Friday, October 10, 2014

SoulKids & SoulCentre – Making Children & Adults Happier!

An interview with Sally Forrest, Managing Director of SoulCentre Pte Ltd

By J.J. Lavigne

Tell us more about SoulCentre Pte Ltd (SC)

Sally: SoulCentre and SoulKids are the 2 brands of our company, and were established in Singapore 10 years ago. Our company was founded by Vikas Malkani, a best-selling author and teacher, and me, with the intention of bringing inspirational life-skills training and effective personal development to adults and children alike.
We currently have 4 academies in Singapore: Orchard, East Coast, Toa Payoh & our own Head Quarters at SoulCentre Academy & SoulKids Academy in Sunshine Plaza. We are also launching one more academy in the CBD this month.

We are delighted that SoulCentre has been recognised as Asia’s premier centre for personal development by press and media.

What is SoulKids?

Sally: SoulKids is a unique training program that gives essential life skills for happiness and success to children. It empowers them to grow into confident and well-rounded adults.

At SoulKids we seek to bring out the best in every child. We feel that current mainstream education puts 20 to 30 children in a classroom with one teacher and expects all children to be the same. Uniqueness is not developed.  Every child is expected to behave uniformly, while in reality, each and every child is different and this uniqueness should be brought out.
SoulKids was created after Vikas had worked with many adults helping them to enhance their life. He soon realised that most of their issues stemmed from the mind-sets and belief systems they had received when they were children themselves. He dedicated himself to creating effective tools and techniques that children could adopt at a young age, which would support them to create happy and successful lives as they grew into adults. And thus SoulKids was born.

Is that one of the elements that leads to the so called Mid-life crisis?

Sally: Yes, it could be. When we live a life that’s not aligned to our strengths, not in tune with our inner passions and potential, it creates a chronic sense of stress and unhappiness.

At SoulCentre, we work with numerous clients who wish to enhance their life; to make it more successful, more fulfilling, more productive. With society and lifestyle the way it has become, many wake up each morning feeling stressed, unhappy, chasing unfulfilling career paths, raising children, and juggling multiple roles. And their inner passions and real potential is put on hold in the meantime.

We work with them to help them understand and appreciate the fact that in life, we always have a choice. We help them to identify their strengths, discover their passions and also show them an effective method of turning their passions into a successful and fulfilling life.

How did you get into the personal development and life-skills business?

Sally: I come from a small village in UK. From childhood I understood that to progress in life I had to work hard and get good grades at school and University.

I graduated as a pharmacist, and started my career as a manager with Boots pharmaceuticals. To be a manager in Boots, one needed a Pharmacy degree, and that became my goal.  I also went on and completed an MBA. My focus was about growing myself and being promoted into more senior roles. Eventually I was transferred to Asia to open retail stores for Boots in Thailand. This was the first expansion out of the UK for Boots.

My mind-set started to shift whilst in Asia and I realised that the externals of life are simply not enough for happiness and inner contentment.

After 3 successful years in Thailand, Boots asked me to return to the UK to be part of downsizing the corporate head office. This was a big wake-up call for me as I witnessed people who had given their entire life to the company suddenly made redundant. So, after 18 years of senior management roles in Boots, I decided to quit as my heart was no longer in their role.

I decided to return to Asia as I had a dream to open an orphanage in Chiangmai, which I accomplished along with a missionary friend and his wife. During this time I also started to see and meet people with completely different perspectives on life and this took me on a journey of self-development and inner discovery. I also made a trip to India to understand the mind and this is where I met Vikas.

Why do you call your company SoulCentre?

Sally: The word ‘Soul’ stands for ones greatest potential. It’s a word that defines the highest part within you; your highest abilities, your greatest growth.

And this is what our company helps individuals to achieve - it helps every child and adult to bring out their greatest potential and make it real in their life. Happiness and success follows naturally.

We do this through proprietary training programs that we have developed and copyrighted. Our brand names are trademarked and protected internationally and our licensed trainers conduct our unique programs for children and adults around the world.

So how did you decide to grow the business?

Sally: Our growth was essentially organic. We initially started to teach our programs to children and received very positive feedback. Then parents noticed such a huge positive difference in their children that they too wanted to learn how to teach & inspire others. So we started to teach adults the same skills.

