Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jumping for JOY at SoulKids

So much excitement at SoulKids .

Children demonstrating how confident they are!
Everyone is having fun and learning at the same time.

Great fun !

SoulKids is such great fun !
We get to play games and learn life lessons at the same time .

Halloween stories - we are not scared!

Children responding to the stories during SoulKids .
The Halloween ghost did not scare these 2 brave little girls !!
They learnt to face fear and also how to be confident !

October SoulKids

SoulKids is SPECIAL !!
Another wonderful class was held over the Halloween weekend ....30/31 October.
So many happy faces !
The younger children demonstrating how special they feel !!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Story time at SoulKids

Nancy, one of our amazing SoulKids Mentors in action.
The timeless art of story telling brings Invaluable lessons to life.

Arya and Lily discover how much fun it is to make new friends

Congratulations to Anton and Nancy for holding yet another AMAZING SoulKids course...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

August SoulKids

Some wonderful comments from chilren who went through the August SoulKids class.

  • "I love the blindfold game"
  • "I will say YES to life and never quit"
  • "SoulKids is INCREDIBLE"
  • "SoulKids is COOL and TERRIFIC"
  • "I will always focus on what I want for my life"
  • "It's fun, creative and so nice!"
  • "I will be positive and not negative"
  • "I will try, try, try and NEVER give up"
  • "I look forward to the next class... I cannot wait!"

Well done to VALERIE, TARA and BETTY, 3 amazing SoulKids Mentors who delighted the children with their enthusiasm and passion.

Take a look at the photos - wonderful happy faces.

Learning life-skills is so much fun!!!

Nandini is an Amazing Mentor

"When an egg breaks with an external force, life ends.
When an egg breaks from within, life begins.

Change from within is what SoulKids is all about.

I am a SoulKids Mentor, and when I read this quote, it instantly became a part of my life and I realized along the way that it helped me when interacting with people of all ages.

Today, I can say with confidence that I am a better wife, a less controlling mother and a more positive person.

I have read many inspiring quotes but this one truly touched my soul.