Showing posts with label Schools in Singapore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schools in Singapore. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Prem, you are a true SoulKids® Rock Star!

Sally has caught up with another amazing Rock Star ... Prem!

What is your name and how old are you?

Prem Sachdev, 10 years old

When did you attend SoulKids®?

2012 and 2014

What did you like about SoulKids®?

The stories were fun and meaningful.

It was also nice to make new friends and meet new people.

Do you have a favourite story and why?

The story about the 2 dogs.  I liked it because it taught me to feed the positive dog and not the negative dog and because we had just moved to Singapore I was still sad about losing all my friends, so this story made me think that there are good things in Singapore and it might not be so bad after all.

What is the most important life lesson you think people need to learn in today’s world?


Because some people are always in an unnecessary rush and because they don't have patience, they horn a lot while driving and get into accidents.

If you could change the world in any way at all – what would you do?

I'd get rid of all the anger in the world and stop all the wars and fights.

Have you thought about your life purpose?
Why do you think you are here on earth?              

To help the less fortunate by donating money, which I already do every year by reading and getting people to sponsor a cent a page.

Wow that sounds amazing and I heard you have raised lots and lots of money - well done!

What gift have you come with? What is your mission?

I love reading, playing chess, playing instruments, maths.

Everything I do I want to work hard at to make sure I'm the best at it.

What 3 main lessons would you teach to children just starting to learn at school?

Control your anger, be positive, do a little work everyday so you get better at everything.

Wow Prem - thanks a lot - you are truly an inspiration!

To find out more about becoming a SoulKids® Mentor, or one of our SoulKids® programs, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

SoulKids® Mentor Training happens once a year - don’t miss this life changing opportunity!

Come along to our free talks and find out more

Free talks by the founder of SoulKids, Vikas Malkani are on;

Thursday 9 October & Tuesday 21 October
Chose either 11 am or 7 pm 


SoulKids® Academy
91 Bencoolen Street
#12-04 Sunshine Plaza
Singapore 189652

  SoulKids Mentor Training 2014 is on
 November 2/3/4/5/6

Certified Mentor Jana Dawson shares how SoulKids® Mentor Training has inspired her and helped her live her truth:

“Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts…”

To me, this beautiful quote by Khalil Gibran captures the essence of SoulKids. SoulKids is designed to guide, inspire and bring out the best of what is already within a child’s spirit. A good mentor steers the child towards discovering its own strength, confidence and value. Only through self- discovery can we truly become empowered.
Can SoulKids make a difference in a child’s life? Without a doubt. As a mentor, I have witnessed a sparkle in a child’s eyes when they grasped the meaning of a lesson from a story. At that moment, a life secret has been unlocked and, with it, a new perspective. A mind once opened never closes. A magical moment for a SoulKids mentor.
Maybe a child’s level of confidence can measure the difference SoulKids can make? I don’t know. However, I do know that I had to swallow back tears, when a child that was quiet for almost two days stood up in front of the group and shouted, “I am confident!” Another magical moment for a SoulKids mentor.
Maybe the difference is defined by a child’s realization that they are beautiful just the way they are? When a child, who does not see itself as beautiful, understands that we are all unique a shift occurs. The child begins to comprehend, that we can never be like someone else, but you can be the best “you”. For a mentor, such a moment is priceless.
There is no way to measure or define the difference SoulKids makes in a child’s life, because it makes the difference where it is needed. In fact, the difference SoulKids makes is not restricted to children. Working as a Soulkids mentor has had a profound impact on my self- worth and self- confidence. It taught me that with the correct tools, guidance and an open mind we can all shine our brightest light. A weekend of SoulKids can be the most rewarding yet humbling experience. The children do the work, and I am just a facilitator blessed with an opportunity to observe, in awe, some truly special and unique souls discovering life. SoulKids training has helped me crystalize my own strengths, weakness and desires. As a result, I am now living MY truth.

To find out more about one of our SoulKids® programs, becoming a SoulKids® Mentor or our SoulKids® license opportunity’s, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Join us for the SoulKids® Self-Confidence Program this Weekend!

SoulKids® offers transformational programs that develop positive, balanced, self-assured and self-confident children.

This weekend children from 6 – 10 years of age will learn essential life-skills such as leadership, teamwork, discipline success and self-esteem through story telling, teamwork and leadership games.

Children emerge as more confident, focused and happier individuals.  They develop strong self-esteem and become more successful in life.

SoulKids® isfun and very powerful.  But don’t just take our word for it, see what some of the children who have successfully completed a SoulKids® program have to say about the lessons that they have learned:

·      My mind is my greatest weapon

·      When you do something good, good will come back to you

·      Whatever you do to others will come back to you

·      Use your mind wisely

·      Focus on the positives and what you want to do

·      Everything is possible if you use your mind properly

·      Nothing is impossible; I learnt so many things and have many new friends

·      Keep going and never give up

·      Be yourself always and be confident in yourself

·      I know I am different and special

To register your child for this weekends SoulKids® Self-Confidence program 17 and 18 May, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372