SoulKids® is a powerful transformational program that aims to
create a positive, balanced, self-assured and confident child. Created by Vikas
Malkani, who is an international best-selling author and mentor on life-skills,
SoulKids® is unique in that it
teaches life-skills necessary for happiness and success.
All of this is achieved through the use of stories, games,
role-play and teamwork that actively engage children in learning.
The entire SoulKids® program is geared towards raising the
children’s level of self-esteem and strengthening their self-belief. SoulKids® is successful in
supplementing the traditional academic training that children receive in
school. It trains children in the essential aspects of life that school does
not cover.
The first SoulKids® Self-Confidence program of 2014, for children aged between 6 - 9 years old, will take
place on 15 & 16 February at SCWO
Centre, 96 Waterloo Street, Singapore 187967.
This program will be run by the founders of SoulKids®, Vikas Malkani and
Sally Forrest assisted by an international team of SoulKids® Mentors.
To register your child or for further details of the SoulKids® Self-Confidence program, please contact:
Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372