Friday, May 8, 2015

My amazing SoulKids experience!……..By Georgina Wells, May 2015

Georgina Wells, recently certified as a SoulKids® Mentor after completing her SoulKids® Mentor Training with Vikas.
She is already making waves by offering the opportunity of SoulKids® to many new parents and children in the expat and local communities.

Let’s delve into Georgie’s mind and get a taste of her SoulKids experience so far…

What bought you to SoulKids?

When we first moved to Singapore, some friends had told us that their children had attended the SoulKids program and that it had been wonderful. Both children had really enjoyed it.  
Then when my son starting expressing some sad feelings, despite being outwardly happy and confident, I thought it might be worth exploring SoulKids for him. I signed up both my children for the weekend SoulKids Self Confidence program.

I also attended a talk given by Vikas, the creator of SoulKids, to gain more understanding about what the program would be teaching my children. That talk was the spark that lit the fire inside me.  

As I listened I felt as if I was saying ‘Yes! Yes!’ internally, to the lessons and stories that Vikas was sharing - about how important it is to let children shine to help bring out their potential, that the foundation to happiness and success is teamwork and self-esteem.  

His words really resonated with me. It was like an internal opening up, a voicing of things I knew were true, but had never heard explained in such a simple way before.  

Vikas also spoke about the possibility of Mentor Training, which would include our practical training on the weekend program with the children. I thought it was a wonderful way to be able to share this experience with my children. Also, I realised it would help me learn about the stories and understand what my children were learning, and that I would develop the tools to continue these lessons at home which would be a positive thing for our whole family.  
So I decided right then to do the SoulKids Mentor Training, and I was really excited about it.

What are your experiences of the Mentor Training and the SoulKids Weekend Programs?

The SoulKids Mentor Training was one of the most wonderful weeks of my life! It felt like the unlocking of doors. It was liberating, exciting, uplifting.  

Yes, I did learn things about how to communicate with children, how to shine the light on their potential, but for me personally it was very far-reaching. It was extremely transformative for me personally. It was just a very joyous week; to learn about how we can control our outlook, our happiness; how we can choose to see things; and how crucial self-esteem is and how we can build and protect it.  

I was so excited when it came to the SoulKids weekend program with the children. I was like a little child before their birthday party! I was very impressed at how carefully, thoughtfully and thoroughly everything was prepared for the program. It was very professional and the team briefings covered everything one could think of.

When the children started arriving it was wonderful to see. Initially, some children were shy, nervous or a little apprehensive about what the weekend held. To see the gradual transformation in these children was so inspiring; by the second day they were marching down the room, flanked by their new SoulKids friends and declaring to the world how they wanted to be perceived and what they wanted to be. I saw the light of self-confidence come back into their eyes.  Others, who were already relatively confident could explore this energy to even greater depth.  

To hear the children’s perspectives and observations was inspiring. You could see them just sit up that little bit straighter when they felt that they had power to positively affect their life, to walk towards fear and overcome it, to show a smile to the world, to bring out their best selves.  It was really quite wonderful! It was extraordinary too, how the children opened up and formed bonds with the SoulKids Mentors at the weekend. Extremely touching. 

How has SoulKids changed you?

To me the whole undercurrent to the Mentor Training and the SoulKids program is positivity. It has helped me to focus on positivity, to know that what you put out in the world is reflected back to you, in so many ways. And yes, this works with children too.

As a parent if you shout, are impatient, then that is how you are teaching your children to behave. I have always felt passionate about children, marvelling at their perspective on life. I feel my children teach me so much, and SoulKids has reinforced this.  

As adults we have become conditioned to certain outlooks and mind-sets which are often limiting, but if we can still make positive change we can still continue to learn and grow.  
And if we help children develop positive mind-sets early on, and teach them about resilience, empathy, a sense of needing to take action and not just relying on others, then it will create a foundation for a happier adult life. And that’s a pretty wonderful gift to give a child.

What are your visions and dreams going forward?

Well, we are about to embark on a family adventure that we have talked about doing for many years. We will be heading off to live in another country for a year where we have no contacts, no links to and don’t speak the native language! We are going for the adventure, to open ourselves up to a new culture, a new environment, and to live somewhere beautiful.  

I will be taking SoulKids with me on this new adventure, and I cannot wait to share it with the children in the new city where we are living - I already have my eye on a school where I’d like to offer it as an extra-curricular activity!  

But in the meantime I’ve been working on a few things here in Singapore with the SoulKids team, and I am very happy to say that we will soon be introducing SoulKids programs in a new and very prominent venue.

Anything else you want to share with our readers?

Just to say thank you to those friends of mine that have already shown their support by enabling me to do a SoulKids program with their children.  

Also, I want to mention how grateful and lucky I feel to have come across SoulCentre and SoulKids, for the amazing ways of thinking and armfuls of happiness that it has painted across the canvas of my life. I am truly inspired!

Thank you,
Georgina Wells

To find out more about one of our SoulKids® programs or how to become a SoulKids® Mentor, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

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