Friday, November 23, 2012

Fantastic Feedback from November SoulKids Program

SoulKids is amazing and such fun.  The favourite lesson for me was learning about teamwork and being patient  -   Anyaa aged 8

If you say positive things, you  are feeding your positive mind. It was great fun  -  Indie Aged 6

SoulKids helps me to live a great life in a great world  - Genevieve aged 7

I feel confident, happy, awesome and excited.  I learnt that you need to respect your family and friends  -  Sam aged 8

SoulKids helps you stay positive and think positive thoughts  - Ckash aged 9

I think SoulKids is awesome, I am going to come back again  - Prem aged 8

SoulKids made me feel positive, happy and good  - Nirvaan aged 7

SoulKids made me feel confident and was such fun – Sophia aged 6

SoulKids helps you stay positive and think positive thoughts  - Ckash aged 9

SoulKids helped me understand to be positive and ignore the negative things around us.  It is perfect -  Sidney aged 8

I think SoulKids is a brilliant place, it is positive and exciting – Diva aged 8

Amazing Children Program

fun children program

Confident Child

Happy Kids

Children Classes in Singapore

Happy Kids

Confident Kid

Friday, July 20, 2012


Our July Soulkids mid week program was such great fun and the children have shared with us their thoughts and feedback about the time they spent with us.

See their happy smiling faces and read the feedback, it will certainly light up your day.

“SoulKids is every good word I can think of, Fun, Awesome, Happy, Fantastic, Imaginative and Brilliant” - Eva  8

“What you give is what you get, always say YES. Never give up – SoulKids is inspiring.  A happy and fantastic place to be” - Laura 9

“SoulKids is excellent, it makes me feel strong, cool, excited, happy and confident” - Luca  6

“The main lesson I learnt was to be yourself, it made me feel strong” - Lucian  9

“There are always 2 dogs inside us – I learnt to always feed the positive one” - Alice  6

“I think SoulKids is a very good place to learn life lessons.  Everybody is wise and grateful” - Sacha 12

“Always be the best you can be” - Cle Cle  8

“Never give up always say YES” - Ande  8

“Working as a team will achieve more.  SoulKids has improved my confidence” - Angus 10

“I learnt how to have fun and be more confident” -  Cliff  6

“Be happy and have an open mind, you need an open mind to learn more” - Brandon 8

“I learnt to be positive, I love SoulKids it makes me feel AWESOME!” – Eline 5

“Never give up, and have patience” - Mirco  7

“I learnt to be more confident and had such fun” - Toby 7.5

“Never give up” - Fleur  7

“I learnt to be helpful and work as a team” - Lin Fang Hong  8

“I will not say bad things to others or myself “ - Leo 5

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Frodo's Interview

Zoe Russel, SoulKids Course Manager, took some time out to talk to Frodo and his mother about their experience of SoulKids.

Zoe: "So Frodo what did you enjoy about Soulkids?"

The stories, games, environment, people and everything. There is nothing that I dislike about SoulKids!

Zoe: "Frodo how can you use what you learnt in your life?"

On a daily basis, I remain positive, look at the good side of things. I display happiness and am happy internally. And it helps boost my creativity.

Zoe: "Esther (Frodo's mummy) have you seen any changes in Frodo since attending SoulKids?"

I see many changes in him. He is more positive than he used to be. He is more spontaneous and expressive. He is displaying a lot of leadership qualities which previously he did not.

Thanks for the feedback. We know Frodo wants to become a Doctor when he grows up and we can see that he has lots of passion and determination to do this. He also is very intelligent and has a great memory. We wish him well and know we will keep connected and see him at SoulCentre again soon.

Thanks Fordo and Esther - you are both VERY SPECIAL and AWESOME xxx

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Interview with Audelynn

Audelynn recently attended SoulKids and Zoe, the SoulKids Course Manager, asked her a few questions about her experience.

What Did You Like About SoulKids Experience?

I enjoyed about the good mentors, the nice stories, the fun games and the good friends in SoulKids. I miss SoulKids very much! I liked it so much!

What Lessons Did You Learn that Have Made a Difference?

I can use what I learnt in SoulKids to do things as a teamwork, to think positive and to never give up.

Have You Seen Personal Changes Since SoulKids?

Yes. I become braver than before and now I always think positive whenever I try new things, that I CAN do it!

Thanks Audelynn, it was wonderful to have you on the SoulKids class - always remember that you are special!

More about SoulKids -

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Learning Life Lessons in a FUN Way... That's SoulKids

Lovely happy faces and some great comments received from the older children on SoulKids in June.

"I learnt to aim high! Teamwork will get you to places that you cannot get to alone" - Andre, 12

"It teaches me values and lessons about life which allows me to live life positively" - Will, 14

"I learnt to be positive and how an optimistic lifestyle will help me achieve success – SoulKids is a one in a lifetime experience!" - Arnav, 13

"I learnt self confidence, never to give up, caring and to feed the positive Dog - It teaches life lessons in a fun and awesome way" - Lilu, 10 

"It makes me confident, happy, cool and awesome – it makes my life easy!" - Isabella, 9

"SoulKids is exciting" - Audelynn, 8

“You control your happiness! EXCELLENT!” - Anika, 10 

“It taught me to be open minded and to appreciate what we have now- rather than what we want – I definitely want to come here again!” - Katy, 10

"You can control your happiness! Life is fair! You get what you give! It was REALLY EMOTIONALLY changing! It opens your mind and eyes about different things"- Ixana, 13

"SoulKids is the best ever!!" - Ian, 9

"I learnt many things and had lots and lots of fun! Best motivation EVER!" - Calvin, 12 

"It’s fun, interesting and cool – the people here are nice and kind" - Johnny, 8

"It taught me how to be self confident – I never thought you could learn like this" - Miel, 13

"I loved the experience – the games were great! I learnt many new quotes and values" - Trisha, 12

"It helped me learn important life lessons" - Pete, 11

"I learnt about LOVE! It makes me happy" - Nathaniel, 9

"It was fun - a great tool – the Mentors are all kind" - Lucas, 10

"The best ever and AWESOME! - It was fun and gives me opportunities" - Zachary, 11(turning 12 ;))

"It’s an absolutely amazing experience and super fun! You learn lots of new things" - William, 7