Friday, May 22, 2015

SoulKids® STARS at Kidz Academy Suntec in June!

The excitement is building!
SoulKids® will be starring at Kidz Academy in Suntec on 5-7 June.
Already the press have been interviewing 
Vikas & Sally the SoulKids founders to find out more.
Here is a sneak peek at the interview!
1.) Tell us about what inspired you to create the SoulKids programs?
For many years Vikas was coaching adults to live a happy and successful life.
He realized that many issues that we have as adults stemmed from a mindset and belief system that we have as children.
These beliefs have been given to us in childhood by our parents, teachers, peers and we simply never questioned them. 
So we live a life on autopilot and never really live beyond these limiting beliefs.

Vikas decided to create a program, naming it SoulKids®, that would give children the skills they needed to create a life of happiness and fulfillment for themselves.

Skills that include;
  • How to be happy no matter what life presents
  • How to be a leader and a great team player
  • Self Confidence
  • How to grow your strengths and to follow your passion
  • How to have focus and disciple and to take correct action

 2.) As SoulKids has grown, have the programs changed as well?
SoulKids® has great feedback systems in place from parents, children and our Mentors. We look at all the streams of feedback and improve the program each year.
The core concept remains the same but the method of delivery and the supporting materials and techniques are constantly being improved.
We apply a continual improvement process that means each year we get better and better.
2015 has been an amazing year as we won;
  • Licensor of the Year award by the Franchise Licensing Association in Singapore and
  • We won “Best in Class” for Life Skills Programs awarded by Harpers Bazaar

So we know we are on the right path and our results speak for the strength of the program.
3.) What are some of the challenges that you think parents face as they raise kids in today’s society?
The environment children are born in today is totally different to the one parents were born into.
The pace of change has never been faster than today.
The main issues parents will face is how to see the world through the eyes of their child without making judgements based on their own conditionings.

The past is gone and the new world ahead is exciting and changing at a speed not seen before. The old conditioned ways of working will not always bring success in the new world. So parents need to grow as their children grow.

  • How to raise children with different ideas, dreams and talents
  • How to raise children in a constantly evolving society
  • Teaching children the need for personal responsibility in this new world
  • Communication skills and team work in a world where you can do everything on your own.

Bringing children up to be able to succeed in the future world that we cannot as parents ever envisage.

To find out more come to Suntec on 5-7 June
We are at booth E12
Come and experience the SoulKids magic! 

  • Free Trial Classes each day
  • Activities at Our booth & On Stage
  • Daily Lucky Draw
  • Discounts on Programs

To find out more about one of our SoulKids® programs, becoming a SoulKids® Mentor or to attend one of Vikas’s inspirational talks, please contact:

    Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

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