / investment opportunities.

SoulKids® is delighted to be a part of this prestigious event.

If you are interested in becoming a SoulKids® Mentor or wanting a great business opportunity with SoulKids®, then do come along and meet us there.

The founders of SoulKids®, Vikas Malkani and Sally Forrest will be present on all 3 days, as well as the SoulKids® team.

Venue - Booth D31, Marina Bay Sands, Expo / Convention Centre, Level 1, Hall B.

10.30am - 6.30pm on 3 & 4 October (Thursday and Friday)
10.30am - 5.30pm on 5 October (Saturday)

Admission is FREE (Minors below the age of 16 are not permitted entry)

More about SoulKids® and how you can be a part of it are detailed below.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


There are many lessons we can learn from nature such as patience and perseverance, even a spider can teach you something if you are willing to learn.

The SoulKids® Books of Self-Confidence which support the SoulKids® programs are full of stories involving animals, insects and even flowers.

What is it about stories that remain with you? Is it because they tap into your imagination? They are held in your memory for years and the important messages they convey can always be remembered long after the detail has been forgotten.

This is the one of the techniques used in the SoulKids® programs. SoulKids® is a transformational program that develops a positive, balanced, self-assured and confident child. Children from 6 - 15 years old have FUN whilst learning new stories, full of powerful life lessons that stay with the children.

One of the most popular stories with the children, called the Sunflower and the Rose, teaches children that they are special and unique, that they do not need to be like everyone else to shine. They learn to look at themselves and appreciate their own special talents and abilities.

Another story about Woody the Woodpecker teaches the children about focus and dedication, deciding what they want out of life and working hard to achieve it.

And yes, there is an inspirational story about a Spider in the SoulKids® Self-Confidence program! This again teaches the children about patience and focus and perseverance in a fun way.

It has definitely changed my views about spiders... ...

If you would like more information about the SoulKids® programs or the SoulKids® books which include the stories mentioned.

Please contact:
Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372