Friday, June 26, 2009

Mentors In Training

Some beautiful images of our Experienced Mentors and Mentors in Training....
CONGRATULATIONS to all the Mentors in Training for graduating!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Trust and Faith in your team

At SoulKids , the children learn the importance of TEAMWORK
They have the opportunity to lead as well as to follow.

Sometimes they may be " blind " other times " injured" and each time the TEAM has to achieve its task.
Children learn through FUN and activities and the life lessons remain with them forever.


Children are taught the importance of saying YES to life and to NEVER giving up !
Look at these 2 beautiful girls who are demonstrating " Bruce Lee's" dedication and commitment to being the BEST they can be!
The children step out of their comfort zone and do fun things - learning life skills along the way !


AT SoulKids - everyone gets to know that they ARE SPECIAL !!

Look at the passion in the faces of the Children !
They leave SoulKids knowing that they are SPECIAL for who they are !!

SoulKids brings out BEAUTY

SoulKids brings out the BEAUTY from within !
The children are GLOWING with happiness on the course.
They are a blessing to have with us for the 2 days !

Life Meaning !

SoulKids brings such meaning to the lives of Mentors and Children alike.
Here is Anton , one of our senior his all to the fun of SoulKids and helping each and every child step out of their comfort zone and to grow.
After class Anton said ......
" I am inspired, enthused, in bliss, alive, energised, touched. What a great experience (again) and what a joy and fulfilment to give children meaning in a very fun way. I want MORE "
Thankyou to Anton .....he walks the talk of SoulKids and is a blessing to have on the team !
Love and gratitude


What a fantastic weekend we all had !

Our Mentors in training had a wonderful opportunity to work with Vikas and Sally , the founders of Soulkids and Richa and Anton , experienced SoulKids Mentors .

Everyone had fun ....the Children, the Mentors and the Mentors in Training.

A picture tells a thousand words ...look at the excitement and FUN on the childrens faces !!

With love and gratitude to everyone who attended