Wednesday, December 25, 2013


This popular Christmas carol celebrates the Christmas tree, which is a central part of the Christmas celebrations. The words of the carol state how much joy the tree brings to the celebrations, but there is much more that we can all learn from trees such as these. 

During a SoulKids® program the children hear stories that focus on nature and the valuable lessons that it can teach us. For instance, they learn that the tree is a great teacher.

Children learn that trees grow tall by having strong roots. This teaches the children that it they want to become successful they need to have a strong foundation of positive thoughts and actions.

A tree can also teach us about patience. A tree does not grow tall and strong overnight. It takes time to reach its true potential. The mighty oak tree comes from a small acorn, just like babies and children grow into adults. It all takes time and we need to be patient and do our best every day so that we can achieve our goals in life.

When a tree grows big and strong, it offers shade to many others. When, as adults, we grow to be successful, we should remember the lessons of the tree and inspire and share our success with others.


If you would like more information about the SoulKids® programs or the SoulKids® books, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Children love the game “Simon Says”, where they are told to do something that Simon Says they should do! Children who attend a SoulKids® program are told to be the best that they can possibly be. This is a message that is reinforced throughout the course of a weekend through stories and games and other fun activities which the children enjoy.

One of the children’s favourite stories in the SoulKids® Self-Confidence program is the story of the Sunflower and the Rose. The Sunflower wants to be just like the rose and is very unhappy because it is a sunflower.

Over the course of the story the children learn that the path to happiness and success is to accept yourself as you are and appreciate all your own special and unique abilities – after all they are what make ‘YOU’ you!

This is a valuable life lesson for all of us – know who you are and be the best “you” that you can be!

If you would like more information about the SoulKids® programs or the SoulKids® books, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

In life we all need to experience struggle to grow - just like the butterfly!

It is easy for us all to be happy on a good day when life is going our way. The challenge is to remain happy during the struggles of life.

The SoulKids® Book of Self-Confidence One tells a story of a small boy watching a beautiful butterfly struggling to emerge from its chrysalis. 

The boy decides to give the butterfly a helping hand out of the chrysalis to help it on its journey. However what the boy doesn’t realize is that the butterfly needs to take time to struggle out of the chrysalis in order for its wings to be dry enough for it to fly. 

The boy learns from his father that the struggles of the butterfly make it stronger and able to fly high.

The story teaches us that just like the butterfly we will all experience struggles in life. What we need to do is see the difficulties that we face as opportunities to grow and develop.

We can’t control unexpected challenges in life, but we can control how we respond to the challenges that we face in life.

So when times get tough, remember the butterfly and the struggles that it faces in order to be able to fly free and high in the sky!

If you would like more information about the SoulKids® programs or the SoulKids® books, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The last SoulKids® Self-Confidence program of 2013 was a big success!

Vikas, the founder of SoulKids® and his team of SoulKids® Mentors held the last Self-Confidence program of the year recently in the SoulCentre Academy. The children had a great time learning valuable life lessons whilst having FUN!

During the course of the weekend the children learned important lessons, such as “Everyone is different but everyone is unique and special in their own way”. The takeaway message for the children was that they should aim to be “the best that they can be”.

Enjoy a few images of the weekend that show the fun and excitement felt by the children (and the SoulKids® Team!)

At the end of the two days the children had this to say about SoulKids®!

I love SoulKids because you get lots of hugs!!   Jonte, 8

I love SoulKids because it is exciting and they teach us to listen to the positive dog!    Tristan, 7

SoulKids is awesome!   Ethan, 9

I love Soulkids because is it so much fun and it teaches you at the same time!   Georgia, 11

SoulKids is special, unique and awesome!  McKayla, 7

And finally McKayla drew us a picture to let us know how much she loved SoulKids!
Thank you McKayla

If you would like more information about the SoulKids® programs or the SoulKids® books, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372