Once again an amazing, awesome SoulKids class was held by Nancy and Anton in April.
10 children benefitted from life changing lessons which they immediately began to put into practice.
Just a few images of the fun experience.......
Once again an amazing, awesome SoulKids class was held by Nancy and Anton in April.
10 children benefitted from life changing lessons which they immediately began to put into practice.
Just a few images of the fun experience.......
A wonderful opportunity for your children ! And one that will empower them for life.... give them the gift of SoulKids!!!
The next SoulKids workshop is on the weekend of 14th/15th May at SoulCentre @One North.
This class is extra special as it is open to both age groups (6-10 yrs and 11-16 yrs) which means more fun and more excitement!!
Having attended the recent SoulKids class, Shaan says he just loves the story of the Jumping Frog.
And... what wonderful art work he has done to portray the story!
The Lesson of the story is "Do not listen to the negatives people may say about you and your dream!"
Continue to follow your passion and "Never Give Up"
Shaan is going to be a GREAT success in life for sure!!!