Monday, July 30, 2018

How SoulKids Changed My Life

How SoulKids Changed My Life
By Sashwika S Venkatraman
SoulKids Ambassador,
30th July 2018

Hello, my name is Sashwika and I am 14 years old.
Today I would like to talk about my experience with SoulKids and how it has helped and changed me throughout my growing years. I know that as teens it is crucial to develop a healthy mindset and that is a fundamental step that leads to a happy and successful future.
I began my SoulKids journey at the age of 9. Frankly, at that time I didn’t know what I was signing up for. I was a shy, introverted kid that just did what my mum insisted on. I remember on the way to SoulKids my mother was excited and kept talking about how beneficial this was going to be for me. I didn't really believe her at that time but I am who I am today because of this step my mother took for me and SoulKids really did change my life.
SoulKids has played a significant role in making me into the positive person I am today. The environment at SoulKids was so open, positive and friendly. The mentors were friendly and at the end of the session, you wouldn't want to leave. It was a very safe space and you could happily speak your mind without being judged or feeling shy. At SoulKids, critical life lessons are conveyed in engaging ways. We learn these through many stories and games that are both interesting and fun. SoulKids has been such a game changer in my life and I will now share with you how.

When I had just started SoulKids at the age of 9, I was kind but very shy. I wouldn’t speak my mind and would hide from social situations in school. I wasn’t worried about this until I started to get bullied. I kept questioning everything. Why was I getting bullied when nothing was wrong with me? How come I got targeted just because I was slightly different, I mean wasn’t everyone different in their own way? For a while, I was trying to hold my ground but soon I started to develop insecurities relating to my personality, appearance, and ethnicity. I was so sad coming back from school and I felt like life was so unfair. I would constantly cry and wish I was someone else till I came to SoulKids.
Two SoulKids stories really stuck with me then and continue to do so even now. These stories taught me that my happiness was in my own hands, not in other people’s control. I had the power to make myself happy and no one could take that away from me. This gave me a new outlook on life and I started to consciously make an effort to think positive.
As teenagers, we continue to face challenges in the form of peer pressure or the media. Social media plays a huge role in our lives. Yes, it has its benefits such as the ability to communicate with others and make new friends and catch up but it can have a negative effect as well. It can often set unrealistic standards for both behaviour and appearance which can be quite harmful to a teenagers mental and physical health. Not to forget the bullying that can also happen. The SoulKids lessons have always helped me keep myself in check.
The lessons are deeply ingrained in my mind. I now realize and believe that I am unique and special in my own way and I should love myself for that. The most important thing I learnt was that you should never compare yourself to others because you are you and not them. This has had a great impact on my thoughts and helped me feel more confident about myself. It has helped me focus on everything I like about myself and enjoy doing. I am a happier person now and I am no longer an insecure girl that was defined by others standards. SoulKids taught me to be the best me that I could be and that completely changed me.  
As I am only 14, I understand that these aren't the only obstacles that are in my path. There are many more to come but through SoulKids I have the confidence that I can manage them no matter what and keep a positive mind always. Whenever my life takes a turn I always look at it from a different perspective instead of getting flustered, angry or sad. There is always a SoulKids story or lesson to go back to. My method of dealing with issues has changed and I am able to help those around me to be the best people they can be as well. When I look at myself now I realise that I am the confident, positive girl all thanks to my SoulKids experience. 
My gratitude goes entirely to SoulKids for helping me become the person I am today. I wish all children could experience SoulKids just like me!
Best Regards,
SoulKids is an award-winning training program of essential life-skills for children.
Read more about SoulKids here
The next SoulKids Self-Confidence program is coming up on 6 / 7  / 8  August. An ideal moment for your child to grow self-confidence and have fun during the school holidays at the same time.
For registration, click here.
For all upcoming SoulKids events click
One on One coaching sessions can be booked at your convenience by contacting the SoulKids Manager, Vidhya on

Monday, July 16, 2018

A flying start for SoulKids® Romania

A flying start for SoulKids® Romania
By Dana Ilies, SoulKids Mentor
16th July 2018
I want to start with a quote I got from Vikas in one of his Life Lessons about how to overcome challenges and changes that come into our lives:
“Turn your mess into a message”
This quote matches my story very well.
It all started in Singapore where my husband had the opportunity to work for Marina Bay Sands, a big company and a beautiful building with an infinity swimming pool on 57th floor. We were so happy and of course we took the chance.
Singapore was amazing. We had the expat life with all the benefits and were happy there.
One day I was drawn to a Facebook post in which SoulCentre was recruiting for office support and I decided to apply. Sally gave me the opportunity to join a team of awesome people. The day I stepped inside the office was the beginning of an amazing journey. Vikas and Sally are the best mentors in the world, and the support I got everyday from them is priceless. I can say without a doubt that they made me shine.
When Sally offered me the chance to take the SoulKids Mentor training I said yes without a single doubt in my mind. If I were to reccomend a single, unique training in the whole world that will have the most impact on yourself, I’ll reccomend the SoulKids Mentor Training. It changed my life.
After becoming a SoulKids Mentor I had the opportunity to participate in many SoulKids programs and the SoulKids Manager, Vidhya Shailesh was the best support and mentor one could wish.

Everything about our life in Singapore seemed perfect, except for the fact that our two daughters were in Romania. We were missing them a lot and in the back of our minds the thought of going back was always there.
It all came to an end when my husband’s work contract ended and we had to return. From Singapore to Bucharest is a big step to take, and most of our friends and family thought that this step would turn out to be a bad one.
However, being a SoulKids Mentor, I learnt to always think positive and believe in myself. The lessons I taught to children all that time were now so useful for my own life.

