Friday, April 20, 2012

Goran Musulin – A SoulKids Mentor showing children the way to live a happy & successful life!

Goran SoulKids Mentor
What do you like about your SoulKids Mentor Training? 
Before sharing my feelings and experiences during the training, I would like to thank Vikas & Sally for creating and offering this wonderful life changing program of essential life-skills for children. 
During the different modules of my training to become a SoulKids Mentor, I met many students from all over the world which flew in especially to participate in his amazing training. I admire all the mentors who are not afraid to take a long journey, and invest in their own personal growth to change the life of many children as well their own. These individuals have my highest respect and appreciation.

What I love about the training is that you work first on yourself before you start to teach others. Vikas is very clear about this aspect. It is an inner journey where you will find more about your beliefs, your passion and your purpose of life. Another meaningful aspect is that you learn to work in a team, learn to work together instead of just doing it by yourself. Teamwork is essential in SoulKids, because you cannot do anything big or worthwhile alone. You learn to lead as well as let others lead you. You choose to be a "player" and not a "spectator" in the game of life.

What has been the most inspiring lesson so far? 
I have seen that we are all conditioned during our childhood by our parents, school, company, country, etc. But we do not have to live forever with this predetermined mind-set. We can change whatever we do not like and create a new belief system and mind-set, one that we choose. This was the most powerful lesson I have learned during the training. 
In so many other ways, I have also learned how to support children from age 6 to 16 to live a life without limits and become whatever they choose.
I am very grateful for all the wisdom and tools I have gained.

How do you think the children will benefit from SoulKids? 
Kids love stories and games. SoulKids is fun, joyful and full of excitement. It’s a wonderful way to learn and experience important life-lessons for the children. 
I am amazed to see the impact of a SoulKids story on the children. They become fully absorbed in it and learn the lessons very quickly and easily. They understand the wisdom and share the story and lessons learned with their friends and parents. It’s quite amazing! 
I strongly believe that a child who goes through a SoulKids class can make a big positive difference in their own family at home, with their school colleagues and all other people which they meet. 
would have loved to experience SoulKids when I was a child, and my goal now is to offer this beautiful gift to children around the globe. 

Friday, April 13, 2012


SoulKids® Mentor Deborah Carlson and her team had a wonderful time conducting SoulKids® at the Overseas Family School in Singapore.

Listen to Deborah share her experience.

"We had a hugely successful SoulKids®  program at OFS.

Feedback from kids and parents was great. So great in fact that we have been asked back in the fall to do two courses for the Fall Semester.

We have many students who want to still come every week ---  that's the power of SoulKids®!

I want to thank my whole team - specially Nandini for being a leader in my absence, and also Zoe, Goran and Mary Jo, whose assistance was valuable as back up mentors. The kids loved the SoulKids® books (as always) and we received many hugs.

Whahoo! What fun SoulKids®  is!" says Deborah

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Three Beautiful SoulKids® from Thailand

Meet Patty (11)  Palmy (10) and Kaytie (8) as they showcase their awesome artwork that will be included in the next upcoming SoulKids® book.

Their drawings will be seen all over the world to help illustrate some of the inspirational SoulKids® stories.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Great Feedback from Our SoulKids®

Some of our amazing SoulKids® leave their message behind after class

From reading it - it becomes clear they truly LOVE SoulKids :)

Give your child the best gift you can - the gift of wisdom.

Sign them up for the next SoulKids class in June.

This one is very special as it is conducted by the founders, Vikas and Sally, along with a whole team of Mentors.
9th & 10th June 2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012

We Have Some Wonderful Fans

Here is ECE, one of our beautiful SoulKids... She has attended many of our classes and here she is at a book reading in Kinokuniya Singapore with the founders of SoulKids, Vikas and Sally.

She even had her own book signed.

She is now excited to attend the SoulKids Class in April (21/22) - with the founders, Vikas and Sally.

Get ready Ece... It is going to be an AWESOME class ;)

We are so looking forward to seeing you soon!! Not many sleeps to go now ;)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

SoulKids is Truly an Inspiration

We continue our series of interviews with SoulKids Mentors in training. Today we speak to Sherry, a passionate amazing woman who simply loves working with children.

Tell us a little bit about yourself

My name is Sherry Berg and I have worked in the design field for the past 20 odd years. Both my husband and I are from Canada but have enjoyed living in New Zealand and most recently here in Singapore.

While I enjoy my career, I found it was not fulfilling as much as working with people and seeing them excel in something they passionately enjoyed doing. Being a former ski instructor and racing coach, I loved teaching children and giving them the skills and confidence they needed to be a winner either as an individual or as a team. After many years of focussing only on my career, I realised I missed the personal fulfilment I gained in working with children and that being with kids made me feel young at heart. Through a friend who had taken the SoulKids training I felt a calling.

What do you like about your SoulKids Mentor Training?