Singapore is a great base for our business as so many nationalities live here – and as a result, we have now taught people from over 35 different countries.
Over time as people moved back to their own countries, we also started to get requests to grant licenses to teach our proprietary programs there.

So both Vikas and I decided to train ourselves, and become CFE’s so we could understand how best to support our future licensees, and grow the business professionally through licensing/franchise models.

Since then our expansion has been very positive and our training programs are now reaching adults and children in UK, USA, Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia. We are also in talks to expand into Thailand and Vietnam.

We have also expanded with more Academies locally in Singapore.

How do you replicate, and is replication difficult without the right people?

Sally: As I mentioned our growth has been essentially organic, so most of our licensees are people who have trained with us earlier, and know the brand well. They have benefited from our training programs and have seen the results in their own life. And now they want to become part of our growing brand.

If licensees are totally new to the brand, we offer a very comprehensive training program with both Vikas & myself to cover all aspects of the brand and its values.

In addition we have recorded many training sessions, so licensees can constantly be refreshed and updated, no matter where they are in the world.

All our training programs are evaluated through feedback mechanisms, so again it allows us to maintain quality.

We have also invested in Intellectual Property and protected both brands SoulCentre and SoulKids in over 30 countries.

We also produce our own books, many of which have become international best-sellers, and again these support the learning for all students.

We believe in high quality of training, and high level of support, for all our licensees. With this to guide us, replication and growth is smoother.

Who are your clients?

Sally: The majority ofthe people who come for our training programs are adults, or their children. Our clients are from all walks of life – we have CEOs, business professionals, princesses, house wives ….even Hollywood stars. They all come to learn how to discover their potential and live life in a happier and more rewarding way. We work with children to help them to do so also.

Do most parents want their kids to be doctors or lawyers?

Sally: Parents are conditioned by their own upbringing and their own belief systems.

In today’s age, there is so much change and influence from technology and social media that children are thinking very differently to the old “norms”.

Parents need to see the strengths of their children and to encourage them to follow these, as this is where both happiness and success will lie for them.

The attention span of a child is decreasing in today’s world, however once a child finds their passion then they will give it 100% commitment.

This is the secret of life – to find what makes you wake up each morning feeling inspired, and then to follow this, get excellent at it, and make a career doing what you love!

Thanks Sally, and we wish all the best for SoulCentre & SoulKids.

To find out more about one of our SoulKids® programs, becoming a SoulKids® Mentor or our SoulKids® license opportunity’s, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

SoulKids® Mentor Training happens once a year - don’t miss this life changing opportunity!

Come along to our free talks and find out more

Free talks by the founder of SoulKids, Vikas Malkani are on;

Thursday 9 October & Tuesday 21 October
Chose either 11 am or 7 pm 


SoulKids® Academy
91 Bencoolen Street
#12-04 Sunshine Plaza
Singapore 189652

  SoulKids Mentor Training 2014 is on
 November 2/3/4/5/6

Certified Mentor Jana Dawson shares how SoulKids® Mentor Training has inspired her and helped her live her truth:

“Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts…”

To me, this beautiful quote by Khalil Gibran captures the essence of SoulKids. SoulKids is designed to guide, inspire and bring out the best of what is already within a child’s spirit. A good mentor steers the child towards discovering its own strength, confidence and value. Only through self- discovery can we truly become empowered.
Can SoulKids make a difference in a child’s life? Without a doubt. As a mentor, I have witnessed a sparkle in a child’s eyes when they grasped the meaning of a lesson from a story. At that moment, a life secret has been unlocked and, with it, a new perspective. A mind once opened never closes. A magical moment for a SoulKids mentor.
Maybe a child’s level of confidence can measure the difference SoulKids can make? I don’t know. However, I do know that I had to swallow back tears, when a child that was quiet for almost two days stood up in front of the group and shouted, “I am confident!” Another magical moment for a SoulKids mentor.
Maybe the difference is defined by a child’s realization that they are beautiful just the way they are? When a child, who does not see itself as beautiful, understands that we are all unique a shift occurs. The child begins to comprehend, that we can never be like someone else, but you can be the best “you”. For a mentor, such a moment is priceless.
There is no way to measure or define the difference SoulKids makes in a child’s life, because it makes the difference where it is needed. In fact, the difference SoulKids makes is not restricted to children. Working as a Soulkids mentor has had a profound impact on my self- worth and self- confidence. It taught me that with the correct tools, guidance and an open mind we can all shine our brightest light. A weekend of SoulKids can be the most rewarding yet humbling experience. The children do the work, and I am just a facilitator blessed with an opportunity to observe, in awe, some truly special and unique souls discovering life. SoulKids training has helped me crystalize my own strengths, weakness and desires. As a result, I am now living MY truth.