Never give up! You are awesome! Be the best you that you can be! Follow your passion!
I did not even have to think about what I was going to do in Bucharest. Children in Romania can also benefit from the SoulKids Program.
We landed on 3rd of April and my first SoulKids Program in Romania was scheduled on 19th May.  I was completely unknown and SoulKids a brand new word for people in Romania. My drive was the fact that this program can make a huge difference in children’s lives and it is something unique. In no time the first program, SoulKids QuickStart, was sold out!
It was the first time doing it on my own and in Romanian, but the systems that Sally put into place for the management of the program were so helpful. I can say without any doubt that Sally is the most organised person I know. With her system you can’t go wrong even if you are doing it for the first time. Her check lists were very helpful and for me life saving!!
The program was a success, I got very good feedback from both parents and children and from there it all started to grow.
I started on 19th May, and by 5th July I successfully finished 5 SoulKids programs.
32 children had fun and learnt important life lessons for their future.
I’m looking forward to a bright future and I feel blessed for having the chance to make such a profound impact on the lives of Romanian children with this program.
I finish my story with an amazing feedback I got from one of the parents:
“ Since this morning Rares is a different child. In the morning he would usually ask for his phone to play on and to eat breakfast in bed, this morning he woke up, made his bed, brushed his teeth, went to his room and changed his clothes, prepared himself milk and cereals which he heated in the microwave and all this without anyone telling him anything. What can I say, he is a different child.”
Rares attented one of the SoulKids QuikStart programs. Because he wants more, he registered for the SoulKids Self-confidence program in the following week.
Thank you Vikas Malkani and Sally Forrest for creating this program and giving me the chance to share SoulKids to Romanian children and thank you Vidhya Shailesh for your guidance and mentoring on so many SoulKids programs in Singapore.
When you do what you LOVE and you LOVE what you do the results are amazing.
My advice for everyone out there who feels low and does not see a bright future ahead, is to find your passion and let it be your work or business. The results will be over the top!
To find out more about our programs for children, please visit or email us (Singapore) (Romania)
We offer group programs for different age groups of children and even offer one-on-one coaching if your child requires specific help and guidance. 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Digital Addiction – How to help my teenager

Digital Addiction – How to help my teenager
ByVidhya Shailesh
SoulKids® Program Manager,
2nd July 2018
The world we live in right now is massively different from the one we used to live in as children. Among the many changes, the digital revolution has been one that has changed our lives in many ways. Mobiles, tablets, laptops are no longer a luxury any more – they are a way of life.
While technology has its advantages, it is essential that we remain mindful of the ill effects of the same. With laptops and mobile phones becoming a necessary part of every child’s growing years and part of their learning in school, it is all the more necessary that we inculcate the right habits from the start among children.
We cannot live in our own little bubble and avoid technology completely. Instead we must learn to embrace it with the right habits. Here are a few ways we can do the same.
1. Accept don't resist
Once we have given our children access to mobiles or laptops, there is no point resisting it and fighting over why they spend so much time on it. If in your teenage years you spent hours speaking to your friends on the phone, today the children do it on WhatsApp or snapchat. It is a part of their growing up years and constantly blaming them for it only creates a very negative environment. Instead encourage open communication. Discuss what they watch / do on their computers openly. Perhaps watch some of the shows with them. This helps foster a sense of openness and helps them be honest with you. Confrontation will only make them lie.
2. Encourage them to segregate screen time
Children need to be guided to understand how hours can be spent on your digital equipment. What might start as a simple google search might end up in hours of aimless reading. Help them understand this. Encourage them to set aside specific times for the tasks that they are doing. For example, if it is a school evening, encourage them to leave their phones on silent while they do their work. There are apps like focus available for computers as well which can help you block out any form of distractions for specific periods of time. This helps them focus on getting their work done. And once the work is complete, they can catch up on any messages on their phones. Cultivate a sense of responsibility for their own school work.

3. Encourage healthy habits like taking frequent breaks from their computers. Encourage them to put their digital devices away while they are in the company of people. Perhaps family time is a good way to start. Encourage them to set aside their devices during family time and make sure you do the same. Let this time be one where everyone engages in conversation perhaps over a meal or while doing an activity together.
4. Encourage them to spend lots of time in the outdoors. Perhaps playing their favorite sport or going for a run or a walk or biking. This is a great way to beat stress during exams, to help clear your mind and energize the body.
5. Encourage them to develop a love for reading. 
Make it a habit to help them pick out a few books to read during their holidays. Frequent trips to the library can ensure they have enough to read in their spare time. This will also ensure they don’t just sit with their phones the entire time. Encourage them to keep a wish list of books that they would like to read. And every time there is a holiday, help them source the books so they can keep themselves engaged.
While the distractions that digital devices provide are plenty, they must understand that there is a lot more they can do without it too. Lead them by example, let them see you put away your devices for specific periods of time. Some of these habits when inculcated early can help your teenagers develop the right approach towards digital distractions.
Life-skills education can go a long way in encouraging the right mindset towards life and the many distractions in it including digital distractions. At SoulKids® we teach children essential life-skills that help them create their own happiness and success.
To find out more about our programs for children, please visit or email us at for more information. We offer group programs for different age groups and even offer one-on-one coaching if your child requires specific help and guidance.