Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Children who attend SoulKids® Self-Confidence programs are introduced to a lot of stories that contain valuable life lessons.

One of the most popular stories that children learn in a SoulKids® Self-Confidence program is called “The 2 Dogs Story”. This story focuses on two dogs, one representing positive thoughts and the other representing negative thoughts both of which are present in every day life.

The lesson from the story, which the children pick up on, is that there is negative and positive in all of our lives, but we can all choose to be positive in life. Hence the question, “are you feeding your positive or your negative dog?”

Children tend to act as “mirrors” to what they see and hear around them. If they are surrounded by positive words, actions and influences, this should result in more positive children.

By using the language of “The 2 Dogs” story with your child you can help to reinforce the valuable lesson they have learnt. This will enable them to remember the story and it’s powerful lessons throughout their life.

Our next SouKids Self-Confidence program will be held on 15/16 February at SCWO Centre, 96 Waterloo Street, Singapore 187967.

To register your child or for further details of the SoulKids® Self-Confidence programplease contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Give your child the gift of Self-Confidence

The first SoulKids® Self-Confidence program of 2014 will take place on 15 & 16 February at SCWO Centre, 96 Waterloo Street, Singapore 187967.

This program will be run by the founders of SoulKids®, Vikas Malkani and Sally Forrest assisted by an international team of SoulKids® Mentors.  Register now to give your child a great start to the New Year!

SoulKids® is a powerful transformational program that aims to create a positive, balanced, self-assured and confident child. Created by Vikas who is an international best-selling author and mentor on life-skills, SoulKids® is unique in that it teaches life-skills necessary for happiness and success.

All of this is achieved through the use of stories, games, role-play and teamwork that actively engage children in learning.

The entire SoulKids® program is geared towards raising the children’s level of self-esteem and strengthening their self-belief. SoulKids® is successful in supplementing the traditional academic training that children receive in school. It trains children in the essential aspects of life that school does not cover.

To register your child or for further details of the SoulKids® Self-Confidence programplease contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Having worked with numerous adults to try and understand their challenges in life, Vikas Malkani the creator of SoulKids® believes that a lot of the issues adults face in life stem from childhood beliefs. 

With this in mind Vikas developed a program that would look at changing the beliefs that children carried about themselves, about what was possible and about what they could achieve. SoulKids® was born!!

A big focus of the SoulKids® programs is self-confidence and self-belief. 
During a program, children learn life skills through the use of stories that have valuable life lessons. It is amazing to see how quickly the children grasp the concepts and lessons from the stories.

The stories used in the SoulKids® programs are contained in a best-selling series of books, called the SoulKids® Books of Self-Confidence. There are currently three books in this series and a fourth and fifth is underway! 
All the paintings in the books have been done by children who have been inspired after attending the SoulKids® programs.

The stories in the books reinforce the life lessons and they are designed to be read over and over again. However the lessons they teach will benefit all readers, regardless of their age.  So why not read some of the stories with your child and remind yourself of some of life’s more valuable lessons!

If you would like more information about the SoulKids® programs or the SoulKids® books, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


The SoulKids® Self-Confidence program is powerful and transformational and aims to develop a positive, balanced, self-assured and confident child. SoulKids® is highly enjoyable, fun but also very powerful.

One of the recurring themes throughout the program is that of self-worth and self-belief.

The children learn through powerful stories that the words other people use around them and about them, do not lessen their self-worth - unless you let them! This is a powerful message for children to learn in this fast paced, social media age that children now live in.

Cyber-bullying is a term that most, if not all parents are aware of. Therefore teaching children that others’ words are merely their opinions is a very important life lesson.

Through the use of stories children are encouraged not to let others’ negative words affect their positive thoughts, particularly about themselves.

They are taught that their true value is what they think and feel about themselves and not what others say about them. Truly a very important life lesson!

If you would like more information about the SoulKids® programs or the SoulKids® books, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


“I can and I will”! Are these the kind of things that you say to yourself on a daily basis? Or is your inner voice more likely to say “I can’t do this”, “I will never be able to do this/be this/look like this…”

During the SoulKids® Self-Confidence programs children are taught about the power of positive affirmations. When you say something to yourself with belief it becomes an affirmation. Over time what you say and repeat to yourself will become true as you start to believe it.

As we go through life, what we hear from others around us is what we start to believe is true and it becomes real for us. As this may not always be good, it is important that we all consciously and deliberately choose what we want to believe about ourselves.

When we say a positive affirmation about ourselves over and over again we believe that it is true. Slowly and silently these statements begin to change us from the inside out. Our external behaviour, our words and actions start to change because we have changed our mindset first.

At SoulKids® our affirmation for every child is:

The children are encouraged to say this to themselves every day, from first thing in the morning to start their day on a very positive note until last thing at night to encourage positive dreams.

So as the old year goes by and the New Year arrives think about what you wish to be in life and then affirm it to yourself every day. Chose to use positive words and thoughts and see what changes they can bring you!


If you would like more information about the SoulKids® programs or the SoulKids® books, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


This popular Christmas carol celebrates the Christmas tree, which is a central part of the Christmas celebrations. The words of the carol state how much joy the tree brings to the celebrations, but there is much more that we can all learn from trees such as these. 

During a SoulKids® program the children hear stories that focus on nature and the valuable lessons that it can teach us. For instance, they learn that the tree is a great teacher.

Children learn that trees grow tall by having strong roots. This teaches the children that it they want to become successful they need to have a strong foundation of positive thoughts and actions.

A tree can also teach us about patience. A tree does not grow tall and strong overnight. It takes time to reach its true potential. The mighty oak tree comes from a small acorn, just like babies and children grow into adults. It all takes time and we need to be patient and do our best every day so that we can achieve our goals in life.

When a tree grows big and strong, it offers shade to many others. When, as adults, we grow to be successful, we should remember the lessons of the tree and inspire and share our success with others.


If you would like more information about the SoulKids® programs or the SoulKids® books, please contact:

Sally Forrest
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372