To find out more about one of our SoulKids® programs, becoming a SoulKids® Mentor or our SoulKids® license opportunity’s, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Friday, October 3, 2014

SoulCentre® & SoulKids® Academy arrives in the heart of the Central Business District!!

Liew Siok Fang, one of Vikas Malkani’s dedicated students, is growing even more by launching her very own SoulCentre® and SoulKids® Academy!
We can't wait!

Here’s what Siok has to say,

'About a year ago, as a keen student of yoga, I was looking to learn authentic meditation.  At SoulCentre I found Vikas' teachings on meditation really relevant for my life.  It was everything I wanted to learn and more.  And he taught in a beautiful way which I could easily understand and enjoyed a lot.  
It seems amazing but Vikas always sees life from a higher perspective and shows you a better way to live it.  Little did I know that I would end up learning all I could from him and reaching certification level!  
During trying times, I find that the wisdom he teaches always works and helps me greatly.  I was also inspired to share and teach what had worked for me to benefit others, and so when the opportunity to open an academy came, I jumped at it.  
Most of my work life was spent in the Central Business District, and I wanted to benefit the working people in and around that area, so SoulCentre & SoulKids Academy CBD was born!  
Now, Life is truly an adventure!  I am very happy to do meaningful work that also helps others to be happy and stress-free.
I am also very grateful to Vikas for showing me the way.'

On 24 October, Vikas Malkani will give a FREE TALK to launch SoulCentre® and SoulKids® CBD.

(Do not miss it, as places are filling up fast. To attend the FREE talk please register at:

“5 Essential Secrets for Creating Happiness & Success,
for You and Your Child”
by Vikas Malkani.

On Friday 24 October, at 6.15 pm

SoulCentre & SoulKids Academy CBD
20 Peck Seah Street
Singapore 079312
Mobile: +65 9677 2328
The Free talk will be held at the Ground Floor Auditorium

SoulCentre Academy CBD is located within the Central Business District, opposite the open-air car park behind the landmark Red Dot Design Museum.
4 minutes’ walk from Tanjong Pagar MRT station. 

The following training programs will be conducted at SoulCentre® & SoulKids® Academy CBD:

·      Meditation Made Simple:
Tue 4, Thu 6, Mon 10, Tue 11 November
10am – 12noon

·      SoulKids® Self-Confidence Program (age 6-10):
Saturday 15 & Sunday 16 November
10am - 4pm

·      SoulKids® Coaching Sessions

·      Yoga for everyone (adults & kids)

To find out more about one of our SoulKids® programs, becoming a SoulKids® Mentor or if interested to start your own SoulKids® Academy with us, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

SoulKids® is SHINING BRIGHT at Marina Bay Sands in October!

We are delighted to announced that SoulKids® will be showcased at FLA ASIA at Marina Bay Sands Singapore from 16-18 October.

FLA-ASIA is an international event where leading regional and global brands are showcased to demonstrate their concepts, entrepreneurship, and business / investment opportunities. This year it’s bigger than ever! 

SoulKids® is delighted to be a part of this prestigious event.

Minster of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Mr Teo Ser Luck stopped by last year to wish us luck!

If you are interested in becoming a SoulKids® Mentor or wanting a great business opportunity with SoulKids®, then do come along and meet us there.

The founders of SoulKids®, Vikas Malkani and Sally Forrest will be present on all 3 days, as well as Zoe /Carla and the SoulKids® team.

Venue - Booth C24, Marina Bay Sands, Expo / Convention Centre, Level 1, Hall B.

10.30 – 18.30 on 16 & 17 October (Thursday and Friday)
10.30 – 17.30 on 18 October (Saturday)

Admission is FREE (Minors below the age of 16 are not permitted entry)

To find out more about one of our SoulKids® programs, becoming a SoulKids® Mentor or if interested to start your own SoulKids® Academy with us, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372