Friday, May 30, 2008


“I really liked the activities you held, making me confident, cheerful and not to look down on myself. I’m really looking forward to another SoulKids class. Thank you – I AM SPECIAL !!!”

Constance Young (aged 11)

“My 8 year old daughter was rapt. She came back ruing the fact that the workshop had finished so soon. Her only refrain was “mum we were having soooo much fun; why did it have to end?”

Shruti Somani, mother of Sudeeksha (aged 8)

“The program emphasized on building leadership qualities in children. It combines leadership with awareness and I know these young people will definitely turn out to be very successful people and fantastic human beings.”

Brijinder Singh, parent

“I earnestly believe that if there is anything a parent can give to their child, it is self belief and that is exactly what my child received by attending the classes conducted by Mr. Malkani and his team.”

Namrata Suri, mother of Parul (aged 7)

“Your program is fantastic, the effects tremendous. The kids do not need to be pushed by mothers to go to the class!”

Mrs. Bakshi, mother of Aman (aged 12) and Raman (aged 14)

“I can’t believe the change that I have seen in my daughter since the class. She has started to react to things in a very positive, optimistic way and I think all thanks go to Mr. Malkani and his team”

Mother of Rochelle Khanna

“If your child is suffering from a dip in self confidence, get his confidence levels surging with Vikas Malkani’s self confidence SoulKids workshop”

Hindustan Times Newspaper, India

“The confidence skills imparted at the workshop are superlative. The emphasis laid on believing in one’s own inherent abilities is a very positive reinforce. I personally appreciate the stress laid upon building a people-orientated positive personality.As a result of doing this workshop, my daughter expresses herself more confidently and makes a conscious effort to overcome her own fears and not to accept defeat in any sphere of her life. I am sure these qualities will help her go a long way”

Gaurav Wadhawan, father of Parul (aged 7)

“The program is very effective. It has shown her how to be a good leader and successful in life, and most importantly to be a good human being. I suggest to all parents that their child attends. Start them as young as possible and watch them grow into effective leaders and very good human beings.”

Mona Monga, mother of Devika (aged 11)

Founders of SoulKids

Vikas Malkani, the chief Visionary of SoulCentre and the creator of SoulKids, is internationally renowned as a top contemporary teacher who teaches life skills to bring out your highest potential.

He is also a best selling author of many books on the subject.

He is an expert who is dedicated to transforming the lives of children, individuals and corporations worldwide.

Vikas Malkani’s programs empower individuals to enjoy efficient, abundant and stress-free lives.

Almost every major newspaper and magazine in Singapore has written about him and his revolutionary work. His articles have been carried by mainstream lifestyle magazines and his books are available worldwide.

Sally Forrest is the Managing Director of SoulCentre.
After 17 years in the corporate world in the UK, Sally decided that the time was right for her to give more to others and so left her career and tirelessly worked to open an Orphanage in Thailand.

This is now fully operational and has been authorized by the government to take 50 children.

Her latest project is to expand SoulKids to reach children worldwide, to help them develop strong self-beliefs and ethics, and so grow into responsible, sensitive, tolerant adults.
Sally is a qualified pharmacist and has a business MBA.

The Origin of SoulKids

SoulKids was created by Vikas Malkani, the founder of SoulCentre and a best-selling international author.

Vikas is a teacher of life skills, having inspired countless individuals that have come to him, to live life fully and to live to one’s highest potential.

Having worked with many adults to understand their challenges in life, he noticed that many of the issues adults faced stemmed from childhood beliefs.

He dedicated himself to developing a program that would work with changing the beliefs that children carried about themselves, about what was possible and about what they could achieve.

As such, SoulKids was developed in 2003 and has since been successfully expanding in many countries due to numerous requests from parents and schools.

SoulKids was brought to Singapore in November 2004 by SoulCentre, founded by Vikas Malkani (India) and Sally Forrest (United Kingdom).

Due to overwhelming demands for more classes, Vikas Malkani embarked on a SoulKids Mentors Program in early 2007, to empower and train Mentors who carry his ‘energy and spirit’ to be able to benefit as many children as possible with the SoulKids training.

The Power of SoulKids

SoulKids is unique because we teach life-skills such as independence, discipline, teamwork and self-awareness.

SoulKids is supra-academic as we supplement traditional academic training - we are targeted towards making the child a better person.

The children are nurtured to develop a healthy level of self-esteem that arises from within them and is not dependent on external possessions or events.

This confidence and sense of responsibility is then channeled to creative pursuits.

SoulKids works in making the child whole and complete by giving them a better understanding of themselves, how their minds work and how they are responsible for their own action.

The result is that children experience an increased sense of self-awareness and self-esteem.

In short, SoulKids is different as it works with the inner-child, creating transformation from within.

Once children are different from the inside, the results naturally show in other aspects of their life.

Children who have undergone the training find the program to be extremely enjoyable and entertaining.

While having fun, they learn the lessons that allow them to live a successful, happy and joyful life.

Some of the qualities that SoulKids aims to bring out in every child are:

- Discipline & Dedication
- Self Effort (Being Action oriented)
- Responsibility
- Confidence ( Self-Esteem instead of External Esteem)
- Creativity
- Positive Thinking
- Gentleness (Kindness)
- Faithfulness
- Patience
- Peace and Inner Calmness
- Joy (Happiness)
- Love (Compassion)

Parents have the opportunity to interact with the Officially Certified SoulKids Mentor after the course during an interactive session, to learn how to supplement their own parenting ability and support the learnings and new skills seen in their own children.

What is SoulKids?

SoulKids is a specially designed experiential program targeted at children aged 6 to 16.
It aims to transform children in very short period of time.
The inner beliefs and thought patterns of children are explored and positive changes made.

Training techniques include games, play, exercises and stories to develop a myriad of skills.
The program is aimed to help children step into the world as complete, confident individuals.
Classes are conducted in 2 different age groups (6 to 11 & 12 to 16 years).

The children get opportunities to mix with other children of different ages where they learn to work as a team, understand to lead and to follow, and work with people who are not like them.

The 2 full-day class is usually held over the weekends and we also have weekday modules that work from Monday to Friday, each session being of 2½hrs duration.

There are also special classes for companies and groups where a 1 day intensive program is taught.
Teaching techniques also include positive self-talk, developing self-reference, connecting with the senses, nurturing stillness, building confidence, facing their fears and learning team skills.
The SoulKids program is available in 3 different specialized modules.

1. Self–Confidence

2. Creativity

3. Awareness Quotient

In all the 3 modules, apart from the specialized training given on the chosen subject, children become aware of how their mind works and how they are responsible for their action.

By working with children of different ages and in teams, they learn what it means to be an effective leader and a supportive team-player. They become aware of the need to communicate effectively with one another.

SoulKids is a transformational program and some of the life skills they learn are the following.
They learn to strengthen their self-belief and increase self-confidence.

They become aware of how their mind works and how they are responsible for their actions as well as to take action to achieve their desires .

Through working and playing with their peers and in teams, they learn what it means to be effective leaders and supportive team-players .

They become aware of the need to communicate effectively with one another, and hone their communications skills .

They become aware of their own unlimited potential and to break free from mind-sets which restrict them from greater achievements .

They become aware that they have the ability to create what they want in life and to take responsibility and action towards achieving their goals and desires.

They learn to learn from everyone and everything all the time.

Life/Nature is the greatest teacher and learning and improving becomes a way of life.

They emerge with a better understanding of themselves and become a better person through this program.