Children love SoulKids stories ! They listen fully to the story and then get excited to explain the life lessons learnt during the class!
Our SoulKids Book of Self Confidence is a great gift to any child , and brings them into contact with stories that can plant a seed that will last a lifetime!
2 of our wonderful Mentors - Arlene and Richa will be reading stories from the book at Borders, Parkway parade on Saturday 18th April from 4pm.
Do take your children along to hear the stories !
Its FUN and FREE - what a winning combination!
Listen to the wonderful life changing stories of SoulKids™,
narrated by Certified SoulKids Mentors Arlene and Richa .
Stories on confidence, patience, focus & creativity,
from “The SoulKids Book of Self-Confidence”,
will bring important life-lessons to your children.
Bring your family & friends and join us on
Saturday, 16th May, 2009
at Borders, Parkway Parade,
from 4pm to 5pm.
With love and gratitude