Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Beautiful comments from Beautiful SoulKids graduates!

Message from the latest children who went through SoulKids !

They loved their Mentors- Anton, Anu and Richa.....


Thank you so much for introducing us to soul-kids! it was
incredibly enjoyable, and fun. it opened my eyes to things i have never noticed
before, or things i never understood or always took for granted. It can also
appeal to children beyond fairy tails and Lula-byes (I hope that's you spell it :p).
It is amazingly inspiring and it changed the point of view of my
life. At first I honestly thought it wouldn't be as fun or amazing as it really
was. as i said it opened my eyes, and WILL open so many more.
If you and other soul-kids instructors ever wonder if you ever made a difference in any one else's life, you have!
Any one of the children that attended soul-kids now has the knowledge and
insights on how to take care of problems and solve any kind of conflict because
of what you have taught us.

I just want to say, thank you!!!
Sophia Uy


7 year old Roshni and her twin brother Rikhil commented as follows;

Rikil and I loved soul kids because it was great fun.
Rikhil and I loved the stories you told us.
We want to go back.
Can you please email when we can come again.


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