While I first thought the SoulKids Mentor training was primarily on learning the aspects of teaching the SoulKids programme, it surprisingly has been the most influential course I have ever taken with respect to my own personal growth and reaching my life's goals.

I learn that every lesson a child is taught at SoulKids is as relevant and inspiring for parents, teachers, and especially for people who feel they are not attaining their life's goals or potential.

How has the training influenced you?

Being one of those people who felt I was not living to my life's fullest potential, the SoulKids Mentor training became my 'wake-up call' and re-affirmed my decision to take action and focus my skills once again in helping children be more happy and empowering with their lives.

After living overseas for several years, it has lessened the fear in starting over, making new friends, and finding a job. SoulKids training has further empowered me to see that taking affirmative action and having a positive attitude will allow me to make even further changes to reach my true purpose and happiness in life - this is the most valuable gift I have ever given myself!

What has been the most inspiring lesson so far?

Every lesson has been a revelation to me – the simplest of stories are the most powerful lessons towards achieving a meaningful and happy life. It is truly amazing how one lesson is very relevant to me one day and a few days later an encounter with a loved one, a friend or colleague will make me appreciate the valuable lesson learnt from another story. But the one that truly sticks with me is that anything I want to achieve in life- my goals and success at them – comes through one step at a time and to make sure you keep stepping in one direction and not many!!

How do you think the children will benefit from SK?

SoulKids gives one of the most treasured and enduring gifts a child will receive in their early lives – the essential 'life-skills' toolbox and the 'power supply' within them to passionately and responsibly build a life that is uniquely theirs.

Through stories that are universal in meaning, fun to learn, and easy to remember, a child gains respect for others, a higher self-esteem, and a strong foundation on which to build a happy, purposeful, and successful life.

The benefits in taking a SoulKids course are that children become more excited and empowered in taking ownership of their actions, their destiny, and their happiness. It gives them both roots to be a better and grounded person and wings to achieve their dreams.

Thanks Sherry – many children will go on to benefit by your wisdom and passion!

Welcome to the team! You are a delight to have on board!

Love and Gratitude


Sunday, March 11, 2012

A SoulKids Mentor in training at SoulCentre Academy: Interview with Catelijne Botterweck

Tell us a little about yourself…

My name is Catelijne Botterweck, 33 years old and mother of 3 young kids. I gave up my career (temporarily) when we moved from Holland to Singapore in February 2009, and after the first year of enjoying the life of an expat wife, I felt the need to do something that really would give me fulfillment. I also realized that this period of my life could be much more meaningful if I would take more opportunities to personally grow, to get out of my comfort zone and do other and new things. Then my eye fell on SoulCentre and SoulKids Mentor training. Something triggered me, and the free talk was so inspiring that I just knew I had to go for it.

What do you like about SoulKids Mentor Training?

The SoulKids Mentor training is very inspiring. You learn more about yourself, about life, about relationships, about the role of a parent and much more. It gives you so many valuable life lessons. Positive thinking, taking your life in your own hands, becoming successful, being happy, really doing something with your life….in the end it’s all about how the mind works. I like every aspect of the training and as a bonus I got to know great new people. I can’t wait to work with kids or teenagers and helping them grow by learning all these life skills.

How has the training influenced you?

The SoulKids Mentor training influenced me first and foremost in making me think about my life and my goals. It made me realize that I have to live my life to the fullest and that whatever I’ll be is up to me! Of course, part of this life mission is to help my kids grow up to become healthy, happy and beloved people. But apart from that, I am still Catelijne with my own life goals. I was searching for personal growth, and I definitely found it with this training. Who would have thought a year ago that I would be on stage singing and dancing, writing articles, and studying again!

What has been the most inspiring lesson so far?

I must say that there are so many inspiring lessons in this training. There are many stories and they all have their own valuable lessons. What stays on the top of my mind is that the only reason that you are where you are right now, is you. Everything in your life has sprouted from your own mind. No one can keep you small, but yourself. No one can stop you from reaching your goal, but yourself. This really was my ‘kick in the butt’ to start taking action!

How do you think the children will benefit from SoulKids?

I think every child will benefit from the SoulKids training. I wish I knew all this wisdom when I was young. Then, I maybe would have made other decisions in what courses to take in high school, which study to choose, what type of job to take or what hobby’s to put more time in. In the SoulKids program, kids learn how to become successful and happy, how to make friends, to cooperate, to think positive about yourself and others. They understand where fears come from, how to overcome them, but above all; they learn that they are free to be whatever they want to be, and that they can reach their goals with the right mindset.

There are so many people in the world being bored or unhappy with their life. They don’t know how to change it, and just take their life for granted. Why chose for mediocrity if you can have excellence? Why choose to be unhappy if you also can choose to be happy? Why not start now and give your kids the right example? SoulKids is the way!

June 9th and June 10th 2012
10.00am - 16.00pm